i wish to donate a kidney to a needy person
kidney donation: i wish to donate a kidney... - Kidney Donation
kidney donation

It’s wonderful that you are considering living donation! To start, you’ll need to contact transplant centers (hospitals that perform transplant operations) in your area and ask to speak with a “Kidney Transplant Coordinator,” who will provide you with more information and help you begin the evaluation process to become a donor.
To find a transplant center in the U.S. visit: optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/me....
Select “member” then “Find a member”, under member type select “transplant center” and then select your state.
You can find more detailed information about living donation on our website at: kidney.org/transplantation/....
Hi Frank. Where do you live please? That would be great if you could donate to my fiance
Hi I'm a 39 year old female with 2 children a 9 year old boy and an 18 year old daughter who functions on a 14 year old level I'm O positive blood type and I live in hbg.pa. I'm on dialysis have had diabetes for 27 years and high blood pressure for 19 years I've been looking for a donor for about 5 years now I know it's all in God's timing and I leave it all to him I trust if this is mentioned to be he will let it happen. I wish there were more people like you in this world. May God bless you and the person you may helped or are going to help
I am Shanika. This is for my friend who is suffering from a kidney disease. She is Maria who is a mother of two kids and she is 36 years old. She cannot do much hard work but she and her husband doing part time jobs in order to finance their kid’s education and living. Meantime she is doing dialysis four times a week. She is quite uncertain that she will live longer to see her kids grow. I am trying to find her a kidney donor who could help her in her life. She is O+ blood group and I could provide more details if you need. This would be a great help!
Hello Frank, I just wanted to give you my email. gregoneedskidney@gmail.com
My fiancé is a father of 4 who is a wonderful father, best friend, son and still holds a full time job. HE is doing dialysis at home, not to mention still loves inventing, working on cars, motorcycles and doing electrical stuff around the home. He would do anything for those he loves, sacrifice his life. This is why its my turn to do what I can to find a donor. Thank you.