Day 5: Congrats team! How are we doing? I'm... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 5

nsd_user663_3559 profile image
34 Replies

Congrats team!

How are we doing?

I'm off on a night out tonight, my first major test.............


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nsd_user663_3559 profile image
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34 Replies
nsd_user663_3200 profile image

Hey team. I'm doing good. No cravings at all (not sure if I should be worried about that or not). Still feeling really tired but nowhere near as ill as I did yesterday.

Well done everyone. Keep it up :D

nsd_user663_3564 profile image


Keep it up, doing well, proud of you guys.,

quit date 1st august 2008

smoked for 14 years.

today is 8th day

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done you lot. Juney you be good now and enjoy your self. Where are you Going to try. xxxxx

nsd_user663_3557 profile image

Day 5?!?!?

Hello!!! Well done team - i too am here with you on Day 5 thanks to another day yesterday of not smoking!!

I had a really tough night last night. Was home early and so was at home on my own for quite a long time last night, and my god did i need and really really want a cigarette!! Didnt tho - stuck to it!

Tonight will also be a test for me as although not going out, I will be having a night in with some friends and plan on drinking quite alot! So, i need resist the habit of drinking and smoking at the same time :confused:

Being part of this team tho, and seeing how well we are all doing so far........ i dont think i could let myself or the team down now!! This team is what is really keeping me going so thank you guys - and WELL DONE!!!:D

In reply yo your comments on Day 4 Juney - Im 22, a sales consultant for overseas property, live in my own place with a housemate and when im not working i spend most of my time with my best friend and her 2 gorgeous children - booking our hol tomorrow!! eeek!! :)

Look forward to speaking with you all again later........

xxx :cool:

nsd_user663_2026 profile image

Good Luck Optimistic 4. Stay strong.



nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Going to try

Can I ask have you got a name we cant keep calling you Going to try for one thing its to long HEHE. Well done for getting to day 5 be proud. xxxx

nsd_user663_3557 profile image


Hi Going to try

Can I ask have you got a name we cant keep calling you Going to try for one thing its to long HEHE. Well done for getting to day 5 be proud. xxxx

lol - sorry! I couldnt think of a name when i was starting this! My name is Lyssa. Feel free to call me Lys - most people do. Just dont call me Lisa!! thats not my name!! ;-)

So glad to see we are all here and going strong!!


nsd_user663_2019 profile image

Well, done on getting to day five people - me too! its not easy but worth it... just wish I didn't have to continuously smell it on the streets!! (God I'm sounding like a non-smoker already LOL!!)

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

Good going opt4..........Be carefull on the weekend...:eek:

nsd_user663_3559 profile image


I just posted and it disappeared. Never mind.

Thanks for all the words of encouragement!

Hi MadAngel - you wanna join our gang? *lol*

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Well done you lot - almost a week - keep it up - it really DOES get easier! :D

nsd_user663_3557 profile image

opt 5????

Another August 4th quitter, join the team man, we can be the optimistic 5 :)

Yeah - totally join the team - then we can change it to opt5!!!

i am so happy for all of us that we're doing this, and doing so well :D

Is really great hearing the messages from people who have been doing it longer than us too - so thank you for all of that too!!! :D

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Well done you lot - as Barb says it does get easier.:)

PrudencePotts profile image

Make sure all five of you are still here and smoke free on Monday morning;)

(And that's an ORDER!!!)

nsd_user663_3557 profile image


Make sure all five of you are still here and smoke free on Monday morning;)

(And that's an ORDER!!!)

Believe me i am going to do my best!! I was just saying to the 2 lads at work - i just cant believe how its getting more and more difficult. i thought days 1 and 2 would be hard then get just a little easier, but its just getting so hard....... i really really want to smoke.......... :-(

PrudencePotts profile image

Lyssa - It is hard - no-one will pretend otherwise:(

Just wait for five minutes and the craving will pass. It will come back but you've done over four days now and whilst the nicotine is getting out of your system, you still have to break the habit of actually smoking. Personally I still miss leaving my office and going outside for a break and that's after nine months!! BUT it is the break I miss - not the smoking now.

You're joining an elite smoke free club - don't weaken.

You know you can do it if the rest of us have - I smoked for over 40 years without ever giving up until last November - just think how much money I wasted!!!!!! Don't let it happen to you.

