I'm new here. Would be interested in connecting with those who,also have secondary CNS lymphoma I am in remission from DLBC NHL but was unaware that it could cross the blood brain barrier into central nervous system. My bio tells the somewhat scary story. Jennifer
CNS Lymphoma awareness: I'm new here... - Non Hodgkin's Lym...
CNS Lymphoma awareness

Hi, I have NHL and belong to a facebook group for NHL. Some members have had the same issue as you and could consider joining to connect with them. Helen
I posted this on the Lymphoma Club site but didn't hear from anyone:/. Jennifer
Hi. Im jane. I was diagnosed with mantle cell lymphoma 5 years ago. It's a scary diagnosis. How did you do with chemo? I was lucky and had few side effects. I hope you stay in touch. Its good to have contact with people who have had a similar experience. Best wishes.
Hi Jane:). I did fairly well wih my 6 rounds of R-EPOCH last summer and was in remission with clear Pet scans through this March. Then I began experiencing neurological symptoms. I was diagnosed finally with lymphoma of the CNS and have just finished round 7 of 8 of Ritixin and Methotrexate. After that , stem cell transplant

Glad you could join our new community Jennifer!
Hi - my mother is currently going though a very similar sounding situation. Having been in remission for 8 years we are in the same situation. She initially was misdiagnosed twice once as having had a TIA the 2nd as a Stroke.
I do wish you well with your recovery