It's soooo difficult!: I knew after smoking... - No Smoking Day

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It's soooo difficult!

nsd_user663_3659 profile image
36 Replies

I knew after smoking 20 a day for the past god knows how many years it would be difficult but not this difficult :(

I need some help if poss please!? Any tips gratefully received.

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nsd_user663_3659 profile image
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36 Replies
nsd_user663_3633 profile image

It is difficult, but it is not impossible. Anyone can do it.

The easiest way I found to get rid of the cravings was to walk them off with some chewing gum. Other people find distraction in housework/diy, or a hobby, perhaps playing with a child or pet. It also helps to post on here.

Remember that a craving will pass whether you have a cigarette or not. Honestly, they will. You have the choice of whether to smoke or not, but they will pass. Smoking when you want to quit only prolongs the process.

Good luck, you can do it - I promise you can.

nsd_user663_3659 profile image

Thanks Rick. You're right, i am panicking. This is my first real attempt at quitting and right now it's controlling my every thought lol!! The link looks interesting. I'm off on there to try and occupy my cigarette obsessed brain for a while. Cheers :)

nsd_user663_3659 profile image

Thanks Stuart. Wow, it feels good to know there's ppl to talk to and that understand!! :D I know what you mean about the cravings passing quickly. I'm just hoping i don't gain 3 stone by next Friday, all i seem to be doing is eating! :(

nsd_user663_3356 profile image


Welcome to the forum.

This place is a great support and there are many interesting and informative posts which will hopefully help you to quit.

Read as much as you can. this will be a major part in getting your head in the right place to quit which is very important.

As MJ said whyquit is full of some great advice as well as some good videos to watch for each day of your quit.

Also have a read at woofmang, as it has some fantastic and inspirational tales about quitting. (link in my sig)

Dont try to hide from your cravings for a ciggie. That will not work (its like trying NOT to think of a pink elephant,........see you will now think about a pink elephant:D )

Instead when a craving hits, think about how you actually feel. Do you feel pain.....No!

A.n.a.lyse how you feel, e.g. that kind of empty feeling in your stomach, and realise that it is just the nicotine monster crying out to be fed. If you dont feed her and just ignore her, she (it is a she by the way!!) will shut up.

If you keep on paying her attention though she will scream louder and make it harder for you to ignore her.

What i am trying to say is let the craving wash over you and it will soon disappear. After about three days the intensity gets less and less and the cravings happen fewer and fewer and after a week it gets easier. Yes just a week!!!!

Anyway enough of my ramblings and good luck.

Stay strong and keep on posting.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hi and welcome.

First of all well done for making the decision to become smoke free.

I just want to agree with what everyone else has said about reading and educating yourself.

We have all been where you are now, and it really does get easier. Much easier.

Hang on in there,


nsd_user663_3074 profile image


Like I told you nothing but good strong advice from these lots, good luck over the weekend, stay strong and I'll catch up with you on Monday.

Rest of you have a good weekend too. :)

nsd_user663_3638 profile image

Hi There :) i agree with what has been said so far, reading up, educating yourself and getting your head into the right place is soooo important and will prepare you for dealing with awful cravings, just remember its the cigarette making you feel like that, not lack of one! If you had never smoked a cigarette you wouldn't feel like this!!! as for putting on weight i wouldn't worry, allow yourself to eat whatever comforts you for the first day or two if it helps, then just try to calm it down a bit and be a bit more sensible with eating as the days go on and the cravings subside, any pounds you gain can be dealt with in a few weeks when you are smoke free, healthier, happier, and not suffering!!! well done for making the decision to quit, best of luck! stay strong, focused and shout out if you need to, we are all here with you xx

nsd_user663_3659 profile image

You guys are fab, i feel so much better now. Thank you so much for all the help and advice. I'm going to check out the links now and probably for most of this weekend!!

You're right by the way, Helen, about the eating thing, i'll deal with that later :) I've put this off for way too long, hiding behind every excuse in the book lol!

I can do this!

Thanks again all ;)


nsd_user663_2892 profile image

How are you doing today Louise? This is the best thing you can ever do for yourself - celebrate that you are no longer chained to the nicotine monster :D

it is just the nicotine monster crying out to be fed. If you dont feed her and just ignore her, she (it is a she by the way!!) will shut up.

