still going strong!: hiya all, im going... - No Smoking Day

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still going strong!

nsd_user663_2743 profile image
36 Replies

hiya all, im going strong at this quitting , i think im on this level :confused:, im following Dave so i dont get lost! :rolleyes:

i havent posted much because i didnt know what, where or who to post too after reading some of this weeks posts.

hopefully its all over , and we can continue with quitting.

hope everyones ok :)

jude xxxxx

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nsd_user663_2743 profile image
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36 Replies
nsd_user663_1704 profile image

*phew* :o

Lets hope so x x

hehe well done Jude we will continue on ;)

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

hiya all, im going strong at this quitting , i think im on this level :confused:, im following Dave so i dont get lost! :rolleyes:

i havent posted much because i didnt know what, where or who to post too after reading some of this weeks posts.

hopefully its all over , and we can continue with quitting.

hope everyones ok :)

jude xxxxx

Congrats Jude! I'm still hanging in there with you;)

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Keep going there are a few of us following you too.:)

nsd_user663_2772 profile image

hiya all, im going strong at this quitting , i think im on this level :confused:, im following Dave so i dont get lost! :rolleyes:

i havent posted much because i didnt know what, where or who to post too after reading some of this weeks posts.

hopefully its all over , and we can continue with quitting.

hope everyones ok :)

jude xxxxx

Hi jude, nice to hear from you im glad to hear you are doing ok,yes we are on the correct level,yes keep following we will all be fine.

onwards and upwards


I have been quit for 3 Weeks, 2 Days, 15 hours, 9 minutes and 47 seconds (23 days). I have saved £160.57 by not smoking 708 cigarettes. My Quit Date: 20/01/2008 08:00

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Jude

Keep following Dave hes doing great like your self. Congrats to you both. linda xxxx

nsd_user663_2707 profile image

Well done jude and dave,youre both doin great!!

Keep on keepin on,Lisa :) xxx

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Hi Jude/Dave08

I am still following you - hitting the 4th week mark today :). I am finding it easier now in the sense that I do not think of smoking much at all and when I do it is no longer with the sense of longing I had in the first couple of weeks.

Still early days but this quit does feel different from my past experiences.

Cannot wait to finish the month!


nsd_user663_2512 profile image

Just post where you fancy Jude ....

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

thanks everyone :D

just got in from work, im not ignoring anyone!! :D

we are doing just great!!

jude xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

Thats good to hear Jude. Can I ask how many Champix you take per day?

I cut down to one a day 11 days ago - and still feeling great.

Perhaps this time I'll really do it!!

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

hiya, im really only taking one now, because i forget about the evening one, i dont feel the need for it,

you will do it hun, me too, i can feel it in my bones!! :D

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

I still take 2mg per day. I almost forgot a pill one evening last week but but I am really paranoid about missing any of them (I quit too early on Zyban thinking I did not need it and was hit hard with withdrawal).

I am still trying to find more information on coming off slowly - I would not even mind staying on it for longer if it means it helps me quit for good - do you have any information? My GP is useless as is the "I never smoked" cessation nurse at the clinic who told me last week that they just expected for me to "come off it by myself"...


nsd_user663_1733 profile image


Never used champix myself but if you look at kazzas posts she dropped down very slow. also i do think Steveh has done some looking in to them he used champix. Hope this helps. Linda xxx

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Thanks Linda - I will search their posts! It is still difficult to find information on Champix so I have so far relied on users' experiences of it but even these are hard to come by as the drug hasn't been available for long.

Tx for the feedback! x

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

I still take 2mg per day. I almost forgot a pill one evening last week but but I am really paranoid about missing any of them (I quit too early on Zyban thinking I did not need it and was hit hard with withdrawal).

I am still trying to find more information on coming off slowly - I would not even mind staying on it for longer if it means it helps me quit for good - do you have any information? My GP is useless as is the "I never smoked" cessation nurse at the clinic who told me last week that they just expected for me to "come off it by myself"...


I was telling Jude yesterday - I kept forgetting to take my evening dose and realised I didn't notice the difference. So now I am on day 12 of only one pill a day (by choice) and I can honestly say I feel fine.

The added bonus of course is (if I need to) I can stretch the Champix out for another few months if I need to at the end of my prescribed course.

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Thanks Cword - I guess the moment may come for me eventually when i forget. I'll search and post back on what I find out. x

nsd_user663_2800 profile image

to all

Hi i'm lorraine47 this is my 1st post & I have been reading your threads for the last few weeks which I have found very thanks to everyone & well done to all you quitters.

I started taking Champix on 12 jan & quit smoking on the 23 jan. I have been smoking 25/30 cigs a day for over 40 years. I quit once, for 3 months, 20 years ago & realised I could not live without smoking!

