Any advice on taking Procrit shots?
Procrit: Any advice on taking Procrit shots? - Kidney Dialysis

Procrit does increase blood pressure;hence, one needs to monitor the BP daily and contact your doctor if your BP increasing beyond the control of your medication.
Every two -4 weeks, your level of hemoglobin, hct, iron, etc. should be monitored, so your doctor could adjust the dosage of Procrit you are receiving.
I received Procrit treatment for 2 months and after my hb and hct have been close to normal range and stabilized, I am now using an Iron 350 mg supplement. If my hb too low ( below 10.5 grams per deciliter), then the doctor will prescribe Procrit and monitoring my condition until my hb come back to around 10.8 -11.5.
I’m in a similar situation to you. I was on Procrit for longer though, about 10 months. My nephrologist then shifted me to Auryxia, 210MG 3x a day. This medication now has my hemoglobin consistently between 11.5 and 11.8