Just when you think you've got it licked! - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Just when you think you've got it licked!

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free
17 Replies


Came off the NRT a week ago and everything was fine.

However, most of yesterday and at a couple of points today I've had strong urges for nicotine. Not necessarily a ciggy, a lozenge would do but I'm not starting the NRT again and certainly not smoking!

Its not that tough to ignore, but its annoying [like a mosquito bite] and making me quick tempered, I guess I should expect the odd day when my nicodemon mounts an offensive but it caught me off guard yesterday.

Seems to be easing today which is good, but I really thought I was past this stage!

Off to read read read, now.



Written by
NicFirth profile image
10 Years Smoke Free
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17 Replies
nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I think you need to remember (or probably re-remember) that you only came off nicotine a few days ago - it only starts to ease after 2 weeks. What you are feeling now is perfectly normal and I know, more importantly you know that you can get through it.

Another week and it will be just another stage of your quit.

I think it's good to be reminded every now and again that the demon never dies, he just sleeps - as long as the reminder doesn't lead to a cave that is!

Good luck, and keep it going.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Yes Stuart,

It is good to have the odd reminder and its probably a symptom of my own complacency.

I should remind myself what I said in the Churchill post - End of the beginning.



nsd_user663_3638 profile image

Hi Nic :) random cravings are a b!t(h i've had a couple that have caught me off guard and basically made me snap at lovely people for really no good reason, it really is like an annoying irritation that just won't p!ss awf and leave you alone (also wanting to scream/cry/smash things etc. but not wanting to smoke), felt terrible. Anyway not had one for a couple of days and had no nicotine for 9 days so hopefully that means it passes!!! found haribo quite useful (believe me thats a good tip ;):rolleyes:) hope you feel better soon xx

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I should remind myself what I said in the Churchill post - End of the beginning.

Ooohh, Yeeess!

nsd_user663_3074 profile image

Head up


I know what your saying I've had the same thing creep up on me, but face it remember what you have achieved and go read you book worm!

Stay strong :D

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Thanks everyone, as I said today's been much easier than yesterday.

Staying strong, trying to embrace the feeling that nicotine is leaving me and all that stuff. :)

Spent an hour today watching the Easyway DVD, which helped.

Just annoying that when you think the you've got it sorted that you've not lost anything, you actually don't want to smoke and you gain nothing from it, a loooooooong lasting craving comes up tries to put you off course :mad:

! found haribo quite useful (believe me thats a good tip ;)) hope you feel better soon xx

Mmmm, fizzy cola bottles :D

nsd_user663_3607 profile image


You have previously said that you third month is a toughie - so that is probably playing a part too. You have been such a beacon to others on here and we are all here to help during your "bete noir".

Just think that each craving is a step closer to freedom - but you have heard all this before. You know what to do and we all know that you are stronger than the demon.

My food - Maryland Cookies dunked in Tea! Yummy!

Chris - Free and Healing for Twenty Nine Days, 23 Hours and 42 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 3 Days and 2 Hours, by avoiding the use of 900 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me £261.22.

nickywalton profile image

the demon never dies he just sleeps...

have to say that pretty much sums it up in my opinion...and the longer you have smoked the truer it will be...I'm 6 months quit today (smoked 40yrs 20/day) and rarely does a day goes by when I don't think "I'd love a cigarette"...:( its not a physical crave and I don't have to take any avoiding action:p BUT the thoughts do appear...

stay vigilant, always...


nickywalton profile image


hope things continue to improve for you - your body should be pretty much nicotine free by end day three sooo...should start to feel better again:D

as others have said, you've been a brill support to everyone on forum so really hope we can help you while you need it:cool:

stay strong good luck


nsd_user663_3356 profile image


I read this a bit after the event but Nic , coming off nicotine in any form is difficult. remember Nicotine is a VERY addictive substance, so although the habit part of smoking is easier to deal with now that you have mainly gotten over that, one of the main reasons you smoked in the first place (nicotine addiction) was still with you.

Now that you are NOT taking nicotine you will have this final hurdle to cross. It does get easier, (if it is not already easier for you, as i said, this post may be a bit late) and you must stick with it. I know you will because you seem to be very strong in this quit.

Stay with it Nic.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Now that you are NOT taking nicotine you will have this final hurdle to cross. It does get easier, (if it is not already easier for you, as i said, this post may be a bit late) and you must stick with it. I know you will because you seem to be very strong in this quit.

John and everyone,

Thanks and today is easier in fact it got progressively so during yesterday.

I am very strong with this quit and will not let it beat me.

Solemn Oath: I shall never smoke again, it is something that left me in July never to return!



nsd_user663_3633 profile image

stay vigilant, always

Thats a little snippet worth remembering. According to things I have read, the thought about smoking could pop up at any time - and it could still happen in 50 years time (assuming I'm still alive at 84 - optimism is good). While you can't plan for it, you have to be ready to dismiss it.

Glad to hear how determined you are and that things are easier, Nic - hope it is easier still now.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I'm fine thanks,

I too hope to be alive at 88 but it would not surprise me if smoking were made illegal within the next 50 years.

Hope48 profile image

Im so glad you got through your craving.

Its like a mini battle won when when we get through it.

nsd_user663_3615 profile image

i hope all is ok your kind words have really helped me good luck

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

All is fine,

Thanks for asking.

I have decided that it would be OK for me start smoking again at my own cremation, but not before;).

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Your last day in month 3 isn't it Nic... off to month 4 tomorrow?

Very well done, Sir.

Definately one of those thats not going to lapse.

Not what you're looking for?