Another test!!!: I went out last night to... - No Smoking Day

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Another test!!!

nsd_user663_2318 profile image
39 Replies

I went out last night to pick up my daughter at a friends house. On the way, a deer ran out in front of my brand new beautiful car or should I say NOT so beautiful anymore!!!! ArGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! I was so pissed, upset & traumatized at the same time all I wanted to do is smoke! Thank god I had none nor did anyone who stopped to see if I was ok. Yes, I did actually ask someone:mad: I had never seen anything like it except in movies. The deer bounced off my car and shot up into air. I thought it was going to come through my windshield but it landed on the road instead. Needless to say she was done for:( I am glad I was ok and didn't smoke afterall! I wonder if I actually would have lit the damn thing?????????????

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nsd_user663_2318 profile image
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39 Replies
nsd_user663_1666 profile image

Oh Deer Mary:rolleyes:

sorry to hear about your car, is it fixable?

Just glad you didn't have ciggies on you, somthing like that is enough to get anyone reaching for the smokes.

We don't have deer round here the nearest we get to wild life is finding some manky stray dog going through the dust bin (trash can as you call them over there I think.)

any way glad your ok.

I have now been a none smoker for:. 0Y 12W 2D 19H 57M 46S. I have not smoked: 3473 Cigarettes. That's a saving of £ 833.59. I will now live longer by: 0Y 1W 5D 1H 26M. Since I Quit on the 16 August 2007 23:30:00.The worldwide death toll due to smoking is: 1189476. Quitmeter free from

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Mary so very glad your ok. Is your car very bad but it could of been much worse. My thoughts are with you.

nsd_user663_2416 profile image

Hi Mary,

Glad your o.k. and glad you couldn't smoke.

I think that I would be so shook up that I would want one straight away as well.

Deer are not a problem here.Hard to imagine little Bambi being a problem, but we have Kangaroos, and if you drive at night ,in country areas , you are likely to hit one.You just gotta hope its not a big one,Cause they can really smash up a car.

Hope your car is o.k. was it a big deer?

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

We have :confused:rabbits!!!:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

'Night of the Lepus' all over again

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

It was a horroro film made in 1972 about giant killer rabbits. Look on Google.:D

nsd_user663_1930 profile image

I had a similar problem about 8 years ago, a brick wall jumped out at me and done over £10,000 worth of damage to my car :rolleyes:

I was absolutely gutted, when the car came to a stand still I looked over to my wife and said "F#&k my golf clubs are in the boot"... So in a mad panic, I crowbared the boot open (It was a bit twisted and bent) and luckilly my golf clubs where not damaged (Phew, what a relief)... I proceeded to roll a smoke and all was better in life.

You may be thinking what about the car!!!!! Who cares?????

A colleague of mine about 10 years ago said something to me and its something that I will remember forever "At the end of the day it's just a piece of metal and can be replaced, as long as no one was hurt".

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

I went out last night to pick up my daughter at a friends house. On the way, a deer ran out in front of my brand new beautiful car or should I say NOT so beautiful anymore!!!! ArGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! I was so pissed, upset & traumatized at the same time all I wanted to do is smoke! Thank god I had none nor did anyone who stopped to see if I was ok. Yes, I did actually ask someone:mad: I had never seen anything like it except in movies. The deer bounced off my car and shot up into air. I thought it was going to come through my windshield but it landed on the road instead. Needless to say she was done for:( I am glad I was ok and didn't smoke afterall! I wonder if I actually would have lit the damn thing?????????????

Thank god youre ok, and well done for laying off the smokes!!:)

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Thank you!

For those of you who cared for my well being thank you so much. I am so grateful that I was not injured. The deer can be a problem here because we are way overpopulated with them. They have considered extending hunting season in the past few years to control the population. some of you may think that is cruel however they will die of starvation otherwise. It is their breeding season right now so they are running about with no care. this is the time of year here that you will see countless deer lying dead on the roadside as the result.

For those of you that find it a joke and think that all I am worried about is a "piece of metal" all I can say is think what u must. I am quite aware that my "piece of metal' can be replaced. I am upset because I worked damn hard for the past 25 yrs to purchase it. It is the 1st new car I have ever owned after driving countless pieces of crap!

