new year quitters - its nearly a month! - No Smoking Day

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new year quitters - its nearly a month!

nsd_user663_2621 profile image
38 Replies

Hope everyone is good this morning:D

I had another smoke free weekend although i had a very difficult time friday night - got very very drunk and have some memory loss - but i think i got through it ok - i certainly didnt wake up on saturday wheezing!

So according to my desktop thingy I have been quit for 3 Weeks, 6 Days, 7 hours, 24 minutes and 24 seconds (27 days). I have saved £134.63 by not smoking 464 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Day, 14 hours and 40 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 01/01/2008 05:24

Roll call for new year quitters:


who else?

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nsd_user663_2621 profile image
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38 Replies
nsd_user663_2703 profile image

Congratulations Paul! :D

I was a new year quitter but have blipped twice and a pack of 20 on each blip (damn whoever decided to ban packs of 10 in Ireland!!!) so am not really up with you guys any more. :(

nsd_user663_2762 profile image

Congratulations Paul! :D

I was a new year quitter but have blipped twice and a pack of 20 on each blip (damn whoever decided to ban packs of 10 in Ireland!!!) so am not really up with you guys any more. :(

u are so strong + motivated hun. total respect to you for getting back to quiting so soon after the blips. if it was me i'd be smoking for another 6 months before i tried again - i would have lost all my confidence + motivation to have the courage to try again!

Go supersonic, go!!!!! :D x x x x

nsd_user663_2703 profile image

I have it in my head that I have to do it!

Every time I have a blip I hate the smell more and more so maybe one day I'll just stop blipping! Damn alcohol!

I have to be careful though. I got like this last year and ended up coming home from work every night and having a glass of wine just so I had an excuse to smoke. It wasn't the wine I wanted, it was the smokes!

I think I've been trying to seriously give up for about five years now actually! I've read Alan Carr about four times and it has no effect any more because I know everything he says and it still has no effect.

One day!!!

nsd_user663_2762 profile image

I have it in my head that I have to do it!

Every time I have a blip I hate the smell more and more so maybe one day I'll just stop blipping! Damn alcohol!

I have to be careful though. I got like this last year and ended up coming home from work every night and having a glass of wine just so I had an excuse to smoke. It wasn't the wine I wanted, it was the smokes!

I think I've been trying to seriously give up for about five years now actually! I've read Alan Carr about four times and it has no effect any more because I know everything he says and it still has no effect.

One day!!!

Definately hun. you will do it. this is my 5th time, we are all in the same boat. Just keep trying + try not to loose your confidence. The more you try, the more your chance of suceeding goes up!!!!! That dammn nic will not win - we will win!!!!!! mmwah ha ha!!!!!! x x x x ;)

nsd_user663_2621 profile image

Congratulations Paul! :D

I was a new year quitter but have blipped twice and a pack of 20 on each blip (damn whoever decided to ban packs of 10 in Ireland!!!) so am not really up with you guys any more. :(

thanks mate - i think you can still say you are a new years quitter but u know u got to stop blipping!! Maybe stay off the booze for a while - its a nasty bugger that removes your self control. Whenever i have failed in the past its cos of the booze - but this time i just feel more in control. I really dont know why. Stick with us SuperSheep:D

nsd_user663_2176 profile image

I think I've been trying to seriously give up for about five years now actually! I've read Alan Carr about four times and it has no effect any more because I know everything he says and it still has no effect.

One day!!!

You will get there, all of this is just build-up and preparation. I was unhappy with smoking for years before I finally got the hang of this. A couple of years ago i stopped for about 6 or 7 months and somehow ended up with another two years of smoking every day. I spent all of last year having what I saw as failed attempts. Then something just clicked and, fingers crossed, I think I've cracked it this time.

You can do this, x

nsd_user663_2703 profile image

You will get there, all of this is just build-up and preparation. I was unhappy with smoking for years before I finally got the hang of this. A couple of years ago i stopped for about 6 or 7 months and somehow ended up with another two years of smoking every day. I spent all of last year having what I saw as failed attempts. Then something just clicked and, fingers crossed, I think I've cracked it this time.

You can do this, x

Cheers hbav. What also gets me down is that my dad quit cold turkey on his first attempt and he was smoking for a hell of a lot longer than I was! So if he can do it, why can't I? I hate to think I'm weak willed!

nsd_user663_2176 profile image

I only smoked at evenings and weekends, between about 5 and 15 a day (during the week usually about 6 a day) but I found it horrendous for quite a while. Personally I don't think the amount you smoke has much to do with it, you're still addicted to that nicotine fix and it still takes hard work to get yourself off that.

Don't compare yourself with anyone else, we've all got the same aims and it doesn't matter whether someone else gets it first time or whether we all take 50 attempts.

nsd_user663_2614 profile image


Im still cheering you all on, although i could of swore there was loads more than this :confused:

nsd_user663_2614 profile image

Im the same. I used to have one as soon as i woke up in the morning before even getting out of bed.