All that said

Have a really good smoke free weekend;)


nsd_user663_2019 profile image

oh WOW, I've been adopted!! :cool:

thank you guys and girls I'm proud to be a member of the "Optimisic 5", I won't let you down!! :)

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

oh WOW, I've been adopted!! :cool:

thank you guys and girls I'm proud to be a member of the "Optimisic 5", I won't let you down!! :)

The Optimistic 5 : Superheros all, with the power to smell good, taste food, save money, live a long life and breath.:D

nsd_user663_3200 profile image

Believe me i am going to do my best!! I was just saying to the 2 lads at work - i just cant believe how its getting more and more difficult. i thought days 1 and 2 would be hard then get just a little easier, but its just getting so hard....... i really really want to smoke.......... :-(

I found day 5 (yesterday) REALLY REALLY hard. You've got a team to support you here, so don't give in. Just try and get through today. I was telling one of my mates at work yesterday how bad I was finding it, and he'd done some reading and reckoned that day 5 is one of the worst!

I'm finding today a thousand times better than yesterday so hopefully you'll find the same tomorrow. Just DON'T give up! Errr, do give up, but don't give up giving up. I think? :eek:

Edit - By the way, welcome to the team MadAngel

nsd_user663_1733 profile image


Dave is right I found day 5 the worse when I quit last year everone is a little diffrent Just take one day at a time one hour at a time if need be. Has Barb 7 Jan said it do get easyer Just think if it was as hard as the first week all the time none of us would keep going. You must be here monday starting week two you hear. HEHE. xxxx

nsd_user663_3557 profile image

Thank you :-)

Lyssa - It is hard - no-one will pretend otherwise:(

Just wait for five minutes and the craving will pass. It will come back but you've done over four days now and whilst the nicotine is getting out of your system, you still have to break the habit of actually smoking. Personally I still miss leaving my office and going outside for a break and that's after nine months!! BUT it is the break I miss - not the smoking now.

You're joining an elite smoke free club - don't weaken.

You know you can do it if the rest of us have - I smoked for over 40 years without ever giving up until last November - just think how much money I wasted!!!!!! Don't let it happen to you.

All that said

Have a really good smoke free weekend;)


Thank you so much prudence - and to all my team mates - thank you again and well done. I am so proud to be part of this team and i am so glad I am - i honeslty HONESTLY believe that if it wasnt for this site and the people on this site - i wouldnt have done it!

Lets have a good weekend now!! Lots of challenges going to hit me and im sure all of us!!!

nsd_user663_3200 profile image

I had a bit of a challenge earlier - the first one of the week. It hasn't been so bad at work cos my 'smoking buddy' at work has also stopped so we've helping each other through. But tonight when I got home I went to Asda and as I walked past the doorway there was a couple of people smoking. At first the smell was lovely (I guess that'll pass in time) but as I got past them I thought, 'ha suckers!!!!'. I was really chuffed with myself.

It also helps that my little boy is soooo pleased that I haven't been smoking. He asks me every day how many fags I had that day, and when I say none he gives me a big cuddle and says that's good! Bless him!

I'm proud of all the op5's for getting this far. Keep it up team!

By the way, although I'm nearly a full day ahead of the rest of the team, I'm considering myself on day 5 still so that we reach each week's 'milestone' together. If that's ok with the rest of you :D

nsd_user663_3557 profile image


:mad: Oh my gosh :-( i have only been and bought a pack of 10! dont worry, no fire yet - havent smoked any of them........ yet :confused:

im having a night in and av got a fair bit of booze and stuff.... and i dont normally drink. so i was like, OK, well i dont normally drink, its a one off - so it doesnt matter if i smoke tonight so long as i dont start smoking again proper.... you know what i mean.... :-(

i dont know what to do.... I am so scared of smoking and failing. there are things like having to leave the team ....... go back to Day 1 etc..... letting y'all down and others in my life..... but more importantly i will be letting myself down.... :(

i havent smoked em yet.......i really hope i dont

nsd_user663_3200 profile image

Oy!!! Don't do it! I promise you that if you do you'll feel really bad about yourself and guilty. I did the same thing about 3 months ago after almost 4 weeks and I cried! For a 16 stone, 6'4" geordie that's a big deal believe me!!!! Ask mojo too, he went back to smoking after 4 months and he bollocked me for giving in!!!