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

my view~

Good ol' birth control!:D

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

I'm guessing~

You are an animal activist. I don't believe in just killing for the sport unless you are going to eat it! Some of us do enjoy meat.:D

nsd_user663_2318 profile image


I'ts monday i'm not in the mood to argue. Everybody has a right to their own opinion. That is what makes us so different.:D The world would be quite boring without it!

nsd_user663_2318 profile image


pah how boring and there was me thinking you was gonna give me a laugh :D

truce !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)[/QUOTE

Not up for making jokes today! More worried about where i'm gonna get $500 for the deductable to fix me car. Glad I quit puffing~ theres a start!:D

nsd_user663_1930 profile image

Hi OverTheEdge,

I don't think any one on this forum thinks whats happened to you is a joke, especially me.

I have been in and had close friends in the same situation as you many times both in cars and motor bikes. Unfortunately some of which for my friends have been fatal.

If my post offended you then I apologize, but I remember what my wife said when we got out of the car damaged by the brick wall. Once we had established we were not injured she instantly went into "Oh look at the state of the car, what are we going to do?", which is where the "It's just a piece of metal comes into it.". And two years prior to that when I crashed a motor bike and was lucky to survive a friend of mine told me to stop worrying about the motor bike (Which is where I originally got the statement from).

Maybe I should have said "If you are worried about the car, try not to be, after all it can be replaced. Just thank god that no-one was injured".

nsd_user663_2318 profile image


Hi OverTheEdge,

I don't think any one on this forum thinks whats happened to you is a joke, especially me.

I have been in and had close friends in the same situation as you many times both in cars and motor bikes. Unfortunately some of which for my friends have been fatal.

If my post offended you then I apologize, but I remember what my wife said when we got out of the car damaged by the brick wall. Once we had established we were not injured she instantly went into "Oh look at the state of the car, what are we going to do?", which is where the "It's just a piece of metal comes into it.". And two years prior to that when I crashed a motor bike and was lucky to survive a friend of mine told me to stop worrying about the motor bike (Which is where I originally got the statement from).

Maybe I should have said "If you are worried about the car, try not to be, after all it can be replaced. Just thank god that no-one was injured".

I thought the brick wall was a joke! How does a brick wall jump out at you? Sorry for thinking u were being rude. I know it's just a car, but i really loved it and it wont be the same because here they will do whatever is the cheapest to fix it!:mad:

nsd_user663_1930 profile image

Hi OverTheEdge,

It was a nice summers morning in the UK and it had just rained for about 30 minutes so the roads where a bit slippery. I was on my way to work at about 6:30 am and I thought it would be cool to turn off my traction control and have a little skid coming out of a round about. Needless to say the 325i BMW with 200 Horse Power and rear wheel drive was a bit more than I could handle. Spinning out of the corner at about 40 mph we drifted over a public footpath and into a garden wall. I just claim the wall jumped out infront of me, but it was definately my fault.

Now that just goes to show how immature I was many years ago. After that experience I plod about in my car now like an old man.

My first brand new BMW, cost more than my mortgate payment a month and I trashed it after having it for 6 months :mad: All my fault :mad: But like I said thank god my golf clubs were okay... :D

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Car crash~

I could not get in a car for some time due to flash backs

I would not like to be in a car crash or be hit by a car weather I am a human or an animal, it sickens me the sound of the metal caving in and the grinding and then that tick tick noise when it all comes to a halt and the metal starts to expand


I have only been in 1 accident w/another vehicle, but i will never forget it. A drunk woman ran a stop sign and I broadsided her doing 50mph. I was driving a big ol SUV at the time(thank goodness) because it is the what saved my life. The woman had to be cut out of her vehicle because of the extent of the damage. She was airlifted to the nearest trauma center with head/neck and spinal trauma. I walked out of my car! I will never forget that noise as long as I live!!! My first 2 children were in the car with me that day. They were both very small at the time. We were so lucky:)

nsd_user663_1930 profile image

Hey... This time I am being serious...

Those Golf clubs cost a fortune they were my pride and joy, at that time I could go around a full size course in 6 over par. Those were the days.

I'd be luckly to find my way to the 1st Tee nowadays, got a bit waylaid with work, family and house building... Something had to give, and it was Golf...

It was a close call though for my wife and son, but in the end I chose them over Golf. Because thats the kind of guy I am... Self Sacrificing...

