Quit today!!: Thought I'd join this forum cos... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Quit today!!

nsd_user663_2320 profile image
21 Replies

Thought I'd join this forum cos looked really great, tried to quit before like everyone else but failed miserably, always came up with some excuse to start again. This time called for desperate measures, so on the Champix. They've been really good so far, must admit was sceptical and a tad scared at first, but apart from a bit of nausea and indigestion, seem to be managing pretty well.

Set my quit day for today (day 12 on Champix), started off really well but feeling a bit strung out now and had quite a few cravings this aft :( . Although the tabs must be doing something cos by now I'd have been hanging off the ceiling by my finger nails! Anyway gotta go home now and start the really really long weekend, why do they seem much longer when you quit the ciggies? Will no doubt be logging on again this evening when chewing fingers down to the elbows.

Good luck to everyone with their quits!

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nsd_user663_2320 profile image
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21 Replies
nsd_user663_2325 profile image

Hi Caz, I just joined today too. Today is my last day as a smoker. Thank Goodness. Am eager to get on my travels but also have to say slightly apprehensive. (I have been here so many times before). Going to go Cold Turkey this time, Hopefully to get it over and done with. A friend of mine is using Chantix. She is on day 4 not smoking now and doing really well. Good Luck with your quit. :)

nsd_user663_1962 profile image

Welcome Looby Lou and Caz,

This is indeed a grand site, very helpful. Everyone is here to support each other, believe me I have needed it and received it.

Well done you two to have come this far,

take care, B x

nsd_user663_2318 profile image


Hopefully you are sucessful this time around, as i hope i will be too! I am having a tough time but bearing through it with no slips so far! Hang in there!

Quit: Monday Oct. 1 @ 6am

Smoked: 10-15 cigs per day fro 27 yrs

Method: cold turkey

slips: none

Smoke-free for almost 12 full days!

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Hello looby and caz www2.incredimail.com/englis...

Best Decision you can make. congratulations. I too am on Champix caz, as long as you don,t take it on an emty stomach you shouldn't feel any nausea and the benefits ! Well put it this way I've smoked a pack a day for 25yrs:eek: ,tried to quit loadsatimes but this time with the champix I hardly get any withdrawl symptoms or cravings to smoke . In short its my last quit!!iheartpaws.com/forums/image...

nsd_user663_2119 profile image

Hiya to the newbies:)

THIS IT BEST PLACE YOU COULD HAVE COME !!! to help you thru your journey to become healthy,happy NON-SMOKERS!!

the support is brill,and i look upon everyone ere as my friends and we all help one another through the tuff times.( and we do have a laugh:D )

the champix have been 1st class for me! i would recommend them! (but it is up to your own GP that they are suitable for you!)

and i can honestly say that it's now as if i've NEVER been a smoker! and i DON'T MISS HAVING A SMOKE AT ALL!!


(IF I CAN.....................................ANYONE CAN!!:cool: )

luv poskit.x

nsd_user663_2320 profile image

Thanks everyone for the much needed support!! Well so far so good, going out for a walk with the long suffering better half this evening, and might even try an alcoholic bevvy at a local pub, haven't dared have a drink since I started taking the tabs yet, but been told there's no reason why not. Still getting the cravings but think I'm getting used to them now, they don't seem as bad as I thought they were going to be, obviously down to the Champix - best thing ever invented. I'm positive this is going to be my last quit.

Hi Looby Lou, another newbie like me! Good luck for tomorrow and keep strong and focused, don't give in to them nasty cravings. I've promised myself a little treat for each week I stay smoke free so next weekend we've arranged to go out for Sunday lunch, thought it might help keep me focused during tough times, well that's the theory anyway :)

nsd_user663_2320 profile image

hi im new and this is my 4th day.im on the gum and doing ok.iv'e been reading your notes on champix and would love to know how you go about getting it.i have asked my doc and also at the chemist but to no avail.i have heard it is a good thing to help you stop,:

Hi Liz,

I got champix at my docs cos its prescription only. The general rule at the docs seems to be that they'll only prescribe it if you've tried other NRT methods first and failed cos its expensive to prescribe. My bro got it through a support group at work and cos he had such a bad carbon monoxide reading the group leader gave it him straight away, think she was worried he might collapse at the group :) . Anyway he's quit too and hasn't had a cig for 13 weeks now and he was a heavier smoker than me and smoked for nearly 30 years!