You will find John an excellent source of info and support, but even he gets it wrong sometimes.:rolleyes:

The Nicotine Monster is the biggest hairiest ugliest MAN you could ever imagine! - Don't let him win!!!!!!:eek::eek:

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

I Agree Barb it must be a man. Lol It do get easyer MrsR. xxxxx

nsd_user663_3659 profile image

Hi Ladies

I'm doing ok today, so far! I've had the odd moment but have been busy for most of the day, up until now, so not felt too tempted as yet. Can't believe how well i'm doing to be honest. Feel much stronger today than i did yesterday too :D

The links have been really useful so i'm grateful for those :)

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well done you are doing great,

keep it up,

Over the next few days you'll find it gets progressively easier.

All the best


nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Good idea to keep busy Louise, and the longer you stay stopped, the more energy you will have.

Enjoy your smoke-free weekend! :)

nsd_user663_3659 profile image

Thanks Nic, i'm hoping so. I honestly think if i can get through the first week i'll have cracked it. Maybe i sound very naive and maybe i'm in for a big shock :eek: i know i'll always have to work hard to avoid/resist temptation and i'm prepared for that. I read 'my cigarette, my friend' yesterday though and it really struck a chord with me how i've allowed the demon cigs to control my life for so long! :mad:

I don't like the gum though :( so i'm eating boiled sweets like they're going out of fashion :rolleyes:

Thanks Barbara, btw what is champix?


NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I don't think you are naive at all, when (not if) you get through the 1st week you will find that it is a lot less tough. True you are not out of the woods, and you cant let your guard down, ever, but the most difficult bit will be done.

Hang on in there.


nsd_user663_3564 profile image

u r fighting against evil

yeah its difficult but not impossible., end of the day we have to be winner., kick hard so u need not to kick thi evil again.,

Keep it up we wanna see u winner :)

nickywalton profile image

Hi MrsR...

welcome to the forum...hope you've got thru today unscathed?!?

the Champix you see mentioned around and about is another aid to quitting - its not a nicotine replacement therapy but somehow works on part of brain that's involved in addiction/cravings... its a wonder drug for most people who try it(me included:D) although there are some side effects mostly manageable though... its a prescription only drug...

if you feel you're over doing the sweets etc, try going for a walk when a craving looms - fresh air does wonders... Also try Airwaves chewing gum as alt. to NRT gum... And fruit juice or smoothies ... all things I used to avoid overeating in the first few days ... I knew I would use putting on weight as an excuse to go back to the demon weed:eek:

hope some of this helps...good luck, keep posting...


nsd_user663_3659 profile image

Hi Nicky

Thanks for explaining that for me. I'd never heard of champix before coming on here. It sounds pretty similar to Ziban? Maybe i'm wrong. I hope it's working for those using it however it works.

I'm adamant i won't use putting on weight as an excuse this time. I can deal with the weight thing later when i'm more on top of this demon :eek: Thanks for the tips with the sweets, i'm going to try walking it off today instead of reaching for the aniseed twist lol.

I'm feeling strong today, the first half hour after getting up is AWFUL and hub knows to stay out of my way :mad: lol but once i've got past that (and put my patch on) i'm not finding it too bad! I'm proud i've got to day 3 and still feeling this strong :D

You guys that are on months are fab and i can't wait to get there too.

Could someone help me get a quit meter by the way?



nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I'm using Champix and finding it wonderful - however, I am going to come off it soon... I don't like taking tablets! It's apparently more effective and with less side effects than Zyban.

Well done so far, and keep it up :)

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Hi Louise

Mine is Quit Keeper v1.08 -Just google it :)

I have been quit for 7 Months, 2 Weeks, 3 Days, 12 minutes and 51 seconds (231 days). I have saved £1,155.03 by not smoking 4,620 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Weeks, 2 Days and 1 hour of my life. My Quit Date: 17/02/2008 22:00

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hi Mrs R

The 3rd day is often a tough one, how has it been for you?

nickywalton profile image

Champix is similar to Zyban in that it works on the brain, but problem with Zyban was rather too many people were committing suicide whilst on it:( and not cos they were quitting the smokes!!

Hope you've reached the end day 3 with same determination and success...:D

Stay with it, watch out for day5 - that was bitch for me...


nsd_user663_3659 profile image

Morning all

Yikes! Suicide? I hadn't heard that about ziban :( How sad!!

Day 3 wasn't too bad as it goes. Today is a whole new ball game though as i'm back to work. No more cig breaks to break up my day no more catching up with work mates as we puff away etc. I'm going to find something else to do whilst they go though i.e go buy more aniseed twist, go make a brew lol.

I'm still feeling positive. I focus on one or two things i've seen in the links, that tends to get me through the really trying times :(

I'm still really struggling with the first half hour of the day. That's the hardest part for me. Waking up and not having that first fag of the day :rolleyes:

Hope today's an easy day for you guys!


