Day 7 - Still Here !: I'm actually astounded... - No Smoking Day

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Day 7 - Still Here !

nsd_user663_2653 profile image
24 Replies

I'm actually astounded that I have got this far, never thought I would, me who has absolutely zilch willpower.

Looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning able to say one week completely smoke free !!

I'm doing OK, I think. Yesterday was my best day yet, I still wanted a cigarette but it wasn't that gagging for a fag feeling, that 'Gotta have a fag and I gotta have one NOW' feeling, more a kind of 'I wouldn't mind having a cigarette'.

And that was maybe 10 - 12 times through the day as opposed to Day 3 and 4 when it was all day long!! So I can see things are slowly but surely getting easier.

I've heard Day 7 can be a bitch, so I'm mentally preparing myself for that.

Still having the weirdest dreams, I read that it's due to the increased oxygen in the brain and it's not quite sure what to do with all that extra O2 so makes mad dreams out of it. Not quite sure whether that's true but I can't think of any other explanation!!

Not that I'm complaining, my dreams are quite amusing, at the moment I seem to be sleep obsessing over the Eastenders Wickes family. Friday night I dreamed about Kevin Wickes, Saturday it was Deano's turn and last night who should wander into my dream but Shirley and Heather!! Most odd!

Well done to everyone else on here fighting the Nicotine Monster and good luck and keep strong to my fellow Day 7'ers. Week 2 is within reach now so Bring It On !!!

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nsd_user663_2653 profile image
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24 Replies
nsd_user663_2421 profile image

:D Well done you realy are a star. the worst is all over with, you just need to stay focused and strong to the suprise craves. It never ceases to amaze me how sneaky nic can be. good luck xxx

nsd_user663_2629 profile image

Day 7

wasnt prepared for this keep, forgetting i dont smoke anymore - again. Will have to go out and be very busy today!!

Is anyone else on Champix havin trouble sleeping?? go to bed, really tired eyes wont stay open but mind just goin beserk!! its drivin me mad (just another to the long list)


nsd_user663_2653 profile image

I understand that feeling very well, it's like having a feeling you were going to do something or there's something you should have done or usually have done but haven't and then you realise it's having a ciggie, that's what you've usually done.

And I keep saying to myself 'You don't smoke anymore - there are no cigarettes in the house - get over it - move on' LOL

And then my fuzzy brain will catch up with me for a while but then half an hour later I've got that same 'what was I going to do' feeling again.

I'm not on Champix and I'm sleeping OK but I know from the matted knock of hair at the back of my head each morning it's not restful sleep, I'm obviously tossing and turning all night long.

Keep strong - it WILL get better (or so they tell me)

Angela xx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Morning and well done!!

Here we are and tomorrow is week 2 how cool eh??

Sleeping troubles are common in quitting, not just champix though I understand champix users get weirder dreams!! lol

I am feeling all good in the hood, a tad snappy but thats also the whole end of christmas etc too, craving routine now! that starts tomorrow *Phew!*

I feel very different in this quit, in that the thought of never having a fag again doesn't panic me so much, I actualy feel relieved!!

Looking forward to shuffling upstairs to the new week2 room with you all

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Morning all. I am still here in day 7.

I am feeling pretty good but havent much energy today. Terrible nights sleep again. Yep i am having some pretty weird dreams. I was living with phil mitchell the night before last and had fungus growing on my head:eek:

have a good day.

nsd_user663_2621 profile image

hey guys

yep i am still here too - this is the 7th day and am hugely proud of all our achievements.

Had a tough weekend but got through it. Found myself getting angry for no reason and was in a pretty bad mood but feel better this morning. Slept ok all weekend too which i think has helped.

Hope everyone has a good day 7 - feels pretty good to be able to go to week 2.


nsd_user663_2665 profile image

Just popping in to say “HI” and this is my Seventh day also :) I guess were all the surviving new years’ resolutioners.

Things have been getting easier and easier for me; in fact Most of my cravings are now about food. (I'm managed to put on 2lb's).

I’m looking forward to progressing up the forums with you all :)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Welcome on board Blist x x x x

Congrats, 1 week tomorrow! w0oT :eek:

Funny, as we all quit new years the rooms are filling up :D thought people would be dropping out but quite the opposite!! more and more success stories as we go along the way!!

