Help! Angry again...: I have blown up at my... - No Smoking Day

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Help! Angry again...

nsd_user663_1655 profile image
10 Replies

I have blown up at my wife twice just this week. I was not angry before i started smoking... how do i make this stop? i feel terrible... any ideas? this has got to end somehow!

Vike ... needing help.

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nsd_user663_1655 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Hey Vike,

Sorry to hear things are crap. I don't know what to suggest re the anger...I do sympathise though.

I don't suppose there is anything that can take that side of it away just like that unfortunately. I like yoga and pilates and that really gives you a sense of well being and of feeling calm, but with you being a guy, I don't suppose that appeals to you :rolleyes:

In through the nose...out through the mouth...repeat...

Um, running out of ideas could try grabbing all your plates 'n stuff and pretend your at a greek 'do'? :eek: Ooooh just imagine the satisfying sounds all those smashing plates would make haha No...don't really do this!

You could dance round some stone...forget now what specific stone it is, but my mate swears by it!!! ;)

I'll be back with some more bright ideas when I can think of some 'k? :D

nsd_user663_3029 profile image

I wish I had some advice to offer you, but I'm afraid all I can do is share is your pain as a I have exactly the same problem.

I've never tried to pretend that smoking itself made life any easier, but one thing that it did do was to provide me with a pretext to escape explosive situations and so if I thought I was going to lose my cool, I'd just leave the room for a fag. Since stopping, I no longer have the pretext to leave the room, so it all looks rather silly.

Doing breathing exercises in the middle of an argument doesn't quite work! And of course those kind of high-stress situations is when I want to smoke anyway, so I'm having to breathe not only to "take time out", but also to give myself time to get over the need for a fag!

I suppose all I'm trying to say is that adjusting to life without smokes ain't just about the smokes, and you're not the only one!

I smoked my last cigarette 2 Weeks, 13 hours and 19 minutes ago. I have saved £118.13 by not smoking 509 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Day, 18 hours and 25 minutes of my life.

nsd_user663_2955 profile image

Hi Vike, hope you had a good Easter.

This is one thing i have found within myself since stopping - Anger

I blow up at the smallest thing and if anyone is in the way they get the full blast.

I guess its a case of breathing, counting to ten and smacking your head against a wall :)

nsd_user663_3110 profile image

If you don't suffer from the side effect..." Champix" I'm astonished how easy my quit is going. ( hope I didnt jinx it)

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Lol, keep giving me ideas! Smacking head against wall, blowing up balloons... i'm gonna have to try em all!

nsd_user663_3029 profile image

Sounds very strange, but whenever you feel you are getting the 'rage' blow up a balloon, you'll be suprised how it helps, but be ready for weird looks when you drag handsful of brightly coloured balloons out of your jeans pockets :D

Try it, really, betcha it works ... mind you, don't try and blow up one of those long sausage shaped ones that you can never get a start on or your rage will know no bounds!!

I would say happy blowing but it doesn't sound right :o

I may just give it a go. Right now, one of my fag substitutes for dealing with gravings is a baby's dummy and while that helps a bit with angry situation, it does look just a tad infantile...

I suppose what would be even stranger would be using condoms for the same exercise. Although for most adult males, walking around with a three-pack makes more sense than walking around with kids' balloons. ;)

As for blowing up the long ones, I'm perpetually surprised by the number of people who don't know the simple "trick" to starting them off (and it's worked every time for me since I saw someone do it on the telly years and years ago): hold it to your lips with one hand while stretching it out from the other end with the other hand. (The air has got somethere to go, without having to stretch the latex first.)

I smoked my last cigarette 2 Weeks, 1 Day, 21 hours and 8 minutes ago. I have £130.25 that I haven't spent on 555 cigarettes and saved 1 Day, 22 hours and 15 minutes of my life.

nsd_user663_2695 profile image

I am 87 days down (not that i'm counting) the line and did have these issues all the time.

I realised it's not anger, it's a lack of tolerance!! Things that used to breeze past without a murmur became massive issues.

The reason is because you feel like you're missing something and basically you are - CIGARETTES! So you will be pissed off.

Once you get to realise it's just another side effect, you can begin to understand and work on it.

I am still on the improving stage but i am understanding the feelings more now!

This is purely the way i see it and my experience.

Hope this helps.


nsd_user663_3059 profile image

This has been reaaaaally helpful. I know its not my thread but I just created one about the same thing in week three. So glad Im not the only one!

The people in my office are taking how bad I have been these past two days as a joke [which makes me worse, but at least they aren't taking offense]. I just cant seem to control my rage.

Roll on week 4.

Hope you're doing better now Viking. I feel your pain ;)

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

I've gotten a hold of some hypnosis mp3's, to help me get the feeling of calm, I'll post how they are in a few days as I guess I am supposed to listen once a day. I had a listen for the past couple minutes, and definetely feel calm and in control right now. I hope it sticks with me all day. As for the actual anger... I'm still amazed that when the feeling comes, it is overwhelming, and I am angry before I can stop it. I know its because i'm missing something, and had a divorce with a wicked weed. I love to hate it :P I will get over the anger... it is nice to hear that it does dwindle eventually. To all my angry buddies... we can beat this too! Oh, by the way, congrats to everyone for making it through another day breathing easy woot woot, we are wicked awesome. I want to be calllllllllllllllllllllllllm! Grr.

nsd_user663_2991 profile image

Things seem to go in slow motion to me -- Im guess that is lack of patience.

Everytime I go to the fridge someone is standing there with the door open looking into it ....

When I am getting somthing hot out of the oven, I don't seem to be able to find anywhere to put the hot thing down ...... my surfaces seems to be covered with other people's stuff.

If i put a coat away in the cupboard four other coats always fall down on the floor ...

I am,leaning into my car, because I need to put my boys car seat on and its absolutely pouring down hitting my back, approaching cars are speeding up and don't look like they are going to stop .. and my son has decided to done some inane thing that stops him getting into his booster seat ....

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