Team Fm... this is me wondering how many of... - No Smoking Day

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Team Fm... this is me wondering how many of us are actually left.

nsd_user663_1655 profile image
10 Replies

Heya all... congrats to all those who are not smoking. How many FM'rs are still breathing easy? Milestone coming up for Maddy woot woot! So pumped she's hitting 50 days. I've almost completed my dreaded three month mark, and still doing alright. Welcome to the new three month peeps also! Take care everyone,


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nsd_user663_1655 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Hey Vike!

Missed you!

Hope you're ok and you're still going strong in your quit. Well done! Been wondering how you are.

I'm still here (as ever). I really must get a life :rolleyes: This place here is my escapism at the mo!

Yeah I'm nearly 50 days down.

Oh my God. This is so weird. Weird things keep happening to me this week! Today, I saw your doppelganger! I swear to God I did! He served me in McDonalds and it was sooooo freaky!!! Yay!! I got served by Vike in McDonalds today woo hoo!

Also, yesterday, listening to some nutta that goes by the name of Chris Moyles on Radio 1 I just had this sudden random thought about 'Five Star'!!! Oh my days, Five Star! How embarassing having to admit that but the thing is, they are a girl band from YEARS ago! I haven't heard them or heard anything about them for YEARS! So it was pretty weird that I should have them pop in my mind like they did. Then guess what???? Chris Moyles on the radio not 2 MINUTES later started talking about FIVE STAR!!! Oh.My.God!!! Oh man it freaked me out. This shit keeps happening to me. I don't like it!! It sends me a bit panicky! lol I hadn't even remotely heard anything about Five Star until then! And today, I get served by you in McDonalds!!!! I think I'm going mad! lol

Oooooook. I really didn't mean for this post to be this long :o I get carried away, what can I say.

Glad you're doing good. Stranger! A GREAT BIG FAT CONGRATULATION HUG FROM ME! (for nearly doing 3 months! I was wondering this morning how far you are from 3 months - so weird that you should post about it now - cue 'twilight zone toon').

I wondered how everybody else was doing just yesterday (is this another 'twilight zone' moment? :eek: ). It would be lovely to hear how well everyone is doing :)

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

*Pops in to say hi to Vike. *

Hi Vike! :D*waves*

*Exits quickly when confronted by very strange woman muttering away to herself in the corner* :eek:

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

*chases some weirdo that is carrying cakes by the dozen out of Vike's thread*



nsd_user663_2892 profile image


*devours all said cakes before madwoman can steal any *

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

John, shhhh.

I'm trying to keep a low profile because I don't want Barb to give ME the clap when I celebrate my 50 days. You get me???? No talking to me or about me 'k????

I isn't here :o

I advise you too to keep a low profile Vike. Just pm people about your 3 months and then barbara can't give you her clap :o

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

How do I do it again....."View / test size / increase"

AAAAha!!!!!!! *Makes list of those who are going to get "the clap!" very soon *

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

I'll make sure to keep a low profile... scared now actually. Did I get your order right btw in Mickey D's Maddy? Have a great week everyone if i don't see you, i'm off to a work conference at some mountain resort that is making my wife extremely jealous cause she can't get the time off rofl... take care, Vike.

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Yeah you got my order spot on Vike (thanks for chucking in the extra was delish!).

Oh and your poor wife! Awwww Bless her! Can't she just pull a sicky or something?! But lucky you getting to go somewhere so scenic.

I really envy you living somewhere so pretty. England is small and dirty urrghhh

I've been to America a few times and its so pretty there too. I wish my destiny lied there! Its just so big. Everything about it is bigger. People are much more friendly too. Goddamnit why did I have to be born in England?!

Fancy 4 lodgers Vike? :D

nsd_user663_2949 profile image

I'm still doing well. very rarely come on here now. I'm bloody getting fat though :( i have put on 1 stone :(:(:( ahh well will deal with slicing the fat off my body at a later date.

I have been quit for 2 Months, 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 21 hours, 47 minutes and 54 seconds (81 days). I have saved £933.74 by not smoking 4,095 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Weeks, 5 hours and 15 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 03/03/2008 20:30

nsd_user663_2955 profile image

Heya all... congrats to all those who are not smoking. How many FM'rs are still breathing easy? Milestone coming up for Maddy woot woot! So pumped she's hitting 50 days. I've almost completed my dreaded three month mark, and still doing alright. Welcome to the new three month peeps also! Take care everyone,


Hi guys, just checking in, hit the 3 month mark a couple of days ago.

Good to see most of the team are still quit.

Just read the other thread on "Teams" and i dont care what anyone says Team FM had a laugh (remember those weekly tasks?) Yea ok it only lasted for a month or so but at the begining it helped eh?

Good to hear from you Vike,

Maddy, just read a thread on an engagement "CONGRATS" :) well happy for you!!

Louise - Hi - Who ate all the pies?

Thats me done, prob will vanish for another few weeks, take care all


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