PM me if you want to chat proper but please, please don't give in to it. FFS we've already changed the name of the team once today and my poor old brain can't handle 2 name changes in the same day!!!! :)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Come on girl you will feel so proud of yourself 2morrow if you dont give in tonight. Your on day 5 dont take yourself back to day one. Be strong sending lots of strenth to help you. xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3463 profile image

im doing good

glad to c everyone is doing well to the one who sed about no cravings ive not had any today either :) so dont worry tomuch, im going sron still not caving not wanted to cave for a few days either which is fab, wonder if i have another good day tomoz

keep going everyone your all doing fantastic

love n hugs suzy xxxx

nsd_user663_2913 profile image

Well done The optimistic 5, your all doing great, keep up your good work,

you'll find help from your team mates and also everyone else here,

It will get easier as time goes on. x:):)

nsd_user663_3557 profile image

Linda........ :-)

Thank you Linda - I really just can't say how much this site - more the people on this site, have helped me! Knowing that at a moment of weakness we can come on here and have support from team mates and others who are quitting too - often further along that us - its just amazing it really is.

I still have the packet of 10 on the table - have absolutely no desire to smoke them?!?!

A couple of nights ago I put on here how i was finding it really really hard and needed a fag - it was one of the evenings - maybe last night?? Anyway, when i emptied the bin and took the bag out to the big communal bin, i couldnt help but be looking on the floor to see if there was anything smokeable!! :eek: eugh! - obviously i didnt DO that, but the fact that i wanted a fag THAT bad!! Yet tonight i have them right there and the last thing i want to do right now is smoke - maybe it was a good thing me buying them?!? pftt, i dont know!?!? :confused:

One thing i do think - although yes, it will mean me starting again, i do think that (well this is what i was chatting to my best mate about) - the way i see it is- if i 'gave in' and smoked because i had to - then i would feel really really guilty and that i couldnt do it - like a failure; whereas....... if i 'chose' to have one, then i know it would have been my decision and although i would be disappointed; i would know it was a one off and i could carry on not smoking...?!!?

I dont know what will happen tonight - its nearly 00.20 and im still wide awake, so have alot more of the night to go - BUT........ the one thing i will promise you, is that I will be 100% honest with you. Whether i smoke or not, I will be honest and face the music.

Heres to hoping I stay smoke free and come to my senses in the morning and throw them away!!!! :o

nsd_user663_3557 profile image

lol!!! :-)

FFS we've already changed the name of the team once today and my poor old brain can't handle 2 name changes in the same day!!!! :)

Amused me very much - if there is one thing that is going to keep me 'on the wagon' it is knowing how much of a pain it will be to change the name!! ;-) x x x x x x x lol! x x x


nsd_user663_3557 profile image


A few comments to keep us going:

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."

"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed."

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."

I could go on, but those three i think help some it all......

x x x x x x x x :):):):)

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

if i 'gave in' and smoked because i had to

You don't need to smoke you only think you do!

You can get to being an ex-smoker on this attempt if you stay strong, and hang on in there.

Please, chuck those ciggs away, or when temptation is too great you'll be back to square 1. I know I've been there too many times.

It really does get easier as time goes by.

All the best


nsd_user663_3356 profile image

Im Going To Try, i hope you managed to stay OFF the fags last night.

I dont know how much you have read about quitting to help reinforce your determination to NOT smoke but, i would suggest that you need to read a lot more. The fact that you bought fags yesterday means that your head may not quite be in the right place, but hopefully reading just a few articles from whyquit or woofmang will help it to get back to where it needs to be.

Why not start with some of the articles on this link,

about relapse prevention!!!!

Obviously its none of my business if you buy fags or if you have one drag of a friends ciggie or not and it is totally up to you if you do that. It is also totally up to you if you go back to day one or not BUT in my opinion if you have even ONE drag then you have smoked and should go back to day one. I know that is a bit hardline and not everyone agrees with me on this but if you read what it says on whyquit, it often only takes one drag to start you smoking again and thats why i feel so strongly about it.

No doubt others will post in disagreement with me , but like i said we are all entitled to our opinions on this, emotive, subject.

In order to keep the harmony of the forum it would be best if you just threw away the fags and didn't smoke. Think on the trouble it will cause if you do smoke, and the name change hassles, and the day one or not fights etc!!!:D

nsd_user663_3559 profile image

Well done for not giving in last night.


nsd_user663_3559 profile image

Oh yeah, dizzy me just read the time on that post as 12pm instead of am.........

Still fuzzy.......................:o

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