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Hi OverTheEdge,

My first brand new BMW, cost more than my mortgate payment a month and I trashed it after having it for 6 months :mad: All my fault :mad: But like I said thank god my golf clubs were okay... :D

We all learn somehow! I can't believe the concern for the clubs over the car at the time! Ha! I could never afford a BMW! If I owned one of them even in my reckless days, I think I would have driven it like a nervous granny. I grew up very poor:( so I tend to cherish things I have worked so hard for.

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

One would hope??

Hey... This time I am being serious...

It was a close call though for my wife and son, but in the end I chose them over Golf. Because thats the kind of guy I am... Self Sacrificing...

That is normal behavior isn't it? Then again there are some out there:eek:

nsd_user663_1930 profile image

I want one of you

Hi Boudee,

For god sake, give me your address, I'll FedEx myself to you, I should be delivered by 9 am tomorrow morning... Second thoughts, I'd better not, you'd only be disappointed when you unwrap me ... erh .. the parcel ... where's that baby bio and pledge. :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Hey... This time I am being serious...

Because thats the kind of guy I am... Self Sacrificing...

Course you are Gav !!!!! hehehe^/r/dan...

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

And MY BROTHER is really Tiger Woods!! lol :D

nsd_user663_1930 profile image

I am (or was) a very keen golfer... Unfortunately I cannot go back to those days again, it just takes too much time up. On average I use to play 4 times a week, there was one time I played 10 games in 9 days (That was before the first born came :)).

Now the family is started to resemble a small community I cannot see myself disappearing for 6 hours on a Saturday or Sunday morning again. We use to tee off at 5:30 am in the peak of the summer but by the time you've had a fry up at the club house and a drink afterwards you don't get back home until gone midday and then all you want to do is sleep cause you were up to early.

Blooming good fun though... But no... No more golfing thoughts... Albeit my 5 year old is getting handy with his 7 Iron on the local field... Well handy enough to hit his grandad with a golf ball the other day... :D

Grandad wasn't impressed but I just asked the question, "Were you infront of my boy when he was hitting the shot?", and grandad said yes, I then responded "It's your fault then isn't it!".

Take a crocodile for example, there is a safe end and a not so safe end. Well it's the same with golf, there's a safe place to stand and a not so safe place to stand. Grandad was obviously in the "not so safe place".

nsd_user663_2367 profile image

OTE Sorry to hear about your car crash... those deer can be scary.

I have given up on the idea of nice new cars... they yield only heartache. I now have a 95 Chevy Pick Up with an oil pressure problem:(

Glad to hear you made it through the accident unscathed and without smoking.

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

yeah they have got teeth and everything :eek:

So have rabbits!!!!!!!:eek::D

nsd_user663_2367 profile image

yeah they have got teeth and everything :eek:

not the teeth I'm worried about its the rest of the beast

I love animals I am not into hunting and we have a deer problem because of too litte forest and too many houses and no natural predators like Wolfs but politics aside a several hundred pound wild animal jumping in front of your car is scary and you do not see them coming they just leap right out of the woods.

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Thanks kenzo~

not the teeth I'm worried about its the rest of the beast

I love animals I am not into hunting and we have a deer problem because of too litte forest and too many houses and no natural predators like Wolfs but politics aside a several hundred pound wild animal jumping in front of your car is scary and you do not see them coming they just leap right out of the woods.

People who do not live with it on a daily basis have no idea! Enough said~I am done with this conversation!;)

nsd_user663_2416 profile image

Excuse me but am I in the wrong place??

I thought this was a forum about helping people?

People who are doing one of the most difficult things one has ever done.

People who are undergoing a life changing and life saving experience.

People are here for support.

Not to be abused.

nsd_user663_1988 profile image


This forum has gone rotten from all these opinionated people who can't just let things go and have got to have the last word.:mad:

I haven't given in to smoking but I'm not staying here to witness all this abuse going back and forth.:mad:

It's not what we're here for.

I'll find somewhere else to find support!

Good luck all!



nsd_user663_1930 profile image

Hang in here Barney, it isn't all that bad, okay some things may have been said that shouldn't have been, but they were re-actions to badly worded posts (It's just got everyones backs up).

I communicate via email for nearly 99% of my business communications and I read emails maybe 3 or 4 times before responding. I have got one client who comes across as a complete arse, but he just isn't very good at expressing himself via email (Comes across as very demanding, which use to annoy me, but once I realized that, it wasn't a problem anymore).

What I am trying to say is that it is very easy to mis-read posts on a forum and get very annoyed about things.