It was the last thing i did before i went to bed and if i woke up in the night id have one too :eek:

nsd_user663_2621 profile image

You will get there, all of this is just build-up and preparation. I was unhappy with smoking for years before I finally got the hang of this. A couple of years ago i stopped for about 6 or 7 months and somehow ended up with another two years of smoking every day. I spent all of last year having what I saw as failed attempts. Then something just clicked and, fingers crossed, I think I've cracked it this time.

You can do this, x

Hey H

this is EXACTLY how i feel this time.

nsd_user663_2621 profile image


Im still cheering you all on, although i could of swore there was loads more than this :confused:

hmm yeah there were - i hope we havent lost some along the way,...:confused:

nsd_user663_2703 profile image

I only smoked at evenings and weekends, between about 5 and 15 a day (during the week usually about 6 a day) but I found it horrendous for quite a while. Personally I don't think the amount you smoke has much to do with it, you're still addicted to that nicotine fix and it still takes hard work to get yourself off that.

hbav that sounds exactly like me. The first 7 years of smoking I was on anything between 20 and 40 a day but in the last 5 years I only ever smoked during evenings and weekends (about 5 on a weekday evening and about 10-15 on a weekend day).

Anyway, to get back to what the post is ACTUALLY about - like PaulC said, where are all the New Year quitters??? There used to be a list!

nsd_user663_2176 profile image

hbav that sounds exactly like me. The first 7 years of smoking I was on anything between 20 and 40 a day but in the last 5 years I only ever smoked during evenings and weekends (about 5 on a weekday evening and about 10-15 on a weekend day).

Anyway, to get back to what the post is ACTUALLY about - like PaulC said, where are all the New Year quitters??? There used to be a list!

When I was at uni I was on a shocking amount a day, I dread to think how much. Then I got it down to just evenings and it hardly ever even occured to me during the day - but it didn't make it any easier to stop.

But yes, back to the point - where are you all??

nsd_user663_2703 profile image

When I was at uni I was on a shocking amount a day, I dread to think how much. Then I got it down to just evenings and it hardly ever even occured to me during the day - but it didn't make it any easier to stop.

It's weird isn't it? I wouldn't dream of smoking during the day on a weekday but it was habit for me to go home and have a cup of tea out the back with a cigarette after work. Even on the weekends I would hold off until at least midday before having a smoke.

Sorry I'm getting off topic again! Sorry PaulC, I seem to have accidentally hijacked your thread and I didn't mean to! I just talk too much! :o

nsd_user663_2737 profile image

I quit 3rd January as I didnt want to stop on the 1st like everyone else does. But I am classing myself as a New year Quitter and joining you x

nsd_user663_2176 profile image

It's weird isn't it? I wouldn't dream of smoking during the day on a weekday but it was habit for me to go home and have a cup of tea out the back with a cigarette after work. Even on the weekends I would hold off until at least midday before having a smoke.

Sorry I'm getting off topic again! Sorry PaulC, I seem to have accidentally hijacked your thread and I didn't mean to! I just talk too much! :o

It shows how much of it is just habit. I very very rarely smoked during the day (as in about twice a year during a really bad day), but on the way home from work I would be just desperate. The first thing I did when I got home was light up and I would be running down the road to my house thinking I was going to pass out the craving was so bad.

PS - sorry again Paul, we can't shut up!

nsd_user663_2695 profile image

Hi Paul,

Still there from New Years day with not a single puff......

Well done buddy and any others of us still at it.


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Still here JUST!! :o

nsd_user663_2703 profile image

I think sometimes it gets harder doesn't it? After the first few weeks the novelty of stopping wears off and it's like you've proved to yourself you can do it so you relax a bit and then get caught out. Well I get caught out anyway!

nsd_user663_2176 profile image

I think sometimes it gets harder doesn't it? After the first few weeks the novelty of stopping wears off and it's like you've proved to yourself you can do it so you relax a bit and then get caught out. Well I get caught out anyway!

Totally. The novelty of smelling good got me through the first few weeks so many times, then I'd have a bad day around the week 3 mark and think 'sack it', and before I knew it back where I started... yet again. But hey, it does get easier and one day you just get so annoyed with yourself that it gives you the kick up the backside you need! :)

Hope there's a big room ready for all you lot in the next month... moving day tomorrow.

nsd_user663_2703 profile image

Totally. The novelty of smelling good got me through the first few weeks so many times, then I'd have a bad day around the week 3 mark and think 'sack it', and before I knew it back where I started... yet again. But hey, it does get easier and one day you just get so annoyed with yourself that it gives you the kick up the backside you need! :)

Hope there's a big room ready for all you lot in the next month... moving day tomorrow.

