I am considering becoming a kidney living donor
Organ Donor : I am considering becoming a... - Kidney Donation
Organ Donor

That's a fantastic thing to consider! To help you move forward with your decision, contacting your local hospital or hospitals that perform kidney transplants can be a great way to get accurate information. I donated over two years ago and feel great. Good luck with everything!

Thanks for the encouragement! That will be my next step

Something that you may consider is going to the NKF site and asking for a Peer Mentor. That will put you in contact with someone that has gone through being a donor and may be answer some questions for you.
Perhaps I should have asked my next question before considering donating a kidney: Am I too old? 71 and in good physical condition
I think that is great ! God Bless you. I know at the transplant facility where I am waiting age is not a factor but as mentioned all are different. In any event what a wonderful thing you are considering !