I was on dialysis for 2&1/2 years. been diabetic since 1989. the problems i have post transplant are i believe to the immunesuppresant medicine. I have balance problems, concentration & some memory problems along with weight gain (50 lbs-mostly fluid); I'm still blessed & thankful for the transplant from a deceased 36 yr old person. After 3 years i finally got the nerve to contact the family. they are wonderful & now our extended family. We met their very large family last summer & intend to have a picnic with them again soon
i'm new here, had a transplant in 2012 - Kidney Transplant
i'm new here, had a transplant in 2012

Hi my name is Dave 8 month strong was on dialyses for7 years looking to talk with people who have been through the same hell as I have can we talk?🙏🙏😛
What questions do you have?
I’m wondering about side effects of the anti rejection meds and what I can exspect?
I'm sure everyone is different, but I experience weight gain { I think it is the prednesone}. I also experience some confusion/memory loss, occasional diarhea, along with a little balance problem. If you take your prograf & cellcept 2 hours apart, it helps with the diarhea. I also feel low energy & lethargic at times. Good luck to you!
Hey well I’m exspearancancing a bit of balance issues nothing major my skin is very delicate and I get emotional over the smallest things 😭 so where about you live?
my skin is also very sensitive, especially to cold, along with some balance problems; The alternitive is better with transplant. Emotional at times also
I forgot, I live in western PA.
Talking about these things with someone that had been through the same realy helps 😛
I know, as I have learned a lot from other transplant patients, I thought I was on an island at times, until I talked to other patients with similar problems. Also, if you are fair skinned as I am, get checked for skin cancer.
I found after my transplant it took me a while to adjust to the meds they effected my glucose levels they where high 20s but after a a couple
Months I’ve got it down to around 7 to 10 which is I feel the best at talk to my diabetic doctor he said that’s fine just keep checking I check 3-4 times a day