Hello Week 3: :DWell...........myself and... - No Smoking Day

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Hello Week 3

nsd_user663_2695 profile image
33 Replies

:DWell...........myself and some others hopefully graduate today (New Years Day Quitters) and get to see what week 3 has to offer. ;)

Week 2 is a bit up and down so hopefully week "3ers" are a positive crew.......

Everything is going ok for me and i do believe i am now an ex-smoker, just need the times i think about cigarettes (not smoking cigarettes, just thinking about them) to reduce and i reckon we're there. :D

hope everyone else is in a similar place today

Gary :cool:

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nsd_user663_2695 profile image
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33 Replies
nsd_user663_2614 profile image

Well done Gary and everyone else thats reached the 3 week mark :D

You have done really well :)

Now where are the rest of you?

nsd_user663_2629 profile image


Didnt think i was gonna do it! Feelin a bit better today, hopefuly it will last!!

Well done to everyone:D:D:D

Hey Sara - how u donin?????

nsd_user663_2614 profile image

Im good thanks jojo. I had a few dizzy spells yesterday but other than it was fine :D

Glad to hear you have pulled yourself through the worse :D

nsd_user663_2703 profile image

Hiya all! Still feeling like I need to clear my throat every five minutes but feeling ok. I'm feeling good about week three but what worries me is that I know I've been here before. I've managed to avoid all my triggers so far (the biggest one being alcohol) so maybe I should face them head on at some point to give myself more confidence. Best of luck in week three everyone! We can do it as long as we keep our heads! :)

nsd_user663_2176 profile image

Big congratulations to all the new year quitters who are now in week 3. Hope you're all feeling ok and make sure you reward yourself for all your hard work. :)

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Hi I am here in week 3. I am still finding this a real struggle at times and not sure if i will ever finally do this.

nsd_user663_2632 profile image

Hello week 3 indeed!

We've all done really well getting here. And, yes, Flippy, whether you think so or not, you are finally doing this! It's a fact ;)

Well done you too, Sara, for picking yourself up and showing the stamina that's in you!

I know what you mean about thinking about cigarettes (not smoking them), Gary. I'm sure (I hope :confused:), the thoughts will gradually fade away, or at least get fainter.

Congratulations to everyone!

Come on! Where are all the others?

nsd_user663_2176 profile image

Flippy - you have done it!

If you wait to feel like a non-smoker, or wait till there's no cravings, or wait for 'something' to happen you might be waiting for a long time, and you can get so focused on that that you don't realise that actually you've already done it. The minute that last cigarette goes out you're not a smoker anymore, don't wait for something to feel different, just appreciate that you've already done it and feel proud of yourself for that.

(ok, sermon over! :))

nsd_user663_2621 profile image

yep here in week three too - bloody marvellous!

Flippy you can do it!

nsd_user663_2614 profile image

Come on Flippy i have faith in you :) your doing brilliant and i can promise you if you have a fag you will regret it, let my stupidism show you, im back to square one and you really dont want to be back here with me, its ever so lonely haha :D

nsd_user663_2703 profile image

Who needs cigarettes when there's gorgeous sweet, juicy apples and clementines to refresh your tastebuds? Yes one day I will eat so many apples that I will turn into one! :D

Come on Flippy, stick with us mate! :)

nsd_user663_2595 profile image

Well done to All the New Year quitters :D .... keep going. Getting week 3 out the way made it a whole lot easier going for me, so stick with it! It's not like you are missing much with all this foul weather outside ;)....I can just imagine my old outcast smoking mob huddled in that manky perspex smoking shelter at the office, stinking of damp fag-smoke.....I can now say I feel sorry for them in their cigarette enslaved world.....not a place I want to be ever again!

nsd_user663_2176 profile image

It's definitely not a going outside sort of day - yet another reason not to be missing smoking. We're all warm and dry inside and smelling lovely - what could be better? :)

nsd_user663_2629 profile image

Hi I am here in week 3. I am still finding this a real struggle at times and not sure if i will ever finally do this.

