New here ... day 3 ... willpower wavering! - No Smoking Day

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New here ... day 3 ... willpower wavering!

nsd_user663_2427 profile image
29 Replies

Hi all, what a great site ... I'm so glad I stumbled across it! It's so nice to read how other people are getting on! It's great to see the encouragement you give eachother in times of weakness :) I guess sometimes that's all we need to get over yet another craving!!!

I've reached day 3 by pure willpower ... having tried several other methods but always end up back with a ciggie in hand :( so this time I thought i'd try nothing just the thought of my children, good health and a healthier bank balance!

Does it ever get any easier? Will I wake up one morning and the first thing I think about be something other than a ciggie?! :eek:

Good luck to all those in the process of giving up ... let's stand united :D

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nsd_user663_2427 profile image
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29 Replies
nsd_user663_2231 profile image

Hi there Shelleylou ... so glad you found us. This is great site, I wouldn't have lasted as long as I have without it (now nic free for 2 months)!!

The cravings will get easier, there are lots of tips on here to help you with them. Day three is for most people I think, the worst, so you have done really well, and should be so proud of yourself!

Good luck

nsd_user663_2412 profile image

Hey, Welcome and well done!!

I am only on day 8 and struggling still, but if I am honest, I think it is getting a little easier, but I think there will be good and bad days.

I honestly havent woken up yet and thought of something other than a ciggy but it must happen and it must get easier, or no one would give up and stay given up, lol.

This is a great site and your quite right, if we all stick together we will make it!!


nsd_user663_1989 profile image

Hi there shelleylou and welcome to the forum of looney's!! hehehe, well done on your quit you will get all the support you need here, and from lmy last quits experience it does get easier I promise, but alas the first few weeks are hard, but you will move past that and the future will be bright and orange!!


nsd_user663_2427 profile image

Aw thanks guys ... I'm so pleased for all of u with your smoking successes, it really is a huge challenge to take the plunge and quit, a challenge you don't understand unless you are a smoker yourself ... and we certainly need people like u Boudee because you're a success story and our inspiration ... we'd never give up otherwise!!!

I'm off to have a look at the tips now ... I can't continue eating rubbish in replacement to a ciggie ... oh why are nice things so bad!!!!!

yes onwards and upwards we go :)

Good luck all

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

Oh yes you are!!! :D

nsd_user663_2427 profile image

aw bless you, I have not thought of myself as a success story quite yet :p

Of course you are ... there are people out there that don't make it through the day ... let alone 4 months ... that's fantastic :D

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

Most welcome, its the least I can do, coz most of the time u and buffy keep me going and cheer me up no end!!

ps- thats not to say evryone elses help is not appreciated, its just that these ladies have always been there from the start to keep my chin up! :D

God Im a sap!! :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Welcome on Board Shelley x x x x

Day3 is tough and as above, no the craves do not disappear quickly but the attitude changes.

On bad days (3 days being renowned for being a pig of a day!) craves get to us and we feel low and see no end to it, On good days, a crave is like 'ooh I could' nah lol carry on *tum te tum* all over!

If we didn't crave we wouldn't appreciate quitting too, the fact that I think of a smoke and then say 'No' makes me feel proud :)

Stay strong and keep posting,

Bitch of a day or no bitch of a day we are all here, in the same, just about floating, boat!! :D

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2427 profile image

You guys are sooo lovely :p

You sound like you all know eachother? Is that just from the forum?

I'm just trying to navigate my way round :)

So do people post on a daily basis or just as and when they're feeling the struggle? It's great really ... it keeps your mind entertained and your fingers busy ... and I thought i'd have to take up knitting!!! The internet really is an amazing world :)

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

I dont know about the others but I just know all these fantabulous people from the forum, I truley didnt expect to make friends here, and found the forum whilst I was arsing about on the pc! hehehehehe

As for how often u come on its purely personal choice hun, whenever u feel the need and the cravings hit really. :D

charlene. :)

nsd_user663_2427 profile image

Well that's definately a plus ... motivation to give up smoking when times are hard and making new friends :)

In the first few days did anyone have problems with sleeping? I'm being really fretful throughout the night, it's driving my husband crazy!

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

Yes, I found sleeping terrible for a while, and really vivid dreams too, some not so nice, but it settled down after a month or so, so try not to stress too much Shelley it will all come right for u soon!! :D:)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

HI Shelly

Welcome We are like one big family of quitters here all helping each other. Just keep posting when ever you want someone is allways around Linda xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_2416 profile image

Hi Shellylou,

I'm quiite new to this forum too.

