Dizzy on Day 2: Well I still haven't smoked... - No Smoking Day

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Dizzy on Day 2

nsd_user663_1744 profile image
14 Replies

Well I still haven't smoked - yes,I'm amazed too

This morning though I seem to be a little lightheaded but only at odd times eg. whenI got up out of bed this morning and when I got up and left the b/fast table

to wash up. Will this occur everyday?

cheers for anyones input


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nsd_user663_1744 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Well done Karen :D I am so happy that your doing this, so well too!

The dizzy thing could be circulation and oxygen levels improving probably won't even last a couple of days. Everyone gets that old 'got up too quick' sensation form time to time.

Remember though not everything is due to quitting, if you have any concerns or If you pass out you should seek professional medical help.

I am so really pleased for you, doing so well! Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Morning Karen

Congrats on day two see your counting days with us now hehe. Well done your doing great. Sure all these funny feelings will pass its a big thing we are doing to our selfs like spring cleaning. Keep going we are all with you Love Linda

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Awww thanks Buffy

I really think that one of the most important factors (for me anyway) was the

support and encouragement I got from yourself,Linda and everyone else here. I

really thought I was going to smoke till I snuffed it! I so much didn't want to and I realised smoking was the cause of my voice croaking at times yet I never had the willpower to quit. My hubby (bless him) tries his best and is REALLY supportive BUT he has never smoked and some feelings are very difficult to explain to someone who's never smoked. Thats where this forum has become a godsend.What spurs me on are the folk that are ahead of me be it a few days,weeks or months. Reading their posts makes me realise that there IS light at the end of the tunnel if I just keep going!!

Thanks again everyone


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

This forum is such a clever little thing!

Makes a support network so much greater than the outside world, well I speak for myself here but I don't have enough friends to lean on 24 hours a day every day! Lol

nsd_user663_1879 profile image

Hey Karen!

Think you are doing marvellously. Big affirmation for you!!

I'm thinking about dried fruit and (of course) more jelly, for those icky, picky moments in the evenings...

Has anyone else got any healthy snacky habits they are willing to share. Evenings seem to be my low spot, especially ad-breaks. Guess that's how I structured my indoor/evening time. How weird is that???

Well Done Karen. You are soooooooooooooo Cool lol


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Yes I always had and still do!

Pumpkin seeds, not peeled ones! the whole point is time consumption on removing them from the shells! keeps your hands busy and keeps you snacking for hours! with no ill effect what so ever, well except the salt!

nsd_user663_1816 profile image

Hi karen

Well done getting to day 2 you must be pleased with yourself i no i was, its great feeling before you no it you will be into your second week, im on day 30 now and didnt think in my wildest dreams i would get this far.This forum as helped me so much, i look forward to loging on to see how everyone is getting on, the support is fantastic.

keep it going girl.


nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Yeah it's the same 4 me,Kubali. Ad breaks are a killer. I don,t exactly 'crave' a cig - more I think to myself ' I really should go outside for a fag now b4 Corrie starts again. I tend to come on here now instead! I must admit that snacking doesn't bother me. I don't really have weight issues. I'm not underweight for my height (5ft2") but I am only a size 8 so even putting on a few pounds or more won't make me obese! Although I like to snack on grapes and bananas I am not averse to a bar of Lindt chocolate or a mars bar!


nsd_user663_1879 profile image

I Love Bananas...

Yum Yum!!

But I think its more a problem for me to re-programme myself to do something different. Just feeling a little aimless about tackling it. I would hate to think that i had structured my life round a rollie..... surely not???

What are your thoughts on the subject?


nsd_user663_1744 profile image

I reckon its a mind reprogramming job for me too.Dunno about a no smoking forum-this is more like DR Who with all this talk of re programming!lol

Seriously though I was the same. I work as a p/t Librarian so all my houseworrk (washing,ironing,cleaning etc) had to be done on the days I was home. As these aren't the most enjoyable tasks in the world I used to plan them around cigs. Irons heating up- so time for a fag while I wait. Again I was thinking I was being clever having a cig when I would normally wait around anyway.Making my

daughters sarnies for school = time for a fag while the butter softens enough to spread on the rolls etc . I've now got to find new ways of passing those few mins - I'm sure non-smokers do this. We've just got to do the same.


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Talking of corrie, man this is drama n a half!! i have blubbed tonight!

Lindt chocolate go there girl :D lindt was my grannies first husband I got two swiss aunty lindts :D

.............. omg it's freddy alive n well am blubbing again! why was he not home?! ..........

hehe i have always been a size 8 I am now a 10 on top n 12!!!!!!! bottoms but i am well chuffed with it :D i look healthy, need a bit of toning though :rolleyes:

See now the housework thing i am totally with you karen, but the 5 mins while iron heats up

(I iron of a night, clothes for tomorrow, when kids have just got into bed) instead of fag, now i'll wipe round the toilet with brush, dry off with bog roll n flush toilet, pick up kids clothes out of bathroom n use them to wipe round bath sink and mirror, take them to the machine. See 5 mins and i have cleaned the bathroom!

It's all part of the reprogramming, it happens! not with much forethought just with little things you start to do to replace smoking!

Poo I know what i mean just don't know how well i explain!

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

I reckon it was Jerrys son next door to claire (who lives in that bloody big shed) My theory is that he set fire to clares cos they reported the "chalet" but he had a pang of conscience when he saw baby Freddie so took him to the park out of the way. Good idea about the bathroom ! I will try that next time I iron(who said women can't multitask?!lol)


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

My other half said the same thing, I thought he's to dippy to follow through the torching of house thing!!

hmmm :rolleyes: exciting stuff :D lol

Ah glad you like bathroom thing :D

You know i reckon irlene will get dragged in with her baby fascination thing!

nsd_user663_1920 profile image

Well done Karen :D I am so happy that your doing this, so well too!

The dizzy thing could be circulation and oxygen levels improving probably won't even last a couple of days. Everyone gets that old 'got up too quick' sensation form time to time.

Remember though not everything is due to quitting, if you have any concerns or If you pass out you should seek professional medical help.

I am so really pleased for you, doing so well! Buffy x x

Yep thats your body getting back to normal keep up the good work:)

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