Now in my opinion (and please hear me out before shooting me down), it probably wasn't prudent for Boudee to post that last message, however I can see why.

People who do not live with it on a daily basis have no idea!

That statement even got me a bit annoyed, as I live in the country and live in the middle of a woodland area that has deers running through it and across its roads. The statement comes across as very condesending and arrogant.

However as I said before it may not have been meant in the context that it comes across in.

Now OverTheEdge and Kenzo are probably not going to be impressed, but lets not let a little thing like this grow out of proportion.

Now OverTheEdge expressed a concern about having to find $500.00 for some of the repairs etc... Now putting the shoe on the other foot I could have said "That's nothing to worry about, you want to try running your own business, then you'll understand what money worries are."

Which would probably invoke a response similar to Boudee's, but aimed at me.

What I am trying to say, is that my example assumes that my money worries would out weigh OverTheEdge's purely because of the amount involved. Which just isn't true, OverTheEdge may be concerned about finding $500.00 but the stress is the same (maybe more) for OverTheEdge than it is for me trying to pay a $50,000.00 wage bill a month.

The "have no idea!" statement is assuming that the animal problem is more of a problem and worry in New Jersey than in the UK. But at the end of the day it only takes one to cause an accident, the worry and concern is the same for everyone living in a high animal populated area.

So may I suggest that we all take a deep breath and move forward, putting this little hiccup behind us all. :D

And Barney, come home!!!!!!!!!!!

No my coffee has gone cold, as its taken sooo long to compose this message.

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Just want to say that when I was at Binbrook nr grimsby (b4 it shut down) a seagull raninto this lightning. God the stink from the intake (not to mention the ££££damage):eek::D

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Learn to f***ing slow down then you pair of pricks

Do you think you are the only ones who live with deer?, we have deer only 10 miles from where I live,

get a life, slow down and think about others on this planet other then just your own selfish needs of getting from A-B as fast as you dam well can

shallow, selfish and self centered are the words that spring to mind a hell of a lot coming on this forum just lately

This was not said to be rude as you may think. I was simply stating to those of you who do not live in a very rural area that you would not experience such a thing. For the record I was not speeding when the deer get onto the asphalt it is like ice to them. They lose traction and you nor they know which direction they are going.

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

I communicate via email for nearly 99% of my business communications and I read emails maybe 3 or 4 times before responding. I have got one client who comes across as a complete arse, but he just isn't very good at expressing himself via email (Comes across as very demanding, which use to annoy me, but once I realized that, it wasn't a problem anymore).

What I am trying to say is that it is very easy to mis-read posts on a forum and get very annoyed about things.

That statement even got me a bit annoyed, as I live in the country and live in the middle of a woodland area that has deers running through it and across its roads. The statement comes across as very condesending and arrogant.

However as I said before it may not have been meant in the context that it comes across in.

Now OverTheEdge expressed a concern about having to find $500.00 for some of the repairs etc... Now putting the shoe on the other foot I could have said "That's nothing to worry about, you want to try running your own business, then you'll understand what money worries are."

Which would probably invoke a response similar to Boudee's, but aimed at me.

What I am trying to say, is that my example assumes that my money worries would out weigh OverTheEdge's purely because of the amount involved. Which just isn't true, OverTheEdge may be concerned about finding $500.00 but the stress is the same (maybe more) for OverTheEdge than it is for me trying to pay a $50,000.00 wage bill a month.

You are absloutely right about things being out of text! I did not post to be rude i was simply stating to those who live in more densly populated areas would not experience this sort of thing.

As far as the money issue not all of us a wealthy! $500 is alot for me. Maybe not for you but is for 4 me. I want to thank all of you for bringing me to tears! I will not be posting on this forum anymore because too much is taken the wrong way and i am not in a very stable state of mind in the present. i simply came on here to post about an almost blip & it has been blown way out of proportion! take care!

nsd_user663_2367 profile image

Peace out for now... not here for the name calling

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Peace out for now... not here for the name calling

Hear! Hear!:)

nsd_user663_2436 profile image

Pfffft. Only a bunch of people trying to quit smoking could get so easily wound up.

nsd_user663_2 profile image

respect please

hi folks - just to remind some forum users that this is not a place for abuse and name-calling! If you object to any comments, say so, but politely, thanks!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I have also mentioned to Admin the use of images on this site. I found the posted images very disturbing and invasive. I will ask myself too, that people think twice before posting images, as well as their words!

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