I was diagnosed with waldenstroms macroglobulinemia in June. Have had treatment and now waiting for a CT scan at the end of the month. It seems that this is a rare type of lymphoma.
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Hi Anne! Glad you could join our community
Hi Anne! For the past three years, I was IgM-MGUS with a bunch of testing. This past September, the call was made as my bone marrow infiltration rate was raising, that I am now classified as Waldenstrom's. It is indeed a rare type, but fortunately a slow growing lymphoma. I just completed a 4 week cycle of Rituximab in October, now waiting to have a new CT and PET scans done in Decemeber. Take care!
Sounds similar. I hope all goes well from the scan and consultant.
I was diagnosed in 2008 with Waldenatron's and have been on wait and watch since.....until now. My latest BMB showed 70% involvement, anemia, and IGM of 3000. Now Drs want me to start Rituxan. Would appreciate knowing what the treatment is like. Thank you.
I did not have any problems with the Rituximab. Takes a few hours on iv drip. Just take something to read. Hope it all goes well
I was diagnosed with Waldenstromes in 2015, and since that time I have been on watch and wait. Unfortunately it has given me peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet, which has affected me badly. I've had a course of Rituximab which has helped my walking and balance, although during the first treatment I went into shock !! but I was OK in the end. Thankful that I have my friends and family in the church