Well done on day 3 .

For me , everyday past day 7 got alot easier.

However like you , I'm having trouble sleeping too.

I'm on day 30 now, (cold Turkey) and still cant get through a night.

I read on this forum St johns wart??? So I will go in search.

Well done.You have done the hardest part already.Its all downhill from here:)

nsd_user663_2427 profile image

Morning all, just want to say thanks for all of your encouraging messages yesterday ... it certainly helped me get through another day! Well I'm now on to day 4 and feeling positive (at the moment) let's just hope no challenges come my way today ;)

Good luck to all for another smoke free day ... and for those that wavered ... today is a new day :)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Welcome to day 4 Shelley x x

Smells sweet doesn't it ? :D

Stay strong your doing fantastic!

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2427 profile image

It's certainly smelling sweeter by the day ;)


nsd_user663_1989 profile image

Morning all, just want to say thanks for all of your encouraging messages yesterday ... it certainly helped me get through another day! Well I'm now on to day 4 and feeling positive (at the moment) let's just hope no challenges come my way today ;)

Good luck to all for another smoke free day ... and for those that wavered ... today is a new day :)

Glad your feeling better Shelley, Im must admit yesterday was really rocky for me, the stress of feeling a bit pooh didnt help, ended up with a dash to hospital late last night coz the pain got soo bad so quick, it was like being hit by lightening!, on stronger antibiotics and ******** now which is a synthetic morphine so things should look up and hopefully I wont feel like smoking much.

I think my problem is smoking for me was a comforter that made me feel better so its hard to break the cycle and say well actually no they dont make you feel better, you just think they do! :rolleyes:

As you say Shelley today is a new day! :D

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

dont know why that blanked out its says t.r.a.m.a.d.o.l

nsd_user663_2427 profile image

Oh bless you :( I'm sorry to hear you're not well ... why does everything happen at once hey?! Giving up smoking is challenge enough without added extras ... hang in there :) What day are you on? x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Argh Charlene :( theres that close to being sectioned pain !

When are they taking them out??????

Enjoy the drugs while you got an excuse :) morphine is yummy lol

I was given Valium when I sprained my neck, only had two but they was quite nice too! :D

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

Unfortunately I gotta wait for a letter from thr hozzy now my dentist has referred me.:(

My numerous other dental work starts on 26th nov, then the 4th and 11th dec.

Hopefully these stronger antibiotics will kick in today tho, doc said the infection was still active despite the other ones coz my temp was still sky high.

It doesnt help that Im such a wimp though, hehehehehe I honestly thought I was having a brain annuerysm or something coz the pain which was so severe I was just crying, went up my face in my ears and in my temple and eyes, wasnt very nice.

But I am a wimp after all!! :rolleyes:

(god knows what the doc thought coz I was hysterical and I only been up to the gp that afternoon coz I was freaking!, hehehehehehe, what an idiot!):rolleyes:

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

ps I will be sure to enjoy the morphine hehehehehehe

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Shurrup x x x x

That pain is the worst!! your no wimp x x x x

Antibiotics take a couple of days to kick in :(

Thats why you got the lully drugs to see you through :p

Sorry about all this crap charlene :( hope your altogether for Xmas and can get on with a wonderful smoke free 2008 x x

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

Awwwww thanks buffy youre a great mate!

I must admit Im looking forward to my 1st smoke free xmas this year since I was a kid!

Will be so nice watching the kids opening their gifts and not having to nip outside for a fag!

Will be able to enjoy it properly :D

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Awwwww thanks buffy youre a great mate!

I must admit Im looking forward to my 1st smoke free xmas this year since I was a kid!

Will be so nice watching the kids opening their gifts and not having to nip outside for a fag!

Will be able to enjoy it properly :D

Aw me too!! me too!! Even though I have quit loads before its always been a Jan 1st thing, never made right round to christmas time :D hehehe

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

awww bless ye hun! You can comfort yourself in the knowledge thsi year that you have made it!! :D

nsd_user663_1998 profile image

You know what, it has just dawned on me that this will be my first smoke free christmas since I was 16 as well! Thats ummmm 25 years!

I remember having quit with Alan Carr in october time but allowing myself the 'treat' of smoking at christmas. how mad is that??? :confused:

And having to buy like 60 fags on christmas eve just in case you couldnt find a shop open until boxing day!!!!!

Lets all have a happy and healthy fag free christmas! :)

nsd_user663_2427 profile image

I'll drink to that ... although maybe I wont cos if I drink then I'll smoke ... hee hee :confused:

Here's to a smoke free christmas all round ... yay

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