Day 10!!: :D This is my fave time of the day... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 10!!

nsd_user663_2981 profile image
10 Replies


This is my fave time of the day, I always feel so excited when I know I can put another day on my quit!! Yippeee

HOPEFULLY, today won't be another crave-fest, one smoke trigger after another. It probably will be though, because I am going back to work for the first time since I quit. Going back after ten days sucks anyway :(

Congrats team 17 on your ten days smoke free and long may it continue.

Wish me luck heading to work, can't wait to stick two fingers up at the smelly smokers coughing their lungs up in the tactfully named 'cancer corner'. Didn't think I could last more than a day? No doubt they can all quit when they feel like it, and only smoke because they enjoy it blah blah.

Better go,have a great day everyone x

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nsd_user663_2981 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_3097 profile image


Beware, be on guard.

I went back to work yesterday for my 7th day smoke free.

It was very difficult as all my usual on the hour smokes i wanted a ciggy.

My boss is my smoking partner and i watched him get up and go for a fag every 60/80 minutes or so.

I had to mentally fight it all day and all the way home.

didn't feel better till i got home and was relaxing around 7:30pm.

One good thing though, my day2 at work and day 8 smoke 'FREE' feel great, very glad i didn't smoke yesterday and know i can get through it.

Please Please Please don't smoke you will feel great about it tomorrow believe me and every other day at work will be easier and easier.


No Retreat, No Surrender.

nsd_user663_3097 profile image

Another good/funny thing is when people asked me if i wanted to go for a smoke i would say - 'i don't smoke' COOOOL

I been getting a lot of support and encouragement from people at work actually and have turned a few smokers into thinking about and wanting to give up also.

They have known me as a regular smoker at work for over 8 years and to know i have done it cold turkey is inspiring them to give it a go.

I spoke to an ex smoker at work about it (a security guard no-one talks to much), he was also great.

Eat lots of fruit and yooghurt and healthy snacks over the day - you will be fine!!

nsd_user663_2994 profile image

I know where your comin from Antifag, i went to the hairdressers the other day and he said shall we go for a fag first.


It does make ya feel good


I have been smoke free for 2w 16:12 , I have not smoked 435 cigs,

I have saved £94.61 1d 12:15 life saved

nsd_user663_1882 profile image

Hey...still here, and still smoke free! Doesn't get any easier...does it?:(

Not to worry...tomorrow will be day 11, and that's only 3 days away from another complete week! How great is that!

Currently, my life seems to be dictated by smokefree milestones, that only a reformed smoker understands!

Huge test at the weekend...big derby match north of the border! Think I might stay in bed till it's all over! Better safe than sorry!

Well done to everyone. Keep up the great work.

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

I second Allan! Stay in bed lol

Work was fine, i took great pride telling everyone i'd quit and they were mightily impressed, even got a few hugs :o

Less craves today, not smoking almost feels normal now (eeek :eek:)

Goodnight everyone, keep up the good work :)

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

Thought id check in for the day. Still smoke free and microtab free!

Just been to my group which was good again. Also been to look at a gym to join to try and get fitter and loose some weight.

Well done to everyone else, are we missing some people still? Seems quiet. Has della been on?

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Yay Dee!

No Della as yet.... :confused:

nsd_user663_3093 profile image

Hi Team 17

I'm still here, sorry I haven't posted much over the last couple of days as I'm back at work. Went to my group therapy last night which was once again very good. Wouldn't of thought of going unless the Dr said so. I still too have moments in the day where I could murder a fag, but it passes fairly quickley. Will catch up later today and hope everyone has a good day.

Dellabella profile image

Still here, hanging in there....

Hi team

Haven't posted for a while as have been busy working and painting, I found the painting really relaxing and kept my mind off you know what!!! The whole house will be purple ha ha ha!

Monday night was the worse ever for cravings especially after the 2nd glass of red but decided to call a quit on the drinking more than 2 as I think I might sucumb so 2 glasses it is for a while.

A friend popped in today who smokes roll ups so not too bad, went out with her to the garden each time she had one and chewed and chewed the gum, wasn't tempted but there again, it was roll ups!!!

Am going out with a group of girls who all smoke on Saturday night and am actually dreading it as it will be a drinking session and hope I will find the determination from somewhere, this was a real downfall in my previous quits.

Fingers crossed for me. Have been reading everybodys posts and feel sorry for those peeps who have relasped, it has happened to me in previous quits, the last time I quit for 7 months after hypnotherapy, it started with just 1 or 2 everytime I had a drink but then it crept up and up like it does until back on 15 a day...

Sorry for long post, have to go now and get ready for work.

Be back later xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

All present and correct so far.... :D

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