I am going to be a kidney donor to my older brother, hopefully this summer. I am 100% committed. But for ALL of you who are considering this, or a little nervous, or just want to find out what's it about, PLEASE watch this video that Lori did on her experience. It was GREAT! youtube.com/watch?time_cont... Very helpful!
Go Ask Lori!: I am going to be a kidney... - Kidney Donation
Go Ask Lori!
Great video especially the part about walking into the O.R.
So true! I donated my kidney to my husband last year at NYP in NYC and fortunately my girlfriend who was there for me in surgery day coincidentally had a totally different surgery also at NYP and told me that I’d walk myself into the surgery room and the table was T shaped like the cross for Jesus Christ!!! It was! Thank God she had given me the heads up or I may have freaked out too! Great video! Crocheting cricket - you are a hero! It’s so true that you will feel so much better from the giving! I did not have any surgical site pain. The only pain I had was in my shoulders from the gases they use for laparoscopic procedure. Eat light for week before and def after, drink plenty of fluids, and walk, walk, walk! I found tremendous relief from heat packs on my shoulders for pain. Went away in a few days and I took only Tylenol
Thanks for posting your experience! I already plan to take my heating pad to the hospital!
Just curious, What did you tell yourself before climbing on the table? I looked around and just said " do it and shut up" to myself. So much for the "hero" stuff. No cape involved here just the knowledge you are helping someone else.
It was shocking! At NYP they take you right up to the door by wheel chair and then they have you stand and walk thru the door and get onto the table.
I remember the room was large, very bright, very cold, screens everywhere! and a handful of very busy/preoccupied nurses. I think I took a few deep breaths, hopped on the table and the nurse said anesthesia dr would be there in a minute. It seems so surreal to recollect. I don’t remember much more from before surgery.
I will tell you that upon ck in on surgery day I was offered the option to take additional anesthesia which would be injected in recovery. I was so fortunate to meet another donor prior to my surgery who recommended I take it so I did! I had no incision pain and gas pains were manageable so I suggest you ask about this option rather than wait til surgery day!
My center knocked me out prior to going to OR. However I am a RN and have liked walking into the OR to meet the team.
That's a good point! I hope they introduce themselves, if possible (although as an RN, you might have known them previously).