Report in Team 2007: Just curious to know if... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Report in Team 2007

nsd_user663_1988 profile image
23 Replies

Just curious to know if there are any members who quit last summer still sucessful in your quits! Your name might be in my signature but if it isn't I'll add you!


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nsd_user663_1988 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Well done Boudee, glad your still with us!

Surely this is proof that there is a light at the end of that dark tunnel!

Anymore of you out there?;)

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Thanks Mojo and John!:D

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

Still here and lovin' it.

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Hiya Barney buddy!!!! :):p I'm still smoke free! and despite some majorly crappy times at work too, where anyway each crappy day that I have to go through I realize how utterly liberating it is to at least NOT have to smoke anymore!!! Boy, quitting was indeed the best thing I could ever decide to do for myself... and the one I am most proud about.

So good to see you again here :) xoxo

I have been quit for 8 Months, 3 Weeks, 17 hours, 47 minutes and 1 second (264 days). I have saved € 1.350,17 by not smoking 7.942 cigarettes. I have saved 3 Weeks, 6 Days, 13 hours and 50 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 19/08/2007 4.30


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Very well done all my 2007 buddys very proud of you each and everyone. Just wish i could have been has strong. Keep it up soon be with Andy36 & Jim 255 in the big penthouse. Love Linda xxxxxx

nsd_user663_2041 profile image

still here!!!!!!1

im still quit without a single puff, although i have been tempted to have just one lately .........whats that all about???????????

someone tell me it would be a bad move PLEASE!!!:(

nsd_user663_3076 profile image

you are more then welcome to come and have a look over on my forum any time you want to John :)

Go on John!

Treat yourself for doing so well in your quit!

Don't forget to have a crack at that exciting vegetable quiz while you're over there.

Riveting stuff indeed!!

Meanwhile back on topic:

Congratulations to ALL you half year veterans - you have my total admiration!

Hopefully I will be joining you very soon



nsd_user663_3076 profile image

im still quit without a single puff, although i have been tempted to have just one lately .........whats that all about???????????

someone tell me it would be a bad move PLEASE!!!:(

Erm that WOULD be a bad move Sandie - the road from "just one" to a pack or two a day is a very short one.

I've travelled it before - please take my advice and always say no!

Not One Puff Ever!!!:o

nsd_user663_1927 profile image

Pipple I have not heard from for a while

I'm here, I was sorting through my favourites and come across the link, thought I'd have a noise round. Glad to hear everyone is stilling going well.

I do confess I have a new addiction. Its online competitions. :D

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Sandie & Pipple

Lovely to hear from you both well done you will soon be in the top penthouse. Try and find time to pop in now and again. Sandie please dont cave now Babes you have worked to hard to get so far along in your quit. Love Linda xxxx

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Supervillan, Francesca, Pipple, Sandie!

Good to see you guys are still going strong!

Doesn't it feel great to be quit this long!!:D

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

I too have been going through a similar thing Sandie, I was ready for it though as I knew for me I would still be vulnerable for about a year

I think it might be nics final fling

I bloody hope so anyway chick :o

stay strong, we are going to make it :)

aw man, i thought it got easier, after 4 month!!? maybe?!

oo soz, well done to you all :p

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Boudee's right!

What we experience now is nothing more than a passing thought.

We could act on it but we are strong enough now to just shrug it off.

You'll not be thinking about all the time. It'll just pop into your head from time to time.

Trust me!:D

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Congrats The 'Summer 2007 Quitters' You all are fantastic...:D

Thanks Dubbs! How are you doing with your quit?

I have been quit for 10 Months, 1 Week, 5 Days, 8 hours, 46 minutes and 51 seconds (317 days). I have saved £610.92 by not smoking 4,760 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Weeks, 2 Days, 12 hours and 40 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 01/07/2007 00:00

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Awesome Dubbs! good to know you're doing great too ;)

And yeah Barney you're right it feels SO good to be quit :) I must say it feels especially good in the bad times, as then you really get to realize just how strong you've become, and how sure maybe you could start again when things go real bad but after so many months lighting up would require an effort, an active decision, a very lucid initiative, nothing even remotely close to a giving in of any you just stay quit instead, as life is so much easier this way! :D

nsd_user663_2045 profile image

I'm still winning

Hi to all, havnt been on for a long while but yes i still am a non smoker.... just suffering with obesity now.... lmao bloody 2 stone:eek:.

Well done to all other non smokers....:D

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Wow Cazzy, You must of quit around the same time as me (1st July).:D

Well done to you!

Only 1 1/2 months and we hit the 1 year mark and move into the super deluxe penthouse suite.

I haven't got you on my signature, I'll add you now!;)

Well done again!:cool:

nsd_user663_2041 profile image

Hi all

thanks for all your support and i didnt cave :D and sorry to those who felt bad that i still feel like one after all this time, but as the others said, it was no big deal and was a passing thought. i hope i didnt put anyone off i know how hard it is in the early days. think of it like .... oh having a night with brad pitt would be nice, cant have it oh well .........and then u think about something else.

i dont think i would be that stupid to have a cig (not saying that those that do are stupid;) but we long timmers still need a bit of support as well, and im glad to say we can still come on here and get it xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_2027 profile image

Hi to you all.

We are still hanging on in there.

The months just roll by. :)

As you say Barney we will soon be in the ultimate penthouse that is 1 year + :D. Well done.

Good luck to everyone.


nsd_user663_2003 profile image

Hey Folks!

It has been a long time since I checked in but I'm still smoke free with 11 months in. It is nice to check in and see so many of you are still fighting off the demon too. It sure has been an interesting ride to say the least but well worth it.

Take care all


nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Not a summer quitter~but still here!

I just started my 9th month on the 1st of June!!!:D


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Mary thats great going 9 months cant wait till i can post them sats. You go girl. Linda xxxx

nsd_user663_3139 profile image

Well done everyone super quitters all of you.:)

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