Help please :(: Haven't been on in a few days... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Help please :(

nsd_user663_2278 profile image
18 Replies

Haven't been on in a few days as I have had possibly the worst few days of my quitting life so far. :(

First let me explain, my boss is a Knob, as most of you know and have heard me talk about on here so when i was smoking i had a hours break away from him which calmed me down.

Now because i am not smoking and not wanting to get bored and give in to temptation i have been literally getting a sandwhich and coming back to work. With this i prob get about 10-15 mins out of the office.

I did this since my quit but what with being tired, moody etc it ended up that last friday me and my boss came to massive blows and I really thought i was close to getting the sack over the weekend.

Despite the stress i have not lit up so thats one good thing to come out of it.

Problem is i went out this lunchtime on purpose, at the end of the day i dont wanna come to blows again so if it means going out and sitting on a bench with a sandwhich i will do, but i finished the sandwhich and then i was like "ok what to do now?"

I have a shopping centre near me but walking around there without any money to spend annoys me (mainly coz when i have the money i never see what i wanted again!), the cafes around here are charging about a fiver a day to sit and eat in them (food wise i mean), and obviously i cant go in there with my own food and just buy a cuppa!

So i'm stuck, i havent a clue what to do! I'm either gonna end up loosing my job where i'd have smacked the boss or i'll smoke to do something on my lunch! HELP!!!! :(

Any ideas or tips to get me thru?

Thanks if you've got this far down the page too btw!!! lol

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nsd_user663_2278 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Aw Louise x x x x x

I agree a break from him is a help but also you could try and sort through the troubles?

A lets get this sorted talk?? rather than leaving it till it reaches a crescendo??

Or start looking for a new job?

This isn't really about the quit, you should be happy in your life and work is a big part of that!!


~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Just a suggestion!

First, don't kill the boss it will only end u up in prison and then what will u do?? Do u like word finds or crossword puzzles or have a hand held gaming system? Try and think of something u like to do that would involve the use of ur hands keeping busy. (besides what u can't do in public) he he! Hope this helps! I know I set myself up on that one!!


Not smoked for: 0Y 4W 1D 4H 56M not smoked: 292 Cigarettes. Saving me £ 78.86. I will now live longer by: 0Y 0W 0D 23H 22M. I Quit on the:. Monday, October 01, 2007 6:00:26 AM.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

:eek: Mary!!!!! :eek:

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Hi Louise

Boss probs can be really stressful so well done for not caving into a ciggy.

Is there a gym near you or a leisure centre/hall where they do exercise classes/swimming/dancing anything like that at lunchtime? Now you have stopped smoking your lungs would be work so much better doing all that stuff and you would feel really good. i used to go to yoga at lunchtimes to escape the boss and madhouse and it really helped. You can usually eat lunch when you are there - whereever it is. Doesn't have to cost much at all either - less than a packet of 20 a day.

Is there anybody else in the office you could take with you when you go out at lunch and you have then got some company checking out the shops etc. which is always far more fun with another person around?

Just keep taking deep breaths when in the office and be proud of yourself for doing so well with your quit - and you are not allowing your boss to spoil it for you.


nsd_user663_2115 profile image


Why don't you go for a walk at lunchtime? I used to sit and eat my sandwich in the nearest park I could find, then just walk around the park for about 40 mins. I know it's a bit geeky - but you can challenge yourself to identify every type of tree, or plant or bush. I pride myself on bird spotting -but that's another story.

There's plenty to do and you're only limited by your own imagination!

(which is why I'm stuck and I'm gonna stop typing !!)

You know what I mean though


nsd_user663_2115 profile image

Day 1 ?!?!?!

Poppyfairy, I've just noticed that you're on "Day 1" yesterday (according to your signature). Have you had a blip ?

Well done for still being about. It's nice to see people that you recognise. (Incidentally, I'm not being judgemental if you've had a blip - I just wondered!)


nsd_user663_2278 profile image

Aw thanks guys and gals.

In answer to all q's - Nope i'm the only one apart from the boss in the office - such a small company, which is why i'm never that busy and prob why i get wound up because i have no one to moan to.

- I have started looking for another job after friday's fiasco - I would try and talk things thru with him it's just he's 65, owns the company, is sexist beyond belief and is so set in his ways that i reckon if i disagreed with him more then i will be sacked, better to just bite my tounge at the moment til i have something else.

- Nope no lunch time classes near me, plus nearest gym is 20 mins away, by the time i walked there i'd have to walk back lol could be a good walk tho

My mum's suggested going to the library for lunch, that way i can read my book and eat etc.

I think i'm just having a bad day too, i was really so close to buying a pack on fags on lunch but i stopped myself. I'd just like to feel normal again to be honest :(

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Good luck!

