Posts - Kidney Disease | HealthUnlocked

Kidney Disease

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All posts for April 2020

Very high EGFR

Hi I am a patient with CML. My last few bloodworks my egfr has been going sky hi...
Point88 profile image


Rare renal cell carcinoma of right kidney that have had almost 2 years which was...
SadMad profile image

Bubbles in urine and left Flank pain

I am having bubbles in my urine since past 1 month. 80pc of the times they dissi...
Sallu123 profile image
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Grocery shopping during a Pandemic

How is everyone adapting to grocery shopping during this Pandemic? Any challenge...

Diagnosed with early stage kidney disease, have ?s

Hi everyone, I was just diagnosed with early kidney disease. The nurse called fr...
rchrist693 profile image