newbie.: Hi everyone.:) I gave up smoking at... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_2020 profile image
13 Replies

Hi everyone.:)

I gave up smoking at 5.00pm last night and have been trawling the internet to find a nice forum where I could find others in the same boat. I liked the look of this place so was wondering if I could come in.:D

I'm a ex 30+ a day-er and I'm using the patches. Going ok so far but I keep getting these little twitchy craves like spasms almost:confused: I'm not likng them.

Anyway I'm very glad to be here and hope I can be of support to others on here


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nsd_user663_2020 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Welcome

You will have great support on here we are a big happy family of quitters.

Buff and Boudee are the best for all the tips & hints hehe congrats on your quit look forward to reading your posts Love Linda xxxx

nsd_user663_1957 profile image

hi, welcome, and good luck!

i think you are mad going cold turkey, i dont know how others do it and statistics show that its the least successful way of doing it, but i hope you can do it! :)

there is a couple others on here at the moment going the cold turkey way so might be worth you tagging onto there posts and compare notes

nsd_user663_2020 profile image

Hi linda and muzzy.:)

I'm not going cold turkey Muzzy!:eek: I did that when I was pregnant and it really sucked- and didn't last. I'm on the patches and gum sometimes.

nsd_user663_1957 profile image

oops, sorry, i speed read your post and didnt read it properly :o

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Hello badnelly x x

Welcome! come in and put your feet up :D

The craves are annoying at first but within a week they will have eased up,

Best thing is too keep busy and substitute smoking with something else such as reading, walking, deep breathing etc anything!!

Also, regular water intake helps with craves and is very good for you and will keep your energy levels up.

And THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!! make sure you spend that money your saving on yourself!! keep yourself motivated with treats a plenty :D

Good Luck and Keep posting we're all right behind you ~Buffy x x

Hehehe it's Muzzys fault!!! Muzzy now read badnellys post properly!! hehehe

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

oops, sorry, i speed read your post and didnt read it properly :o

:D rofl Muzzy! :rolleyes: concentrate! hehehe

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

ROFL I got so confused!! I thought muzzy was barney and nelly was cold turkey and oh my god start again!! :p

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Hi linda and muzzy.:)

I'm not going cold turkey Muzzy!:eek: I did that when I was pregnant and it really sucked- and didn't last. I'm on the patches and gum sometimes.

Ouchy I quit with patches when pregnant once, i cried for four days non stop!!

Midwife decided that light smoking was better than the prenatal stress i was going through!

God I can't imagine what pregnant and cold turkey must of been like! :eek:

nsd_user663_1996 profile image

Hi badnelly

Well i'm glad that's all sorted out and everyone now understands what is going on.

Most importantly welcome aboard whether you are on patches or not. I'm a cold turkey now in the second week and things are certainly a lot better than a week ago - so keep at it, and as everybody says just take it a day at a time.


nsd_user663_2020 profile image

Hi, thanks for your replies everyone.:)

Yeah, cold turkey and pregnancy were a right bugger. It doesn't seem so bad this time (not pregnant for a start!). The patches really seem to work.

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Morning day two today hope your doing ok chin up keep strong Linda xxx

nsd_user663_2034 profile image


hi all im new here my hubby, steve36, recommended this site to me so here i am putting my first post.

I am starting to take champix tomoz morning and really looking forward to stopping smoking. I did stop for a week with the patches but i didnt get on with them so went to the smoking clinic got told to see the gp so saw gp tonight and got my champix. I will post again when im on my way with the champix

good luck to everyone else speak soon

luv jenny

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Hello Jeny x x

Welcome to the site!!

Glad you have decided to quit, the Champix users here seem pleased with the drug.

Be sure to make a plan of things to do instead of smoking ie reading, walking, painting or skydiving :D hehe just making sure your paying attention ;)

And save up that money you would usually spend on smoking and use it to keep yourself indulged in your favorite treats :D

You'll get plenty of support here, no matter what your question, rant or general moan is about !

Good Luck ~Buffy x x

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