Here i am on new quit: Hi all. im starting... - No Smoking Day

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Here i am on new quit

nsd_user663_3003 profile image
24 Replies

Hi all.

im starting my new Quit after 5 month of being an non-smoker. not happy...

one bit of madess and im back where i started. day one.

im so dissapointed with myself you dont know how much. but what happen

have happen. now i just focus on my new Quit and put this behind me,

all of you who have Quit for some time. dont go back to smoking. its not nice.

and it dont chang anything. i know. all its does is make you feel sick:eek:

well i try it. and hated it. NO MORE, sorry to say that you will hear a lot

from me now. which i should has done in the first place then maybe i would

not be where i am now, i was silly. this is the place for help but i tryed it on

my own. it dont work:( well im here now and i am going to make it work...

need your help.


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nsd_user663_3003 profile image
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24 Replies
nsd_user663_2743 profile image

hey Alan.................welcome back!!!

we have all been where you are ................its crap but you have a quit to get on with know people will be here for you !!!!!

good luck hun .....:) we are rooting for ya

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

OK, the fact you relapsed sucks it was a bad judgement call, you know it we know it, but shit happens!

As you say put it behind you, move forward and don't dwell on the past.

You know how it works, so take it forward, and never have a single drag ever again.

We'll be here to offer support, whenever you need it.

All the best with your new quit.


nsd_user663_3097 profile image



was it a few puffs or even 1 or 2 fags.

what have you smoked exactly?

PrudencePotts profile image

I've done nearly 10 months.

My husband has gone skittling (a Somerset thing). He won't be back til 11.30.

Got a Vodka tonic.

Last temptation put his (left at home) baccy and papers in safe!!!!

Why, why, why do I want that rollie I've just rolled


NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I've done nearly 10 months.

My husband has gone skittling (a Somerset thing). He won't be back til 11.30.

Got a Vodka tonic.

Last temptation put his (left at home) baccy and papers in safe!!!!

Why, why, why do I want that rollie I've just rolled


DONT! It would make you feel sooo bad.

Just remember how far you've gone, you have been choosing a better life for 10 months, don't let the nicodemon convince you that you need him, you don't.



Ps I used to be a regular skittler.

PrudencePotts profile image

Thanks for that!!

Downed the Vodka tonic

Baccy now on wood burner!!!!!

Will face the wrath (ha ha) in the morning!!!

Again, thanks guys and gals..................

BUT WHY...............

I stopped smoking on 18th November 2007.................

Maybe it was the fact that I'd smoked for 45 years.............


NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Right now there is a crow sitting by the chimney pot, he's just got his 1st taste of Golden Virginia! Poor bugger!

PrudencePotts profile image

Thanks Nic,

Off to bed before the skittlers get back........

Best get the bicarb out because no doubt the skittle supper was pretty crap.....

Don't need to hear the results..........

Sorry if this is a purely selfish post..Newbies take note.. It's a long and winding road (but that's another story).....Perhaps Mojo could start that one.........

Maybe it's the voddy... who's your real favourite NOSTALGIC musicians...

I'll start...

Dave Edmunds and Jennifer Warnes......

Voddys kicking in now.............

Again thanks

Nite Nite;)

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Nite Nite,

Not really a nostalgic musitions kinda person but closest would be

Frank Zappa

nickywalton profile image

Alan - soooo sorry to hear the beastie:eek: got you...brave decision to get back on the quit straight away...

At least this time you know what's coming your way and you know you can deal with it...

You've been strong before you can be strong again...

It can't possibly be as bad this time as you've not smoked that much...have you?!?!:confused:

Don't beat yourself up...there but the grace of god go all of us...



nickywalton profile image


very impressed with your resistance - not sure I could be left alone with a cigarette:mad:

I agree though, it is a very long winding road and maybe it is a factor that we both smoked for so many years...40 in my case:eek: that even after what I feel is a long time (5months) quit I still sometimes really really want a cigarette...not a chemical crave but a mental annoys me intensely!!!

Nostalgic musicians... Cream...

hope you're sleeping tight...


nsd_user663_2863 profile image

Well done Pru,

You did absolutely the right thing coming on here ...

great that you kicked it into touch (and into the fire) before you did the mad thing.

