I've just begun my transplant process and my initial evaluation was very positive that I will qualify to be put on the transplant list. The transplant center explained the differences between a living and cadaver donor and the positive benefits of a living donor. I have a sibling who lives in another country (she is a Canadian, not U.S. citizen) who is willing to be my living donor (or participate in a paired exchange), but I haven't gotten any clear information on whether she would be covered for the significant medical expenses of going through the donor process. The financial coordinator said that my insurance would cover it, but she didn't sound 100% confident that she knew what she was talking about and could answer questions when I pressed on details like if this would include the initial battery of tests or in the event that there are complications. I also got conflicting information from the transplant coordinator who seemed to think that the donor's own insurance needs to cover their own team. They did mention that non-American living donors do happen, so I have to think there's someone out there who has some information or experience with this.
Does anyone know how the financing or medical coverage works for a living donor transplant in the U.S. when the donor is not a resident of or insured in the U.S.? The donor is Canadian so there's no visa issues for her being in the U.S. to donate her kidney and I understand that I would have to cover travel expenses personally.