Every failed attempt teaches you something! - No Smoking Day

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Every failed attempt teaches you something!

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free
10 Replies

I was reading a website about smoking cessation which suggested that an indicator of the probability of success is several failed previous attempts.

It makes sense that each time you fail it teaches you about yourself and your weaknesses, my 1st reaction was that if every failed attempt teaches me something then I must be bleeding genius by now:p but those people that have lapsed recently should take some comfort from the fact that it will assist them on their next quit.

I don't want to suggest that people attempting to quit for 1st time are doomed to failure, however, they can learn a great deal from the imperfections of us old hands!

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NicFirth profile image
10 Years Smoke Free
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_3554 profile image

I will just stay stupid and quit.........ha ha:eek:

nsd_user663_3687 profile image

heres hoping your right! i have quite more times then i care to remember!

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I will just stay stupid and quit.........ha ha:eek: Good for you Dubbs, with just over a month to go before you reach the penthouse I'd expect nothing less!

heres hoping your right! i have quite more times then i care to remember! It makes sense to me! You sound really positive, I reckon that you'll nail the quit this time! Just hang around here while you work on it, this lot will keep you on track.

nsd_user663_3687 profile image

Good for you Dubbs, with just over a month to go before you reach the penthouse I'd expect nothing less!

It makes sense to me! You sound really positive, I reckon that you'll nail the quit this time! Just hang around here while you work on it, this lot will keep you on track.

i am and i will lol

i know this time is gonna be different. not sure how but just do.

nsd_user663_3688 profile image

Hmm... quitting is what NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy) products want you to do. That's how they make their money.

They want you to start smoking again, then use their product to become a non-smoker. Then start smoking again and use their product again to attempt to be a non-smoker.

The good intentions from NRT products aren't always what they seem.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hi Carey

Welcome to the forum,

Please do tell us a bit about yourself, are you in the process of quitting yourself.



nsd_user663_2291 profile image

I agree. I quit in sept 07 using NRT and lasted a couple of months, then again in Jan 08 and lasted a month then again feb using Champix this quit was very succesfull until i went on holiday in july and thought i couldnt enjoy my holiday without smoking.:o Then on 14th July 08 2 days after i returned from holiday I stopped smoking cold turkey. I had experience of quitting I knew exactly what to expect and exactly what to do................ Dont light another cigerette.

I know that because on my previous quits i had smoked the odd one thinking it wouldnt lead to anymore but of course it did.

I am completely in control with this quit and know i will never smoke again.

I will never go back to day 1 again :D Its my previous quits that have taught me that.

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Flippy

You sound well sorted this quit Good on you Girl. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I was reading a website about smoking cessation which suggested that an indicator of the probability of success is several failed previous attempts.

It makes sense that each time you fail it teaches you about yourself and your weaknesses, my 1st reaction was that if every failed attempt teaches me something then I must be bleeding genius by now:p but those people that have lapsed recently should take some comfort from the fact that it will assist them on their next quit.

I don't want to suggest that people attempting to quit for 1st time are doomed to failure, however, they can learn a great deal from the imperfections of us old hands!

Every rule has it's exception... :p :D

nsd_user663_3688 profile image

Don't base your life on the track record of others. If you read that everyone fails on their first attempt to quit smoking, then you'll think it's ok to cave in and fail yourself on your first and multiple attempts.

Don't follow the herd. Give up on your first attempt and set your mind to it.

Here's a stat for you.

- 70% of ex-smokers light up again due to being in an unpleasant mood. Prepare yourself in advance. Find yourself a way to turn around your unpleasant mood rather than resorting to smoking. Go for a bike ride!

- Only 2% of ex-smokers light up again due to being offered a cigarette!

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