Has anyone been diagnosed with Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma. If so please can you advise in your symptoms and treatment. I was diagnosed in November 2020
Non Hodgson Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma. - Non Hodgkin's Lym...
Non Hodgson Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma.
I had I believe this type in 2008. I went through 7 chemo sessions over 6 months. I also used a diet that totally eliminated all sugar for two years, I had 100 grams of fresh wheat grass juice every day for two years, and drank some herbal tea blend of Himalaya herbs that cleaned my liver and kidneys of the chemo. It wasn't easy or fun, but here I am nearly 13 years later without any relapse. The chemo kills the cancer but it also kills everything. So you need to have super nutrition to restore your immune system.
I have been treated for both mantle cell and lymphoblastic Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at different times since last February. I started with rituximab, which didn’t work and then I was put on Ibrutinib last August. Fortunately, I haven’t been troubled with side effects, except with an occasional heart flutter. This medication has worked beautifully and all my blood counts are now normal. I am praying that this meditation will continue to work for a long time.
Has anyone else with this kind of Lymphoma used ibrutinib, or Imbruvica , which is the brand name, and how long did it keep working?