Google searches elude that prednisone "moon-face" and other side effects go away once the dose has been reduced and discontinued. My question is; what if you're never going to be off the drugs? I'm going to be on 5mg forever, is there anyone else that is experiencing this? How is it?
Prednisone side effects: Google searches... - Kidney Transplant
Prednisone side effects

I’ve been on 5mg of prednisone daily for many years and I do not have a “moon face!’
Thanks for replying! Did you ever have it?
Hey I’m on 7.5mg of prednisone I was on 10. But never have I experienced “ moonface”. Have you spoke to your team and asked them to run bloods?? I am on it because of the BK virus which has only been active since December I have mood swings which are abnormal for me and I want to sleep all the time which again is not me. Even after dialysis sessions I was out doing my grocery shopping and meeting friends, since prednisone I get up at 06.45 and by 13-14.00 I’m am absolutely worn out. Please ask your Renal team to check every blood test they can and please keep me informed ❤️
It depends on the quantity. My son was in high dose (40 mg every day) and he had monn face and all the other side effects: terrible! But it was necessary . Now he's on 2.5 mg a day and he is normal .
Hope your son is well. Thanks for replying
I was on 40mg daily for a while and came down gradually to 5mg which is apparently where I'll stay. Though I know this drug is necessary, I just wonder if I'll ever look like me again!

The side effects recede with time but don’t go away entirely. I have been on 5mg daily for 25 years and long term it has caused some circulatory problems and issues with bone integrity. I have had my brothers kidney for 31 years and can blame most of my ailments on Steroid and immunosuppressive medication. That being said I would not be here if they would not have been available. Life after transplant is a constant change and adapting process.
Hi there, I had it a bit at the start and as soon as my dose went down so did the moon face!
Yes a lot of us are. I’ve pleaded with my doctor and have got the no you cant reduce and must stay on. It’s been 7 years and I hate my round pudgy face but it’s much better than the alternatives. It’s life just be thankful and blessed. You could be wearing a tube or back on dialysis.
Yes, I have a round @moon” face. I was on higher doses of prednisone and am now on 5mg for the rest of my life. I begged to get off if it but no way said my docs. It’s typical protocol and necessary to combat rejection. I am 14 mos Post Transplant and still adjusting to side effects from all the meds. Especially prednisone. But I still feel so thankful and incredibly blessed to have had a transplant after being in dialysis for only 3mos! I had a live donor and I thank God for him every day!
Be Blessed,
Dena from Dallas, TX
After my transplant, my
Prednisone dose was gradually reduced and I have been on 5 mg daily for 15 plus years. I seem to tolerate it well. I don’t think I ever had a moon face, but even if I did, a transplant is worth it.
I was transplanted three months ago. My prednisone went down to 10 mg but the moon face has not gone down at all. I truly hope it does. Even if it doesn't life with a new kidney is better than dialysis for sure. My husband gave me his kidney and now poor chap has high creatinine, I hope it will go down soon. He is working on it nutrition wise but some things cannot be controlled.
Ive been on 5 mg of prednisone since day 1 im 10 months post🙏 No moon face😷 🙏 eberyone os effected differently😝