Yeah week 3 always seems to be where I slip up alright. I think I may need a new quit date which is the 1st of the month or my birthday (which isn't for ages by the way!) or something like that. It's just a psychological thing I think and the fact that I have had two blips so close together I may need to get my head around quitting again. Not that I've had a smoke since Saturday but I feel like I may slip up again this week. I need to sort my head out.

Sometimes I feel like such a schizo! Like I've an angel on one shoulder going "no don't do it!" and a devil on the other saying "go on, you know you love it!".

nsd_user663_2629 profile image

Still going strong, still get the odd twinge but not too bad at all now, even cope with mate smokin in car, however weekend of voddy on the cards at butlins so ........... watch this space:D

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi All Four weeks at the end of today we are doing great. Had one hell of a weekend son came out of hospital sat morning. Sat night started passing blood from his back passage up a&e all day yesterday. Hes back in waiting to have magic eye this afternoon hopfully we will find out whats going on. Not one puff but omg it was really hard and sooooooo close. But I am here to post another day. Hope everyone is doing fab Linda xxxxx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Oh Linda so sorry to hear that x x x x

I would reckon theres a lot of tests on the horizon. I do hope he gets well Linda x x x x

*Big hugs*

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2176 profile image


really hope they get things sorted for your son soon. I think it's great that you've stayed strong through all of this. xx

nsd_user663_2703 profile image

Hi All Four weeks at the end of today we are doing great. Had one hell of a weekend son came out of hospital sat morning. Sat night started passing blood from his back passage up a&e all day yesterday. Hes back in waiting to have magic eye this afternoon hopfully we will find out whats going on. Not one puff but omg it was really hard and sooooooo close. But I am here to post another day. Hope everyone is doing fab Linda xxxxx

Linda, you really are an inspiration. It sounds like you have had it harder than anyone and yet you have not caved. I admire you, I really do! Well done! :)

nsd_user663_2621 profile image

bloody hell Linda you dont have it easy do ya - sending you nothing but hugs and admiration!

so we got:


Garys Trying





YoYoYo - quite right - only 2 days after

SupersonicSheep and Sara - you quit on new years and despite the blips i still consider you in this group:D

And really we should now include:

Est4Elvis (i know u stopped on 9th but whats a few days between mates!)

Phil (same applies)

I am sure there were more (maddog and some other too)...:confused:

nsd_user663_2632 profile image

I'm still here too! :-).

'Well done' doesn't quite express it, Linda! You are an example for all of us to look up to. Wow!

Yep! Four weeks at the end of today. We should all give ourselves a huge pat on the back and maybe plan something nice for the 1 month milestone?

Anyone planned a treat for themselves yet?

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Congratulations New Years quitters and, hey, everybody else too! Never lose confidence in yourselves because this is a war made of many battles :D

Big extra hugs to Linda as usual, because honey you are amazing and you are an inspiration to us all and you so deserve to be happy. Hope son gets better I can't even imagine what it must be for you x x x x x

nsd_user663_1920 profile image



nsd_user663_2142 profile image

:D YAAYYYY Congrats New Years Quitters!!! Keep on truckin'!!! :D

nsd_user663_2711 profile image

well done everyone, linda sending you lots of love hope all goes well with your boy xx

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Thanks everyone for your caring posts. We are allmost on month two I feel proud I have not caved this last week. Thank you all for being here for me. Linda xxx

nsd_user663_2629 profile image

Well done everyone

what a month - mother in law rushed to hosp, found out son (13yrs) has been 'trying' fkg blow (6 times, how many times before he knew if he liked it!!) now my mum rushed to hosp, son off all week with gastritus and smonache cramps (must have hit him a little too hard (joke)

So none of it made me puff and i am off to butlins 4 the w/e with 9 other girlies (i use the term loosely) to celebrate a birthday

The voddy will flow and hopefully i wont forget i dont smoke at the moment!

So good weekend all x :cool:

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

argh thats not a great month :o

I hope it's all getting better from here on in.

Enjoy Butlins and voddy of course ;) think you bloody deserve it!!

Kids are a worry! not much you can do short of electronic tags, apparently thats unethical! pah :rolleyes:

Well Done for getting through it all, smoke free!

The fun week end should be no problem after all that :o

Hope both mums are Ok too.

Have a good one

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Well Done to you all. You are doing just great. I fell at the last hurdle but i will be back dont you worry about that.

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

bloody hell Linda you dont have it easy do ya - sending you nothing but hugs and admiration!

so we got:


Garys Trying





YoYoYo - quite right - only 2 days after

SupersonicSheep and Sara - you quit on new years and despite the blips i still consider you in this group:D

And really we should now include:

Est4Elvis (i know u stopped on 9th but whats a few days between mates!)

Phil (same applies)

I am sure there were more (maddog and some other too)...:confused:Don't forget me, i'm still here:D:D

Love Josie xxx

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