Hey Flipster - we can do this - incentive - ask your children what mummy smells like? bet you like the answer xx:cool:

nsd_user663_2176 profile image

jojo, how you feeling today? Hope it's a bit easier than yesterday. :)

nsd_user663_2637 profile image

Lets hope week 3 is easier than week 2 - that was harsh (worse than week 1)

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi I am here in week 3. I am still finding this a real struggle at times and not sure if i will ever finally do this.Hi Flippy, l know where you are coming from. I had 3 days last week that were hell :eek:

The worst part was, l wasn't expecting it :confused: The 1st week was not at all bad - l coped quite well, but last week it took me a bit by surprise. Just expected it to get better and better l suppose. This week is different again. This will be the 3rd day of only taking 1 Champix instead of 2. I did it the first day, just to see how it felt. In all honesty, it hasn't seemed that much different. What l am going to do though, is not to say, "I'm only on 1 Champix a day now", but to take each day as it comes, and if l feel l need 2 a day, then i'll have 2 a day :D

Josie xxx

nsd_user663_2695 profile image

Hi Josie,

How does Champix work? Are you still smoking??

Just interested...........................................:confused:

nsd_user663_2485 profile image

New Year's Quitters

Congratulations, New Years Quitters! Hard to believe it is already week three...time flies!

All of you have made it through the hard part, now it's just the maintenance and fine tuning. You are so close to the one-month milestone, and achieving that is nothing compared to what you have already done!

Again, Congratulations!

Rob W

Quit: 18 October 2007

Method: Cold Turkey

In two days it will be month 4 for me! Whew!

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Josie,

How does Champix work? Are you still smoking??

Just interested...........................................:confused:

Hi Gary, no, l quit on 01/01/08. I started taking champix 14 days prior to quitting. This is a longer period of time than some people take, but because l had smoked such a lot, for such a long time, l wanted to give myself every chance. On the whole, l have found it to be not nearly as painful as l was expecting.

Week 1 was a doddle really,

Week 2, quite a different matter altogether. I had 3 days in week 2 which were HELL.

This week is different again, l have reduced the Champix to 1 a day for the last 3 days, feeling that l could. Of course, this may alter tomorrow, but that does not matter. I still have an 8 week course of 2 tablets a day to go. I am going to take each day as it comes. :):):)

Josie xxx

nsd_user663_2678 profile image

Hi Josie,

How does Champix work? Are you still smoking??

Just interested...........................................:confused:

Good question Gary, i was wondering the same

nsd_user663_2695 profile image

Thanks for the information Josie...........now i understand.

I guess it's different for everyone......as they say ther's no pain like your own pain.

Well done anyway and keep up the good work.


nsd_user663_2554 profile image

Don't know why but when ever I see your username "garystrying" my twisted mind always reads it as gay string.

And yes it has been said before, I am a little strange.

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Don't know why but when ever I see your username "garystrying" my twisted mind always reads it as gay string.

And yes it has been said before, I am a little strange.

HAaaaa ! Haaaaaaaaaaa! oh ! Ha ha ha ! your sooooo funny....:D L O L

nsd_user663_2629 profile image

jojo, how you feeling today? Hope it's a bit easier than yesterday. :)

im feelin very good thanks hbav - cloud seems to have lifted from my shoulders and just covered the whole bloody country :D

nsd_user663_2629 profile image

Don't know why but when ever I see your username "garystrying" my twisted mind always reads it as gay string.

And yes it has been said before, I am a little strange.

no no no i always read gary string - lol

nsd_user663_2695 profile image

Is "Dazlittle" also the case????????????

I am going to change my user name tomorrow to something more alpha male!!!

I'm off for a cigarette now if you lot are gonna take the p**s

nsd_user663_2755 profile image

Hi All my new friends to be

I've been on champix since jan 1st and packed the ciggies in that day too, still need the willpower but definately not on a scale as in previous attempts of giving up, everything is cool, bit nauscious and the messed up dreams and yet to go to the pub :D

nsd_user663_2554 profile image

hey "GayString" not sure what it is about your username but when I read it I read it as "Gary Styring"



Daz"Alpha male"Little

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

splutters x-pirat.de/images/smiles/4.gif

titter titter giggle snigger hehe

nsd_user663_1704 profile image


:( Sorry :(

nsd_user663_2755 profile image

Is "Daz 'alpha male' little" also the case????????????

I am going to change my user name tomorrow to something more effeminate!!!

I'm off smoking crack cocaine now if you lot are gonna take the p**s

nsd_user663_2755 profile image


all jokes aside, giving up smoking does suck, along with alcohol and other stimulents it totally conquers, but **** am i gonna let IT take me down like it did my dad, no ****ing way (apologies for language) DO NOT LET THAT STICK **** UP YOUR LIFE, respect all, week 3, few drinks no problem x

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