Three days post Transplant : Hey guys... - Kidney Transplant

Kidney Transplant

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Three days post Transplant

PurplePill profile image
11 Replies

Hey guys.... my bf was able to donate his kidney to me and we had the surgery on March 31st 2021! I am still in the hospital and will be for approx. 4 or 5 more days. I am in an area where we are on lockdown so we don’t get any visitors. It has been a hard three days with tubes coming out of every part of my body, I feel so uncomfortable. They say I’m doing good and looking good, making lots of urine with my new kidney! I will warm you about the really makes you emotional! I just have to keep I mind I’m doing good and my body is just in shock from this whole process. Thanks everyone for all your help and advice.

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PurplePill profile image
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11 Replies
AndrewT profile image

Dear PurplePill,

First of all CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR TRANSPLANT, and a big thank you to your Boy Friend.... surely now your Husband to be!

Yes it is, rather 'confusing', to say the least, the first few days/ weeks/ months following a Transplant- under Normal Circumstances, let alone under Covid! I Do remember 'all the pipes & tubes', very well. My Transplant was in July 2013, so six- and a half- years ago now! If you are 'doing well' 'Those' tubes will start to Disappear, in the next few days.

You will be Prescribed, what are called, Immune Suppressant Drugs- to begin with anyway- at a fairly 'high' level. These Drugs can have 'side effects', some of which can be annoying (Tacrolimus, for example, causes you to shake- how 'much' varies, from person to person and the amount you are on.) Expect Dosage, and Drug, changes for a few weeks- at least. There will be a LOT, of Blood, Urine... maybe even 'poo'... Tests. However you will be asked 'How You Are Feeling'. When this happens Do be Honest, but also Polite... say, something like 'Not too good, my Head hurts and I can't 'go'' NOT 'I feel f..king awful!'.

I had to attend a Clinic, twice a week, for a couple of weeks... then weekly, fortnightly, monthly... finally I was Handed Back to Ipswich Hospital, my Referring Hospital, after about eighteen months. I have been under the 'care' of, a Very Good Consultant, Dr Andi, ever since. I am still 'seen' by Professor David Jane's Team, once a year, at Addenbrooke's, where I had the Transplant.

There ARE, one or two, shall I say More Personal 'Bits' you might want to discuss- as you Come across them- I'm Happy for you to P(rivate) M(essage) me, if you want to.

Finally... Enjoy your FREEDOM from Dialysis..... Very Best Wishes


PurplePill profile image
PurplePill in reply to AndrewT

Thanks AndrewT I have been very lucky through this whole process... considering I did not need dialysis. Yes it was a long wait but that was to be expected....all it did was teach me patients. I do have a bit of the tremors but once they wrap me up in those amazing warm blankets I feel much better. Extremely emotional from the drugs but they will decrease those daily so I’m hoping to feel closer to “Normal” soon. Thanks again!

AndrewT profile image
AndrewT in reply to PurplePill

I have answered your PM, to me, PurplePill. Best wishes


OperationKidney profile image

Prednisone is the fucking worst. But so glad you're doing well! ❤ best wishes for a speedy recovery!!!!

PurplePill profile image
PurplePill in reply to OperationKidney

Sure is lol! But knowing it is the drugs some how makes me feel better!! Thanks!

ArsenalFan profile image

Congrats, yes some of the drugs will affect you like giving you hand tremors but they do go away. I will be 8 years post in July and my living donor was my wife.

PurplePill profile image
PurplePill in reply to ArsenalFan

Wow that’s awesome! Yes, the tremors have already left me that goodness! Thanks!

LavenderRabbit profile image

Hang in there. The first few days are the hardest. I’m 3 weeks out, so I remember it well! It will get better. The 2 week mark made all the difference to me.

PurplePill profile image
PurplePill in reply to LavenderRabbit

Thank you....thank gives me hope that there will be more relief soon!

lkhenderson profile image

Congratulations!! Take it one day at a time and trust your doctors. Use video calls to interact with your family and friends as much as possible to avoid feeling so isolated. Take the time to heal so you can take the time to live. God bless you and your heroic living donor who shared his spare kidney for you!

PurplePill profile image

Thanks! Yes I video chat every day with at least a few people, it does help. Feeling a little better today. Hearing how happy the doctors and nurses are about my progress keeps me feeling good.

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