Side effects after donation?: Hi all! I... - Kidney Donation

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Side effects after donation?

Karen_B profile image
9 Replies

Hi all! I have just finished my evaluation to donate and I am waiting to see if I am a good candidate. Have any of you experienced any complications or side effects from the surgery?

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Karen_B profile image
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9 Replies
klatkam profile image

I am new to this community, however, I donated in 2010 and have not experienced any side effects.

SoniaBrummer profile image

Thank you for getting tested!!

To be able to donate, you have to be pretty healthy. So in theory nearly all donors should have a quick and normal recovery. I saw DMcGrath's response, and there will always be a few edge cases of just random stuff, and even bad luck. My recovery was everything they had told me it would be. Like DMcGrath said, not a normal case and most people really have a predictable experience that your transplant coordinator can tell you all about.

The pain is no joke, but they are professionals and the pain mngt plan is really good. You sleep through most of the pain too. You sleep A LOT for a few weeks. The constipation for a week is real. More annoying than anything. The anesthesia puts your digestive track to sleep, and it takes longer to wake up than your brain. Takes days. Hence the constipation. I vomited on my third day in the hospital and they still sent me home. It was because my stomach wasn't fully awake and had simply filled up with food. Looking back on it, it is kinda funny.

One thing they didn't warn me about was the pain in my shoulders. They fill up your belly with gas for the laparoscopic procedure - they remove most of it, but some will remain in your body. Just like gas bubbles in your soda, they float to the top. So the gas sits in your shoulders for a few days. It is just a lot of pressure and a strange feeling.

I went home after 3 days. I stopped taking pain pills after 1 week. (Maybe intermittently for another week, I don't remember exactly) I went back to work part time after 2 weeks. Full time after 3 or 4 weeks. (Desk job for me; if your job is physically demanding, bank on more time off work). I started doing more exercise than just walking after 6-8 weeks. I needed help with groceries and laundry for 6-8 weeks. And I was doing all the activities at the same level I was doing before surgery, including running and yoga, at about 4.5-5 months. I lived alone but stayed with friends most night those first 2 weeks.

Best of luck to you!!

Happydonor profile image

Hi - I donated 7 years ago at the age of 53 and had a normal recovery. No side effects and no dietary or exercising restrictions (of course you have to be careful about exercising too strenuously for a few months post surgery). The only side effect that I recall immediately post surgery was that it took me quite a while to urinate on my own. Perhaps they removed my catheter too early but because my abdomen was swelling excessively they had to put it back in.......never pleasant for a guy. But ultimately all was good and I was discharged 3 nights after surgery.

butterflyintraining profile image
butterflyintraining in reply to Happydonor

That sounds terrible (the catheter). Sorry that happened to you!

marcyc profile image
marcycNKF AmbassadorNKF Peer Mentor

Hi I donated in 2015, age 59. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Yes there was real pain for a few days but I had a PCA pump in which you can give yourself pain meds when you need it. After the first day, didn’t need it’. Yes to shoulder pain on day 2 from the air they use to inflate your abdomen, walking helps it go away. Discharged on day 3. Walked in the mall day 5. All lab ok. Drink a lot of water. Don’t lift anything heavy. Basically just follow instructions. Thank you.

Sulyn profile image

Hello Karen

As a donar (gave kidney to husband) in 2011 and the only side effect was feeling tired, which is normal after an operation. I spent 2 nights in the hospital and once home began taking short walks with a friend. Each day I felt stronger. I was 64 and never had an operation so I was very pleased with the recovery. So when you feel tired, listen to your body, and take a rest. I wish you and your recipient the best!!!!

Imeviesgranny profile image

Hello Karen

I donated a kidney to my husband in January. After the initial healing post surgery I can honestly say I don’t feel any different. I’m 60 years old but still active.

I have had conversations with other living donors and not one of them has regretted their decision.

However, I’m a retired nurse and I know that no surgery is without risk. It’s good you’re finding out as much as you can pre-op. Stay as healthy as you can which will give you a big advantage in your recovery.

My husband’s condition has improved enormously and we have a normal life back.


Good luck to you and your recipient

butterflyintraining profile image
butterflyintraining in reply to Imeviesgranny

Sounds like your recovery went well. Since you donated to your husband, you were both in the hospital and then recovering at the same time. Did you have someone stay with you when you first got home?

Kara77 profile image

I am one year post donation and honestly I felt fine very quickly. I was sore, but never really in pain. I took no pain pills at home and was put to dinner three days post surgery. One year later, I often forget it happened unless someone mentions it. I feel completely the same. I donated at age 40 and was very active beforehand which I think helped. Good luck!

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