I Refuse To Give Up Trying...: As you may... - No Smoking Day

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I Refuse To Give Up Trying...

nsd_user663_2263 profile image
18 Replies

As you may know I have been a miserable failure at trying to quit on my own..soooo...I decided to get a (very expensive) prescription for Champix today and start it in the morning. WISH ME LUCK THIS TIME!! I heard a lot of success stories with Champix -


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nsd_user663_2263 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_2512 profile image

Good luck Smokey (maybe you should change your handle)

How expensive can a Champix prescription be?

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

As you may know I have been a miserable failure at trying to quit on my own..soooo...I decided to get a (very expensive) prescription for Champix today and start it in the morning. WISH ME LUCK THIS TIME!! I heard a lot of success stories with Champix -

SS....Hi Smokesignal, l am also on Champix, it's absolutely great. I quit on 01/01/08, so am on day 20 today. A piece of advice l would give you is, DO NOT be in too much of a hurry to rush to a quit day. To give myself every chance of quitting, l continued to smoke for the full 14 days prior to my quit day. I did smoke between 40 and 50 a day for 47 years though. For the past 7 or 8 days, l have been taking just 1 tablet a day, as l felt able to do so without and consequences, but if l decide that l DO need to take 2 a day again, l shall not beat myself up about it. I have EVERY FAITH IN YOU being successful this time around. :):):)

Love Josie

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Good luck Smokey (maybe you should change your handle)

How expensive can a Champix prescription be?Hi John, without a prescription, it is around £400 for a full course of treatment. :eek::eek::eek:

Love Josie

nsd_user663_2263 profile image

Me Again..

I live in New York (Upstate, in the country) and here it costs 113.00 dollars for the starter pack...not cheap but considering the cost of cigarettes now --American Spirit is 6.00 a pack..dont you just LOVE the name of this cigarette...they even send you free 10 packs every once in awhile just to keep you hooked...I will check in on Monday to let you know how my first day on Champix went..I want to tomorrow because I am actually getting quite sick from smoking..cough...oh, and about my handle..Smoke Signal was actually chosen because I am Native American and smoke signals were used to signal for help back in the good ol days---hehee..

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Hey SmokeSignal good to see you again and well done about getting the Champix prescription - it shows that you are so determined, never even think of yourself as a failure! :eek: You deserve to succeed I bet this time it's the time ;)

nsd_user663_2512 profile image

I live in New York (Upstate, in the country) and here it costs 113.00 dollars for the starter pack...

DANG ...

Don't you call it Chantix over there?

It's £6.25 here on prescription Doc/NHS

Did Zyban (bupropion) myself and I got about 120 pills left here, wonder what there worth :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

I live in New York (Upstate, in the country) and here it costs 113.00 dollars for the starter pack...not cheap but considering the cost of cigarettes now --American Spirit is 6.00 a pack..dont you just LOVE the name of this cigarette...they even send you free 10 packs every once in awhile just to keep you hooked...

Damn.. Big Tobacco sure knows what they're doing over there huh!

However, continue fighting it and you'll get there in the end.

Good luck man.

nsd_user663_2512 profile image

I could be ur manager ;)

Is that like an offer to handle my interests :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2263 profile image

Checking In...again

Hey Boudee - Not a bad idea, I could see myself doling out Zyban here in this one horse town (literally) - there really is just one horse - the rest of the animals are alpacas. Laugh..Anyway, I just came back with my Chantix (I called it Champix before because I believe I have hanging out with you guys too long...heehee..So, tomorrow it will be and I am very excited about it. I am just a little concerned about the effects of it - some people were reported to have suicidal thoughts????YIKES!! Thanks for all the support. I may have to post here more often than I thought just for support...but you seem like cool people. Cheers from New York - or New Yawk as they say here..


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

in the uk they did not give you free cigs they gave you a coupon in every pack that you saved up to get goods,after 10 years of smoking 20 a day i had saved enough to get a torch {batteries not included}:D

Lmao @ that!! I am the proud owner of a wine bottle cooler :D only took me 3 years :rolleyes:

Funny things those 'loyalty' cards!

Smoking in the USA is way much cheaper than here, they put the ban up first though.

Smoking is so government orientated here. Can't afford to do it, can't afford not to!!


As You see I too keep falling :o we'll all get there in the end because that is what we really want x x

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Welcome home smoke

Me too back to the begining maybe this is our time. Good luck with this quit. xxxxx

nsd_user663_2263 profile image

Message from my parrot

I have a beautiful parrot that is beginning to talk - today I asked him what was wrong...because he was acting so strange..he said :BAD AIR..just like that..I never taught him how to say this..it is amazing really. So true..

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

When i mentioned to my Dr about champix he said it was £56 for a weeks course, so not cheap.

Smokesignal, I wish you good luck xx

nsd_user663_2263 profile image

Mucho Gracias !!

Thanks friends for being so supportive..I am terrified of starting Chantix in the morning actually - when I look at these posts it gives me so much more confidence than I have on my own..thank you for that!! I know this is a UK site but it is a very universal addiction that we have..I appreciate this site so very much!!! Oh, and Boudee..yes, I want you to be my manager..there is a great need in my small town here for Zyban and Chantix...we can even wear trench coats and glasses...

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

in the uk they did not give you free cigs they gave you a coupon in every pack that you saved up to get goods,after 10 years of smoking 20 a day i had saved enough to get a torch {batteries not included}:D

OMG!:eek: I remember them! Embassy used to do them but I started saving them when Benson & Hedges started doing them!

There was a catalogue with all the stuff you could get. Embassy had 'Focus' points and the B & H ones were called 'Gratis' points. I saved up just enough coupon to get a desktop lamp about 12 years ago. They were like 'smoke miles'.:rolleyes:

I hadn't smoked B & H or Embassy for years cos of the price of them (trendy fags). Do they still do the coupons in the fags?

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

He he thats right I saved both those, then I went onto 'Silk Cut' thats were I got my Wine cooler wasn't very nice and I never used it :D

I don't know if they still do them :confused: in my later years I smoked Lambert and Butler then when I smoked after my quit 3 years ago, I went on to 'Marlborough Lites' because thats what bf smokes.

Sorry I am twittering away again :D

Hows you doing Barney ?? Missed you with all this 'work' your doing these days!! I prefered it when you just pretended hehehe

Is it Ok? you enjoying it?

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

He he thats right I saved both those, then I went onto 'Silk Cut' thats were I got my Wine cooler wasn't very nice and I never used it

I don't know if they still do them :confused: in my later years I smoked Lambert and Butler then when I smoked after my quit 3 years ago, I went on to 'Marlborough Lites' because thats what bf smokes.

Sorry I am twittering away again :D

Hows you doing Barney ?? Missed you with all this 'work' your doing these days!! I prefered it when you just pretended hehehe

Is it Ok? you enjoying it?

~Buffy x x

LMAO I used to smoke L & B's! They were my going out cigarette as I usually smoked rollies! They were cheaper but fags are still a rip off! Soooo glad I'm not wasting my money on them anymore, in fact I'm struggling to figure out where I got the money to smoke!:confused:

Yes, still busy!

Almost finished decorating the boys room, got to lay the carpet, then we'll move him in. Then onto his old room which is going to be the nursery!

Busy at work too! Making alot of enquiries to suppliers for prices and stuff!

All good! good! good!;)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

:D Good x x x

Ah big boys room eh? sweetheart x x x x bet he's excited!

Don't work too hard!! you'll need your energy for those Loooooong night feed filled nights :D hehe

So glad we have decent TV all through the night now! when my eldest was a kid it was all performing arts and white noise!! :D

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