I hope u find a new job soon! Have u ever heard the saying "kill em with kindness" it really works on people who thrive on making others miserable. If he is one of them he won't know what to do or say! Hang in there!


Not smoked for: 0Y 4W 1D 5H 5M not smoked: 292 Cigarettes. Saving me £ 78.87. I will now live longer by: 0Y 0W 0D 23H 22M. I Quit on the:. Monday, October 01, 2007 6:00:26 AM.

nsd_user663_2115 profile image

I think i'm just having a bad day too, i was really so close to buying a pack on fags on lunch but i stopped myself. I'd just like to feel normal again to be honest :(

And you can be absolutely certain that you will be Louise. The day is ever closer when you realise that it's you that's in charge of your life, your heart and your mind. It is your strength and your strength alone that is building your life of the future !

Well done on not buying any. I'm still tempted - but I do think to myself "what on earth would I want a packet of cigs for ? I don't smoke. They stink and make me sick."

Then walk back to the office and unleash hell on the old git !

nsd_user663_2278 profile image

And you can be absolutely certain that you will be Louise. The day is ever closer when you realise that it's you that's in charge of your life, your heart and your mind. It is your strength and your strength alone that is building your life of the future !

Well done on not buying any. I'm still tempted - but I do think to myself "what on earth would I want a packet of cigs for ? I don't smoke. They stink and make me sick."

Then walk back to the office and unleash hell on the old git !

Thank you so much for your kind words, really gave me a pick me up

Just so nice to know i can come on here and you all know excatly what i'm on about!!!! lol

I love my other half and my family dearly but as much help as they kind of are, i dont feel they understand too well! Although my mum has got me some Kalms tabs lol :D - think she's trying to tell me something?

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Oooh there you go!! brilliant :D

Repeat max's mantra, Take your mums kalms and kill him with Marys kindness and get a new job :D

nsd_user663_2318 profile image


U r toooooooooooooo funny! Thanks for all the good laughs! Sometimes u really make my day!:D


Not smoked for: 0Y 4W 1D 5H 5M not smoked: 292 Cigarettes. Saving me £ 78.87. I will now live longer by: 0Y 0W 0D 23H 22M. I Quit on the:. Monday, October 01, 2007 6:00:26 AM.

nsd_user663_2278 profile image

Aw Louise

I would say it is very simple

you get up and go and get your sandwich, on your way back to work say in a near by corridor not too far from your desk I must add put my plan to action

put on loud ear muff type head phones attached to an MP3 player so you cannot hear him and then stick with prit stick so as not to cause a permanent gluing effect stick large pieces of paper to your eyes so you cannot see him and then lastly stick the sign (here is one you made earlier) to your forehead with the statement, THIS IS MY LUNCH BREAK, I DO NOT GET PAYED FOR THIS LUNCH BREAK SO THERE FOR PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE AND I WILL GET RIGHT BACK TO YOU WHEN I AM GETTING PAYED TO BE HERE :D glide gracefully to your desk after making sure there is no obsticals and you have planned your rout around the waste paper bin and then sit quietly doing some therapeutic head banging type movements to loud music

Let me know if this helps ;)

LMAO - Boudee it's helped just thinking about it! :D

Mwah! i Loves ya! Always cheer me up :)

nsd_user663_2278 profile image

Oooh there you go!! brilliant :D

Repeat max's mantra, Take your mums kalms and kill him with Marys kindness and get a new job :D

LOL - Also keep my "hands busy" too ;)

nsd_user663_2278 profile image

Of course!

Are you going to pay me when he sacks me tho? lol :p

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

I can't see on what grounds myself :confused:

not hurting him

stupid man

he wants to think him self lucky I don't work for him

tell him that, say you should think your self lucky that Boudee doesn't work for you


I'm sure he'd be quaking in his boots! If you said that!:D

nsd_user663_2278 profile image

I can't see on what grounds myself

not hurting him

stupid man

he wants to think him self lucky I don't work for him

tell him that, say you should think your self lucky that Boudee doesn't work for you


LOL - He's a misreable git other wise i would! Just coz i know he wouldn't know what it meant!!!

nsd_user663_2367 profile image

Lunch breaks are tough... they are one of the times smoking was integral with relief and being AWAY from the ahole boss.

Take your lunch break... what you really enjoyed was the escape... the cigarette does not have to go with it.

Reading a book or a magazine can help... or find a non smoker to have lunch with.

And yes I spend much of my day planning my boss' demise... since quitting I have had to try to use restraint and resist the urge to hurl my stapler at his stupid head (he sits diagonal across so I have to look at him all day) I had decided he is a good focus for my anger because I didn't like him before I quit its just that my tolerance for his BS is gone.

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