I used nicotine inhalers to get me through my flights to go on holidays. As time went on I was fed up with cigs being in control of my life.

It seemed every time I went out of my home I was always wondering when I could have my next fag. Last year I threw my fag eng on the pavement as I got out of my car to go into work & I was fined £60.... cannot tell you how annoyed I was & still not got over it!

Well I won't prattle on but I am really proud of myself & cannot believe i's 3 weeks since I last smoked.

If anyone out there is think ing about quitting & is afraid to try,get to your GP's & ask for Champix as I really have found it to be the 'magic pill'.

Family & friends cannot believe it & the most suprised person is ME!

Good luck

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Hi Lorraine47! I am so glad Champix is working for you too! I quit on 22nd so just a few hours from you and almost 1 month ago :) We'll be a few to celebrate!

I understand where you come from about the addiction and always thinking about the next opportunity to have a cigarette - I was like that...


nsd_user663_2743 profile image


Cat, i did ask my gp, she wasnt sure but did think that i would have to cut down then stop, but within the 3 month course.

most gp"s arent keen on giving more.

sorry this reply is late, i forgot you asked me to post what she said :o

not much help but we have a while yet before we do anything

hi Lorraine, welcome hun xx

jude xx

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Hi Jude

thanks for the feedback - I know we are some way away yet - but it will be here fast (look at us almost reaching the month!!!Can you believe it?)


nsd_user663_2826 profile image

I know - one month seems like a real landmark for me.

Lets all keep going - we are sooo near.;)

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

i know!! its flying over, we are doing so well :D

one month is party time girls

nsd_user663_2826 profile image


*cough* girls?:confused: *cough*


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

sorry!! :o

but you are one of us !! :eek:

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

haha - no worries Jude. Ive been called worse :p

nsd_user663_2253 profile image

I still take 2mg per day. I almost forgot a pill one evening last week but but I am really paranoid about missing any of them (I quit too early on Zyban thinking I did not need it and was hit hard with withdrawal).

I am still trying to find more information on coming off slowly - I would not even mind staying on it for longer if it means it helps me quit for good - do you have any information? My GP is useless as is the "I never smoked" cessation nurse at the clinic who told me last week that they just expected for me to "come off it by myself"...


Hi Catmagpie! Best to come off champix slowly if possible.

I did 3 months on champix, then had another 3 months off my Doc-he wasn't keen, but told him better chance of not startin again if weaned off slowly.

As it happens I've still got about 6weeks of champix pills - I weaned off slowly as decided couldn't cope anymore feeling like zombie and spaced out all the time(see my previous posts).

People on another forum I visit who have suddenly stopped champix have had really bad withdrawal symptoms. But we're all different so see how you go.:)

nsd_user663_2808 profile image

i came off champix suddenly and had no ill effects - but i stopped because of the side effects... ideally i would have preffered to have remained on them loger.

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Thanks for the feedback!

Pammy - good to know you managed to stay on the course for longer. I read about withdrawal also on another forum and would do anything to avoid it if possible - or at least minimise it. I'll see how I go and if I feel like I need it - I'll pester my GP until he gives in.

Sorry you had bad side-effects scandoo. I am lucky in the sense I've had almost none and my worst are the dreams. A mix of nightmares and very vivid ones which I recall in details. I also now have the power to rewind and start when I left off if I wake up - very weird (and sometimes great if the dream is of an enjoyable kind ;)


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

morning all. ive just looked at my quitkeeper, 25 days today :eek: :D

how good is that!!!!

I have been quit for 3 Weeks, 4 Days, 11 hours, 1 minute and 52 seconds (25 days). I have saved £152.74 by not smoking 636 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Days and 5 hours of my life. My Quit Date: 21/01/2008 00:01

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

I told you we'd hit the month sooner than you think! :)

WTG! I admit I have become a Champix "preacher" and have been telling all my smoking friends about it - they are still convinced I will not manage to stay quit (not very supportive - are they?...) but they really do not understand how the drug helps...

I am still a day behind you. which quit meter are you using -?

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

i know were seems to have gone quick.

im the same, im trying to get hubby and my son on it.

it just says quitkeeper, not sure where i got it

try, or google quitkeeper.

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

sorry, meant :o

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

Since we are all flashing our stats - here's mine!

I was on 40 a day.

I quit 3 Weeks, 4 Days, 3 hours and 55 minutes (25 days) ago thanks to Champix.

I have saved £226.46 by not putting 1,006 cigarettes in my body.

My Quit Date: 21/01/2008 07:30

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

brill, you big bloke with big bloke muscles :D :D

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

brill, you big bloke with big bloke muscles :D :D

So THATS who's been peeping through my internets!!!:eek:

Jude earlier today

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

bollocks! :eek: been caught! ;)

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