Greetings: Greetings to all. I have been... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_2407 profile image
15 Replies

Greetings to all. I have been reading this forum for a few weeks now and it is fantastic, great job. I have been an off and on smoker for 25yrs, pack a day. One thing that I do is I push my quit, and go off for a night at a party, or a weekend at the lake or something, then next thing I know I'm back to a pack a day. Alcohol and smokes go hand in hand with me. My last quit was for 5 days, was free of all nicotine in my system and felt really good. Then I pushed it last weekend. So, back to Day1. Must change life style because I've been going in circles for so long with smoking and I'm really tired of it. This will be my last quit. The health risks are always on my mind, plus the smell and money. Ever walk past someone who just had a smoke after you have quit for a bit and your nose is working again? OMG is that smell horrible or what? I'm just so tired of messing around with smoking. No NRT for me, I want to get the nicotine back out of my system asap. Any/all support, suggestions are always welcome! and I'll help out anyone I can.:)

Steve from USA

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nsd_user663_2407 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_1989 profile image

Well done for taking the plunge and going for it, its the best thing u will ever do!

Hats off to you going cold turkey thats amazing and your determination to ban nic from your life will help you no end!!

I find that these are the things that help me.....

1. eating, lol

2. taking a nice bubble bath

3. going hill walking

4. typing away on this forum, coz u get the support and encouragement off every1 and by the time uve typed loads the craving has diminished! yey!


nsd_user663_1744 profile image

WELCOMESteve. I do so admire you for going cold turkey.That shows guts and determination. Instead of sticking a ciggie in your mouth try a mint or atoothpick or even a cinnamon stick.

Also drinks lots of water - seems to kill cravings DEAD. Good luck matey!:D

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

That gave me a thought kazza, the food thing, when I was pregnant they wouldnt let me have any NRT so the smoking cessation clinic said to try eating sesame seeds and drink coffee, coz apparently they have miniscule amounts of nicotine in them not enough to make u addicted,it may help ease the cravings.

Cheers kazza that reminded me!:D


nsd_user663_2367 profile image

Steve welcome friend. Many a serial quitter here. The constant back and forth is pretty painful. I have been doing since my first and longest quit failed 3 years ago. I am like you hoping that this time is for real.

Here are a few small tips from my many efforts:

I find especially at first juice is really great...

Keep your blood sugar even. So many of the withdrawl symptoms are realated to that....

Most importantly dont psych yourself out and convince yourself you need the cigarette or that it will actually make the party more fun or the stress less. It wont.

Dont give up social things you otherwise like... that will make you bored and depressed. Dont know about the alcohol... that has always been a downfall of mine. Somehow I find wine to be less crave inducing than beer:confused:

Personally this forum helped me alot learning about other people having similar reactions.

Good Luck...

nsd_user663_1744 profile image


There are loads of tiny savoury biscuity things in the supermarkets at the moment that have sesame seeds on. Theyre with the rest of the xmas food stuffs (near the peanuts).I think theyv'e been brought out for the xmas season.

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

Cheers karen I will prob buy them by the crate load for this years festivities!

they can replace the you know what, and have a glass of wine in the other hand! hehehehe

nsd_user663_2412 profile image

Hey Steve,

Well done for trying again, I am sure you will do just great!

I am still struggling a bit but some of the things already mentioned do help. Such as, drinking water, having a bath, walking, reading and CLEANING! lol, a glass or two of wine!


nsd_user663_2407 profile image

Thank you all for your responses. Can't wait till tomorrow to post in Day2, then 3, then 4 and on. This forum is exactly what I need right now. You know one of the things I fear most from smoking is spending my golden years carrying around an O2 tank with hoses up my nose. I'm sorry if anyone reading this forum is in that situation as I don't mean to offend anyone. It's just whenever I see someone in that situation I think wow, that's gonna be me some day if I don't get off these smokes, and soon.

I have enough sugar free candy on my desk for an army! and I'm drinking lot's of water:)

Thanks again, Steve

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Steve welcome friend. Many a serial quitter here. The constant back and forth is pretty painful. I have been doing since my first and longest quit failed 3 years ago. I am like you hoping that this time is for real.