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I feel great today Paul x x this is a nice bit of insight to being quit longterm.

Hope it stays like this!!

Well done for getting through the week end ;)

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Morning Fungus head :D


Well Done x x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2176 profile image

Congrats everyone on making it through the weekend. I hope someone's tidied up in week 2 as it's going to be crammed in there tomorrow!

nsd_user663_2621 profile image

I feel great today Paul x x this is a nice bit of insight to being quit longterm.

Hope it stays like this!!

Well done for getting through the week end ;)

~Buffy x x

you too mate! I love being a non smoker and the support on here and elsewhere is a huge help ;)

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Day 7

wasnt prepared for this keep, forgetting i dont smoke anymore - again. Will have to go out and be very busy today!!

Is anyone else on Champix havin trouble sleeping?? go to bed, really tired eyes wont stay open but mind just goin beserk!! its drivin me mad (just another to the long list)

:)Hi, l am also on Champix and experiencing exactly the same things that you are. I posted the other day about keep forgetting that l no longer smoked, and, just like you, when bedtime comes, l can't keep my eyes open, but then cannot sleep when l get to bed. :( I,m hoping that soon, it will pass :)


nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Morning Fungus head :D


Well Done x x

~Buffy x x

Afternoon xx:)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

afternoon xx i am stuck on psp this about only site which works! thank god it does :(

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

just had to pop in and say a huge Well Done to you guys who have made to Day Seven.. Brilliant stuff! See you all upstairs!:D

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

I feel very different in this quit, in that the thought of never having a fag again doesn't panic me so much, I actualy feel relieved!!

Buffy that is awesome, I felt exactly the same way when I quit back in August and that overall feeling of relief has made me stronger that I could ever dream of in this quit, I believe it's clear sign that you're done smoking for good

Congrats to everyone on Day 7!! The worst is almost over and I really mean it!!!


nsd_user663_2681 profile image

I'm on day 7 and a newbie!!!

Hi All,

I'm on day 7 after my 4th attempt and it feels good, my husband is also giving up, I'm having a few side effects which arent pleasant but hey ho! gotta get over it, after 20 years of abuse on my body with the nicotine I guess I have to expect these things!!!

I was on 20 a day and I'm now on 10 mg patches, on previous attempts I was on higher dose of patches but they seemed to make me mad as hell and shaky etc... hence me giving in 4 times!!!!

Well done to all you New Years dayers!!! I quit on the 2nd, had a few fags left from new years eve and well you know the rest..... I just couldnt bring myself to bin them so packed it in on the 2nd, so far so good!!! Week 2 tomorrow yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxx

nsd_user663_2664 profile image

Day 7, and feeling strong. I know if I caved in now it would be like the first one I ever smoked, making me light-headed and sick. So I WONT be caving in :p

nsd_user663_2664 profile image

I'm wondering what it is with the soaps? Angela had dreams of the wickes family from Eastenders, and I have just had the most realistic night of passion with Carl King from Emmerdale. I'm just loving these vivid dreams, will be walking round with a smug satisfied grin all day ;)

nsd_user663_2678 profile image

day 7 :D

didnt think i would get this far, fantastic. :)

nsd_user663_2595 profile image

Well done Keving, keep with it that's week one nailed ;)

nsd_user663_2663 profile image

:eek: I made it. :eek:

nsd_user663_2659 profile image

Day 7

wasnt prepared for this keep, forgetting i dont smoke anymore - again. Will have to go out and be very busy today!!

Is anyone else on Champix havin trouble sleeping?? go to bed, really tired eyes wont stay open but mind just goin beserk!! its drivin me mad (just another to the long list)


Hi jojo,my name is terry iam on champix yes I do have trouble sleeping.I spoke to my dr. she prescribed ativan I was a little worried about it as i know it can be addictive so she said just take it for a month to give myself a chance as i was just not sleeping.The dr. also recommend half a pill which would 05. of 1milligram,or 4 nights and 3 off.Im not really sure what works for me at this point i think I just try to sleep and within 20 if im not sleeping I take half.Sometimes I take one right at bed time because I AM WIRED.let me know how you are doing. mrs terry

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