I have broken the barrier at last - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I have broken the barrier at last

nsd_user663_1629 profile image
9 Replies

Hello all non-smoking buddies

I have not posted anything for a while but have logged in to read now and then. Last Sunday 15th April was my 12-week goal and I achieved it. So now I am into the first week of Month 3. This is the first time EVER I have not smoked for longer than 3 months in thirty years of smoking. I am extremely proud of myself because I still have cravings and still have not succumbed.

My method was to cut down until I was only on 4 ciggies per day, when I finally set a quit date the nicotine was at a low level and this was easier to cope with than had I been a heavier smoker I guess.

I have taken up cycling which has also helped. The main benefit for me has been the vast improvements in my health, i.e. asthma almost dissappeared and gums not bleeding at all.

I cannot go back to those health problems. I can be with smokers now and not feel suicidal.

I really hope that everyone can get to this point in their quit programme and feel good about it. It's not easy but it comes to you eventually.

lots of good wishes to everyone xxxx;)

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nsd_user663_1629 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_1704 profile image


Heya ruby x x e.deviantart.com/emoticons/...

Glad you dropped by to let all know how it's going with you! Well Done to you! It is a great inspiration to others.

Keep up the cycling and let me know the sponsor link again! Please!

Buffy ~ x X x X x ~

P.s You get the ipod yet?!

nsd_user663_852 profile image

Well done Ruby!!

That's really excellent news and a fantastic acheivement. :) :)

nsd_user663_1629 profile image

thanks everyone - this forum has been such a wonderful help to me, everyone is fantastic!

my sponsor link is


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Cool! you are doing so well with the sponsors!! I have bookmarked the page and will add my tuppence worth on Monday x x

nsd_user663_1629 profile image

thanks Buffy, was it you or Boudee who had poorly dog? How is he doing?


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

He he,It's Boudees skins.hotbar.com/skins/mail...

She's not been on since night before last img117.echo.cx/img117/5600/... I do hope everything is Ok with pooch n Boudee.

nsd_user663_1629 profile image

sorry Buffy, I get you two mixed up cos you are always on here!!!! it's been a life saver sometimes though, this forum, what say you?

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I very much doubt my quit would of succeeded without it! as I gave up unexpectedly i had no network of support.

I mix people up too! guess it's to do with having no visual to put a name to like we do when we see each other in real life.

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Rubby

Congrats on your 12 weeks you must feel on top of the world. I am on day 39 / 5 weeks 4days 12 weeks seams so far away Well done Linda

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