Here are a few small tips from my many efforts:

I find especially at first juice is really great...

Keep your blood sugar even. So many of the withdrawl symptoms are realated to that....

Most importantly dont psych yourself out and convince yourself you need the cigarette or that it will actually make the party more fun or the stress less. It wont.

Dont give up social things you otherwise like... that will make you bored and depressed. Dont know about the alcohol... that has always been a downfall of mine. Somehow I find wine to be less crave inducing than beer:confused:

Personally this forum helped me alot learning about other people having similar reactions.

Good Luck...

Bloody good call!! from one serial quitter!! to another!!

The secret to alcohol is to change your usual smoking associated tipple, I used to be red wine and beer, I dropped beer and drank white wine and rose, then I got my tipple with no smoking association.

I am back on reds now, at week ends, they taste better than ever before!! but be warned, I can drink much more without smoking! :eek: but hangover is less :D

nsd_user663_2362 profile image

welcome steve

hope you stay with us and post eveery day to keep us informed

nsd_user663_2367 profile image

but be warned, I can drink much more without smoking! :eek: but hangover is less :D

Buffy... I find this too. I think the nic acted as a catalyst to top off my brain that I was drunk... so I drink and drink and dont get the buzz as easy.,, I was trying to explain to a friend how I dont feel as drunk... another pointed out that it did not mean I didn't act drunk.... but its like I lost my queue to stop... also I think I drink more faster because my hands and mouth are not distracted by cigarettes.... damn I dont want to end up in AA too.

nsd_user663_2136 profile image
nsd_user663_2136 Steve. It's always good to have more Steves around, it's such a reassuring name I find...;)

Loads of good tips above, my 2 cents' worth: crystalised ginger, dried apple slices and see my moto below!

Personally, alcohol has not presented a problem for me, I drink (probably too much) but unexpectedly, have managed to continue without added temptation... curious. So we're all different!

Keep strong and use the good people on here, they're brilliant. :)

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Welcome Steve!

Congrats on your decision to end the disgusting habit that we for some reason have found pleasure in. I too have decided to quit cold turkey. I am in my 5th week now, and have had many ups & downs. I have to say however, the pros have outwayed the cons! I am feeling so much better already!! Food is my new passion, but I will tackle that later. I think it would actually be better already if I didn't have all this halloween candy in the house!:mad:

Yesterday through me for a loop when someone lit up aroud me and it actually smelled good:confused: Any other day when that would happen the smell was repulsive! I just told myself it was the little nic demon trying to worm it's way back into my life. I will not have him!!! NOOOOOOOO WAY!!!

Hang in there & come to this forum as much as possible. It helps tremendously! In my experience so far the 1st 2 weeks were the most horrific. Get through them and it's pretty much smooth sailing except for a few ripply waves:) Good luck!

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Yesterday through me for a loop when someone lit up aroud me and it actually smelled good:confused: Any other day when that would happen the smell was repulsive! I just told myself it was the little nic demon trying to worm it's way back into my life. I will not have him!!! NOOOOOOOO WAY!!!


I still get that now! I enjoyed smoking, so the smell of someone lighting up still smells good to me. Can't help that! If we didn't like that smell, I guess giving up would be a bit easier. The part I don't like is the smell when someone has smoked a cigarette (YUK:p) or the smell or ashtrays or dogends! Didn't like that smell when I was smoking either.

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Yeah me too!

I still get that now! I enjoyed smoking, so the smell of someone lighting up still smells good to me. Can't help that! If we didn't like that smell, I guess giving up would be a bit easier. The part I don't like is the smell when someone has smoked a cigarette (YUK:p) or the smell or ashtrays or dogends! Didn't like that smell when I was smoking either.

I just found it strange yesterday because it actually hasn't smelled good to me. I have been around friends smoking and thought it smelled bad. OOOH maybe he was smoking my brand??? LOL! Even when I smoked I found the after smell on myself disgusting. If I had the opportunity I would wash my hands & spray myself with perfume. You think that would be enough to spark a quit but it wasn't! I had to get terribly sick this time!

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