Hi I'm Vivek . I am 27 years old & Last month I was diagnosed with diabetes , hypertension and CKD 1 . My BP at that time was 160/100 . The doctor gave me two medicines telmisartan 40 mg and dapagliflozin 10mg . I started working out since that day , reduced salt & eating healthy. Now , my BP since the past two days has been 90/58 . Should i continue with Telmisartan or stop it ? If anyone has faced similar issues please reply . My doctor is out of town & unreachable at the moment
Should I stop this medication ! : Hi I'm... - Kidney Disease
Should I stop this medication !

You should talk to your doctor about this. No one should stop a drug on their own. There could be withdrawal effects, or it could just be a bad idea. Besides it could be the meds that is making your bp so low. Good luck
My worry is that it'll make it way too low . DBP below 60 isn't good and my doctor is out of town. There's no way to reach him until Tuesday
Imviiku, do you have a primary doctor? Or does your primary doctor have a PA (a physician assistant)? Or do you have a "Doctors on Demand"? Losing weight and exercising will do that - and that's great. It's important that your meds are adjusted now if the figure you're showing is happening quite routinely. Going too low can make you pass out, hurt your kidneys, etc. Most doctors don't believe their patients will actually work on their health, but you are doing so. Very impressive. And very smart. You likely will lead a nice long life - possibly totally medication free. Much respect.
That's the first positive thing I have heard in the last 40 days . Thank you so much . I'm just 27 & i am in so much stress with all the protein spilling . I still haven't had UACR . I have only gotten checked with dipstick and it has been Postive to Trace until now . I have heard that doctors wait for 3 months but mine has already declared CKD 1 . My eGFR is 120 but with all the protein spilling it'll go down quickly. Anyways , thanks for the kind words .
You're exceptional in taking charge of your life. It's the diabetes that's highly likely the underlying cause of your issues. Most people ignore their diabetes, simply relying on the meds and not changing their diet or lifestyle. And here you are, doing both! Much respect. My hubby is also a T2D and he loved his food, didn't care to diet or exercise. And believed his meds would keep him healthy. However, diabetes (notably glucose) slowly hardens and thickens the blood vessels taking out filtration vessels inside your kidneys increasing your blood pressure, leaking protein and albumin, and more. These problems will improve as you move ahead with diet and exercise. My hubby suddenly realized he was close to going on dialysis and immediately changed his habits. But he waited too long so he was put on dialysis; he later got a transplant. Interestingly, my hubby managed to completely get off his diabetes meds while on dialysis - amazing his doctors - and this also led to the transplant. Hubby now takes wellbeing very seriously. His mom also had T2D, but she took immediate action like you did. She never needed diabetes meds and lived well into her 80s, taking only a blood pressure med. Two different people, two different actions, two different outcomes. Keep doing what you're doing, and you will live a wonderful life. I predict your next labs will be greatly improved. It really gives me great joy to see that you're actually doing this. You're one of the few. And you're amazing.
Thank you so much for these kinds . You don't know how much they mean to me at this moment. I have already reduced my fasting blood glucose levels to 85 & pp to 95 . Protein is still there . Maybe it'll take a while until that stops , I'll have to be consistent . Anyways , thank you for replying and relieving some of my stress , May God bless you with long & Healthy life
You are very lucky your Doctor informed you that you have Stage 1 ckd. In most cases in the US they do not consider it an issue until you get to stage 3 or egfr below 60. It would have been a good idea if your doctor had another medical professional covering while he was away. BP of 90/60 is low but not deadly. If you are having fainting or dizziness it would be a good idea to get emergency care. Protein in your urine can usually be controlled with medication.
I know we're not supposed to take matters into our own hands, but in a similar situation (I exercised and gave up all sweeteners and lost weight and my bp just felt too low) I reduced my bp meds by halving the tablet and keeping an eye on my bp and informing my doctor at my next appointment. He was fine with it, by the way. Sounds like you have a good doctor, I don't know much about diabetes though, I guess you should be careful that your sugar numbers stay in range.
Make an appt to see your doctor as soon as you can when he gets back from holiday .
But continue to take your meds . until you can see your doctor and talk to him.
Never stop meds on your own it can be dangours.
Written by an RN
You said that you’re spilling protein but that your dipstick only reveals a trace of protein which is the lowest reading. Dipsticks are not as accurate as a urine ACR test. Other reasons for traces of protein in the urine are strenuous exercise and stress. Please don’t worry about this. As far as CKD 1 goes your numbers are very very good so it isn’t something that you should stress about. Very good that you have reduced salt. Also look for hidden salt in foods. Make sure to drink two or three litres of water a day too. So with your blood pressure I understand your worry. I also take 40mg Telmisartan daily. As I have usually had low blood pressure most of my life I felt that I was a bit dizzy on it and stopped for a few months. When I went back to my doctor my blood pressure was very high so started on it again. That was three years ago and I’ve just been diagnosed CKD3 caused by not taking my blood pressure tablets. Please stay on them until you see your doctor. 40mg Telmisartan is not a high dose. My husband and my sister both take 80mg. I think that stress is something you should work at reducing as it is not good for your blood pressure at all. My suggestion to you is to take your Telmisartan before you go to bed instead of in the morning. My husband also takes his before bed. Also make sure to drink enough water when you exercise. Take care. I’m sure you will be fine. If you’re still worried just call a different doctor
It's quite possible that the nutrition and lifestyle improvements you've made (well done!) have contributed to your BP drop. My mum (ckd3) was able to successfully wean off BP medication several years ago soon after she started a protocol from a qualified Nutritional Therapist and remains drug-free and normotensive🤞🤞I'm not suggesting you do that as it must be your decision whether or not you consult with a medic.
I would keep taking the medication until you talk to your doctor.