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Louise

Your doing ace. Things get a lot easyer after the first week Honest. Also you feel well proud you have done a whole week fag free. The first fag and the ones with work mates was the hardest fpr me too. But time will take that away Now i just still take the break just dont smoke. hope today gose well. Linda xxx

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Hope today's an easy day for you guys!

So do I! :D

I hope your work day isn't too bad, it was hard for me not to smoke at work also for the first week or so but I managed to get through it by wandering off to do something and then wandering back at the times I would normally have been outside smoking.

That and Wrigleys gum :D

Hope you have a good day, congrats on the progress so far - you seem to be coping with the really hard part quite well, you will soon notice it getting easier.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I'm still really struggling with the first half hour of the day. That's the hardest part for me. Waking up and not having that first fag of the day :rolleyes:

I know what you mean. My 1st of the day used to be when I set off for work, on my 40 min drive I would smoke 3. In the 1st couple of weeks that drive was tricky, and even today it is the point at which I am most likely to get the urge to smoke. However, it is now easy to dismiss the urge and it certainly doesn't happen every day.

nickywalton profile image

the first of the day...definitely the one I missed the most...

resorted to loads very strong coffee, deep breathing and "Kalms" :D

hope work goes well - just think how much more work you can do instead of going out for your fag breaks!?!?!:p:rolleyes:


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

hope work goes well - just think how much more work you can do instead of going out for your fag breaks!?!?!:p:rolleyes:

Yep, you could do that... or you could drink more coffee and surf the internet to reenforce you commitment to quit.

Your health and safety officer will love you ;)

nsd_user663_3356 profile image

Forum Abuse is a brilliant substitute for ciggies..........

nsd_user663_3659 profile image

Aww thanks you lot! It's nice to find encouraging messages on here.

Well it wasn't too bad :rolleyes: My day did drag a little but Monday's always my busy day, so it could have been alot worse. One of my workmates stopped this time last year so i spent my 'breaks' emailing her and she was very encouraging, giving me tips etc so that was good.

Still a little concerned about the eating lol maybe it's a woman thing?! I don't know but i think i'll start swimming again a couple of times a week to help keep the weight off. I would rather be overweight and alive than skinny and dead though, so that's the thought i keep in my head :D

I'm still feeling pretty pleased with myself i must say. I think everyone is in shock at how i'm sticking with it :) I just wanna say thanks for all the messages, i know i keep saying it but it really is a huge help to have support from you kind peeps :o I hope i can give some back if and when it's needed.



NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well done you are doing fab.

It is fantastic that you have someone to talk to about it at work.

Good idea to start swimming, you'll find it helps and is easier now you don't smoke, and I'd not recommend giving up eating :D

Hang on in there and you'll be advising the newbies in no time!

All the best


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Absolutely right, Nic.

When I first came on here (I was on day 7) I would never have thought I would have anything worthwhile to say to a newbie - but all it takes is an encouraging word or 2 to make someones day easier.

You already know that you're doing well, so no need to go over that again - but the fact that you know it is very important. It will help you when you do get a craving that seems to last forever... One of my fave lines to myself goes a bit like...

"What? Smoke now? When I'm doing so well? WHAT? And have to start again? You must be f******* joking!"

nickywalton profile image

hi Louise,

so glad the day was ok - great that you have a mate to talk to - sooo much easier than doing it alone...and then there's us:p when she's not around...

I know for me this forum was the difference in this quit...couldn't have done it without them...

and you will soon be an old hand;) giving words of comfort to the DayOners!!! I know I felt very reticent about giving my opinion on anything for the first few weeks - but soon got the hang of it!!

onwards to a smoke-free future...


nsd_user663_2981 profile image

You Can quit smoking. Quitting smoking has immediate as well as long-term benefits for you and your loved ones. Try and pick a good time to quit. Don't try to quit during the holidays, during finals week, right before a big presentation, or any other time where stress levels are heightened. This will decrease your chances of success and give you an excuse to start smoking again. You may gain a small amount of weight when quitting smoking.



There is a fabulous new piece of info. If you've been asleep for 70 years. Tut tut. Reported.

nsd_user663_3734 profile image

Just keep your temper, never loose control of yourself!

If you can control yourself you can master anything! Keep trying, it's a pain but the freedom is awesome!!

nsd_user663_3736 profile image

I'm not saying this is what to do but it worked for me. When I gave up I paniced if I had no fags. Easy, I have 10 fags in my bed side drawer. I haven't smoked the horrible little buggers but the fact they are there if I need them takes away the panic. I think I'll still have these 10 fags for the rest of my life cos it's a great feeling to look at them every day and know they haven't beaten me.

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