I feel like a bit out of place as I'm not a lymphoma suffer. I have a younger brother in his 30s who was diagnosed with:
T cell histiocyte rich B cell lymphoma in Sept 2013
He had 6 cycles of RCHOP completed by Jan 2014.
Excellent response and PET scan clear.
Relapsed in October 2014
Had 4 cycles of RDHAP chemo and a autologous stem cell transplant
Treatment complete by Jan 15.
Excellent response and PET scan clear.
PET scan done Feb 2017 it appears the disease has relapsed.
I'm pretty confused as to what to do for him now?
I'm meeting his health care specialists this week to discuss treatment options.
Are there any new radical treatments out there that will get rid of thing once and for all??
Is anyone else gone through this and what's the best advice?