Anyone else totally stressed/irratable/edgy... - No Smoking Day

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Anyone else totally stressed/irratable/edgy 24/7? :P

nsd_user663_2033 profile image
6 Replies

Still here! ;)

Past two weeks been tough tho lol, pickin fights wtih everyone and just cant snap out of being plain nippy :p Sometimes i feel it isnt even me, im controlled by some raving angry monster looking for an arguement....tell me this phase wont last!!! :D

ps : Tried everything, excersise, yoga, name it :rolleyes:

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nsd_user663_2033 profile image
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6 Replies
nsd_user663_2288 profile image

Hang in there

Cammey...I've been irritable, too, but I've been quit for over a month and I find that it's getting a little better. Hang in can do it!;)

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

I have turned into a evil nasty person at times and am ashamed at some of the things i have said so you are not alone.

We will be nice people again soon.;)

No we are nice people, just people trying our hardest to stop smoking.

nsd_user663_2354 profile image

are you serious???

after 2 months you're STILL CRAVING??????????????

i thought the first 3 days were the worst... the physical part of nicotene leaving your body?

whew. after the first three days, i thought it wasn't craving, but wanting one out of habit?

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

are you serious???

after 2 months you're STILL CRAVING??????????????

i thought the first 3 days were the worst... the physical part of nicotene leaving your body?

whew. after the first three days, i thought it wasn't craving, but wanting one out of habit?

OK Sonshine ( yes I read your post re;tingling feet) and I'm sorry if you feel I'm doing you an injustice of some sort but from your previous posts I am getting the feeling you see this as one big joke(I apologise if I've got it wrong) but you seem to be taking such a nonchalant approach to this,when you should care about it so much as it is such a wonderful thing to quit. If you are committed to this then rest assured everyone will welcome unconditionally - if not leave us alone.

nsd_user663_2354 profile image

EXCUSE ME??????????????



MY MOM DIED FROM CANCER, and thats good reason.

I might have a bad attitude towards it but doesn't give you or anyone the right to think that I DONT want to quit, because i do.

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Dude...stop being aggressive now wontcha? This is a quiet place for friendly people seriously interested in helping each other in staying quit, something already tough enough on its own without the need for us to deal with random ego issues - if you don't like it and feel like the people are not helping, your smartest move would be to leave. It's not a rule that you must fit everywhere, all the time, at any costs.

Also, here's some news for you: quite frankly, I don't care if you are committed or not, and after what you've been posting today over and over, I honestly couldn't care less if you slip or blip or whatever, because I am under the impression you just want to troll the board and generally get attention and be aggressive - which is annoying and besides, gets old real fast. You obviously don't belong and this forum isn't of any help for you - leave us alone 'mkay?


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