Good luck getting your hands on it, hope you can prize it out of your docs cos its really good and I've tried everything before - hypno, patches, gum, inhalators, cold turkey you name it and always failed, so I'm really hoping this is going to work, I feel more positive and the tabs seem to be reducing the intensity of the cravings so you're not thinking about smoking all the time.

nsd_user663_2119 profile image

hi im new and this is my 4th day.im on the gum and doing ok.iv'e been reading your notes on champix and would love to know how you go about getting it.i have asked my doc and also at the chemist but to no avail.i have heard it is a good thing to help you stop,:

hiya liz,

WELCOME!! i got the champix off my gp.had to go & see the nurse cos she's the one who deals with the stopping smoking where i go.

told her that i'd tried different methods,patches,gum ect (eventhough i had really only tried the patches:o ) and i got them, she had to do an assessment cos i'm on loads of other meds for my fibromyalgia, & BJHS & arthritis, (i do tend to have alot of reactions to a lot of meds:o ) anyway suprisngly i was ok with these:eek: and they're the best thing ever!!

give it a go at your gp's it will help you loads(along with the support on here) if you are able to take them.hopefully,like me!!you should get thru it alot easier!!

good luck.poskit.x:)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Welcome on board caz and liz x x x x

We're all behind you 100% here and will be here to support you both even if you just want to let off steam feel free ;)

Kazza also had a lot of trouble meds wise like poskit and the champix has worked wonders for her!!

Best of luck

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2320 profile image

Thanks Buffy for the support! Got thru yesterday a bit better than expected and even managed some alcohol without too many cravings :), couldn't even think about drinking on previous attempts, so went to bed last night all positive, hah, today has been hell since mid morning, just seems to be one long craving and had to go to supermarket this a.m. unfortunately, which was really busy, and nearly flew into a rage at the checkout cos some woman was holding the whole queue up having the staff running round after her, but I managed to hold on... just :o. Not like me at all!

Looking after my daughter's little dog today and overnight, he's adorable (Westie) so hopefully he'll help me thru tonight. Roll on bed time is all I can say about today, hope it gets easier tomorrow (day 3).

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Well done oooh and looking after a house guest! what a great diversion aw love him x x

I hate supermarkets :mad: I shop online n get it delivered :D

Hey I hope day 3 will be better but I have to be honest and say the old cliche is 'things get worse before they get better' be prepared for a fall and plan your time well to keep you busy and occupied, a few hours of being in a bit of a pickle is better than a life time of smoking ;)

Good luck and enjoy walking the dog :D

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Hey caz

Nothing wrong with a glass of vino (as long as you don,t have a cig with it!lol)

Well done for coping so far today. I found the first day a little tough - I kept thinking ok what shall I do now?Smokings off the menu so I'll visit the forum instead. It gets easier as the days go on . I won't say I don't think of cigs anymore cos I do-but in a 'i should be having a fag now' kind of way NOT 'I'm gasping for a cig' eleoive me caz,if I can think like this after 25yrs of the weed and nth amount of quits YOU CAN TOO!img118.exs.cx/img118/6348/u...

( God I luurve all these smilies!!!!!)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

make sure your text goes inbetween the tags (tags are the things you get when you choose a colour size or style, they look like this [ * ] then type here [ /* ])

The * is a wild, the code that replaces this is what determines the style when you click on it.

Man I hope I make sense :o

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

make sure your text goes inbetween the tags (tags are the things you get when you choose a colour size or style, they look like this [ * ] then type here [ /* ])

The * is a wild, the code that replaces this is what determines the style when you click on it.

Man I hope I make sense :o

Not really ! - but I'll give it a go E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Sorry lol x x x x

For example when you click 'B' for bold you'll get [ B ][ /B ] come up, type in between the two tags ie [ B ] type here [ /B ]

It will show up on the thread as type here

nsd_user663_2320 profile image

Thanks Buffy and Kazza, think I feel a bit stronger now, as there's no cigs in the house and I'm too lazy to go to the shop to buy some at least I can't have one when the going gets tough, lol.

Gonna start on some tea now so that'll keep me busy for a bit and better feed the pooch. I've got a pic of 'Charlie' the westie, but not sure how to get it on here, tried the insert pic and keying the URL but it won't display, just has a red cross on it.

Can someone let me know how to get the pics on the forum and where do you get those smilies :) they look great!!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

use the paper clip above the reply text box there you can browse your PC for a pic or type in the url, alternatively you can use these tags [ img ] *type the url here [ /img ] (note there should be no spaces, i just put them in so that it will show up on the thread) good luck x x

would love to see charlie :D

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Don' t you start caz!. Buffy's in her element!!!! HaHaHaespacioforos.miarroba.com/2...

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

lollol hehehehhe >_<


IT nerd :p

nsd_user663_2320 profile image

Heh Buffy,

Think I've sussed the insert piccie out! This is Charlie who we've been looking after overnight - and who doesn't like sleeping much either, he likes to wake us up at 5am :( not a good time for me, lol.

Think I'd better move to day 3 posts now cos I qualify, yeh. Was a lot harder yesterday than day 1, strange, thought it would be slightly better, and this morning already getting cravings, aaargh, gonna be a long day me thinks.

Good luck to everyone quitting and thanks for the support so far.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ahhhhh!!! look at him! he's beautiful!

What an amazing coat x x x gorgeous colour x x x

Aw well done on inserting the pic glad you did :D

Shame about the 5am waking :p

Congratulations on reaching day 3 x x

Good luck and stay strong x x

~Buffy x x

Not what you're looking for?