Jeez, it sticks, the old smoking habit..How come it's just around for so L-O-N-G.

Give yourself a pat on the back and think up a reward...


nsd_user663_3074 profile image

Good on ya


Welcome back mate - now stop beating ya self up, I know it's a shitty thing I've been there but the best thing is your back.

Someone on here on there signature (can't recall who) has a statement -

"Failure is not quitting, failure is not getting back up" or something like that, but it's true.

Hope day one goes well for you, but if not come on and have a rant. :D

nsd_user663_3595 profile image


Welcome back mate - now stop beating ya self up, I know it's a shitty thing I've been there but the best thing is your back.

Someone on here on there signature (can't recall who) has a statement -

"Failure is not quitting, failure is not getting back up" or something like that, but it's true.

Hope day one goes well for you, but if not come on and have a rant. :D

Failure isn't falling over, failing is not getting back up again.

Ive got that quote on my facebook!


nsd_user663_3074 profile image

Well it's a cool saying I like it and it really does sum up what were all about.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well it's a cool saying I like it and it really does sum up what were all about.

I like this one:-

It is on our failures that we base a new and different and better success.

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Keep going strong!

You could be me here in the USA still trying to figure out which idiot i will be voting on for president........ARGGGGGGGGGGGGG!

No more puffs....OK??????

Just kiddin, i'm really surprised sometimes that i didn't start all over. Probably cause it already started killing me!:mad:

nsd_user663_3614 profile image

:) Good luck ith your new quit

Tracey x

tracey - Free and Healing for Ten Days, 12 Hours and 23 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 1 Day and 11 Hours, by avoiding the use of 421 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me £104.79.

nsd_user663_2211 profile image

It is silly to have new quit imho. Old quit, new quit - it the same quit. Smoker doesn't need to remember his quit day after the moment this day is over. We do not need to celebrate 1 week or one month or 1 year anniversary of the quit.

You have so many opportunities in life that you don't need to waste your time thinking about your old sins like smoking or relapse. You understood that you don't need smoking one day, that has a value, so, it's time to understand what you need without cig in your hand.

I do not want you to forget that you was a smoker, but it's not a reason for proud. It's better to have any other reason for proud than the one that you quitted smoking. Smoking you or have relapsed, you do need to feel any bad emotions. Just go forward and never look back!

Dellabella profile image

Been a long winding road

Hi Alan

I haven't been on here for a few weeks now and don't know why I did this morning, but am glad I have as I wouldn't of seen your post.

It is such a shame that you have gone back to smoking again after all this time but you are a very strong man and you can do it again. Your posts in the past have really kept me going and it is nearly six months for me tomorrow, never thought I would ever get this far and occasionally I do think to myself that it would be quite nice to have one but most of the time the thought and smell of them makes me physically sick.

When I did lapse in the early months and had those few puffs, I tried not to dwell on it and instead thought about all those weeks that I hadn't been smoking and that is what you have to do.

Pick yourself up, dust yourself down and go for it!

Am going keep coming on here to check your progress. Go Alan Go alan (doing a funny dance now)!

nsd_user663_3003 profile image

thanks della.

very nice of you to say them lovely word. i did feel sorry for myself. but now

im strong again. and will do it. keep looking in. nice to hear from you;)


nsd_user663_2538 profile image

hey alan in same boat mate!! stoped for 10 months and been started again for three weeks had 1 then 2 ..... you'll kknow the story im sure. Im heading back to the land of champix once again> keep in touch. Aghhhh so frustated more than anything, but hey guess we gotta keep fighting the little beast!!

all the best


nsd_user663_2538 profile image

nostalgic musicians > watch out where the huskies go and dont you eat that........ haha love and miss old FZ

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Hey Alan,

Sorry to hear you succombed to the evil weed, but so glad to hear you are back on the straight and narrow.

As you yourself said, those fags you smoked solved nothing, nada, nought!

You know what to expect this time around, so I'm with Della "Go, Alan, Go Alan!"

(*but NOT doing that silly dance - Dalla , stop it, you look silly!:p)

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