I have pain & soreness in my fistula,have been using ice & heat.Is there any other things I can do to help it feel better?
painful fistula: I have pain & soreness in... - Kidney Dialysis
painful fistula

Is the pain from infiltration or something else like pain with cannulation? Do you use EMLA cream prior to cannulation? Sometimes when cannulating they can hit or touch a nerve bundle which can be very painful.Can you tell us more, like location of fistula, how long has it been used, needle size, type of pain, when the pain starts, duration and type of pain etc? Also, speed of blood pump, length of treatment time. Have you had a fistulogram? Is there a possible stenosis?
I do use the cream,fistula in on upper right arm.Had it since Oct of last year started using it in Feb of this year.Needle is 16,there is 1 person that sticks me that I have the pain & soreness & bruising I dont want to hurt feelings by saying .something. I have used Icy Hot roll on around the fistula but not directly on it & it has helped so much I cant believe it.
Well, I understand not wanting to offend. The pain and suffering will continue for you forever until YOU speak up for yourself!! So happy you're getting some relief. Blessings
I think i can help you in a certain ay
Required a colour Doppler test, and see the situation of the fischula, take doctor's consultant, may be better giving Throbophob jell on ur fischulla according to my opinion.