Taking suppliment in post transplant? - Kidney Transplant

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Taking suppliment in post transplant?

3idoits profile image
12 Replies

I am wondering that is there anyone who take mineral suppliments after kidney transplant?

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3idoits profile image
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12 Replies
LisaSnow profile image

I take calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Crapgame profile image

I’ve been on magnesium since my transplant 2-1/2 years ago. Initially I was also taking phosphorus but my levels are now normal without it.

blackkat2 profile image

For minerals, I take magnesium and zinc. Was taking KPhos (potassium & phosphorus) but those numbers recently normalized so my doctor took me off that.

pops81 profile image

Hi, I was curious why you asked, just because you should not start any supplements without first talking with your doctors. Most supplements are perfectly safe under normal situations, but that's not us. Some supplements can inferior with the different medications we take for the transplant. And more often the need changes over time with the meds we do take. That said I double up daily vitamins, and take Iron, Omega-3, and also nearly 5000 IU of vitamin D3. With the Vitamin D3 my GP recommended that dose, but I also confirmed it with my Kidney and Thyroid DRs. The dose seemed high at the time to me, but happy now as it seems Covid 19 likes those with low D3. But everybody varies as I also have a Neo-bladder as well and it dumps Calcium and retains potassium, but if I increase the calcium levels it just dumps more and more calcium. And weirdly I take a ton of sodium bicarbonate daily as it locks onto the the potassium, helping to keep the potassium in the safer levels. Stay safe

WYOAnne profile image
WYOAnneNKF Ambassador

Taking supplements or not, first depends on your labs. And 2nd depends if your transplant team has given the OK for you to take them.

I am 20+ years post transplant and my team prescribed a multi-vitamin and a calcium supplement. My calcium level tends to be on the low side of normal.

Do not take anything with out a doctor's approval. Some supplements can interfere with the absorption of our immunosuppressant meds. You do not want to chance rejection.

I take 2000 mg calcium daily, magnesium and a multi-vitamin.

3idoits profile image

Thank you so much for all your answers. And i will make sure before i take any of them, i will comfirm with my renal doctors.

Drdetroit profile image

FIRST , ask transplant team . I take 5,000 D3 daily, 400 magnesium daily, B-12 1,000 daily, CQ-10 & 600 calcium daily. 8yrs post transplant GOOD LUCK

3idoits profile image
3idoits in reply to Drdetroit

For how long have you been taking them and when did you start taking?

Donaldson0007 profile image

When first post xplant, Drs had me on D, and magnesium, then added Kphos. I was taken off of D about 1 year ago, and also stopped mag around 2 years ago. I also stopped Kphos and phos supplements because my numbers do not budge and they are expensive.

I now take a gluten free daily vitamin and an OMEGA 3 DHEA fish oil supplement at night. I got approval from the Drs before taking these, and I did this to combat the hair loss and other side effects from the anti-rejection meds. Been taking both of these about 1 year now.

Drdetroit profile image

I've been taking D3 & Magnesium from the beginning. Dr's told me D3 is very important because most people are insufficient in D3. It especially supports your bones as prednesone affects bone loss. Magnesium is supposed to be a very good mineral. I've been taking B12 for energy, COQ10 for heart health, Calcium to help bone health. I forgot I also take 3 tablets of Sodium Bicarbonate per day to keep my O2 level up in the normal range. I watch my bloodwork results every month as UPMC sends me a copy. I coordinate any adjustments with them . GOOD LUCK

AndrewT profile image

Dear 3idiots,

I Fully Agree, with what Most have said above. BE VERY careful with 'supplements'- unless you are Specifically advised by your Doctors. I you wish, feel free, to ask- be, at least, prepared for a possible (probable?) No.

As mentioned above the Drugs, that we take, can 'react' badly with/to any supplements. Grapefruit juice- and extracts-, are Very Well known to interfere with both absorption and Adsorption rates, of many drugs (careful with 'Lilt' here). Other Common 'food stuffs' can have similar effects, or interactions.

Basically, unless there is a Medical need, don't bother.... no really! If you have a, even fairly, healthy diet you shouldn't need 'supplements' anyway. Any deficiencies, specific to yourself, will be identified by your Routine blood tests.

There is a lot of, to be frank, total Cr*p being said about Vitamins.... even for your HAIR, at the moment. I'm sure that you ARE intelligent person, so be guided by the Professionals, NOT the Media- or Advertisements.

Hoping that you continue to be Well.


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