Cannot shake anxiety and thoughts of dying ... - Kidney Disease

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Cannot shake anxiety and thoughts of dying since told. eGfr up and down along with creatinine

69YOScared profile image
26 Replies

Since I was told I have kidney disease, I am having trouble sleeping, eating, stomach pains, and headaches. I suffer from anxiety anyways as posted before. The Dr is not taking another blood test until next week. My PSA has also gone from a 2.3 to a 3.1. I have had an enlarged prostate for as long as I know. I am 69. I do not want to eat anything because I do not want to make matters worse. I am drinking way more water and peeing pleanty. Pee is clear or a light yellow, if that matters. Please see my chart in the photo. You will notice I was low once before. The dots represent the dates read. Could it just be a bad reading.? I have not left the house, and do not want any company. We did not go out for Thanksgiving because I did not want to talk about it. I know I sound over the top...but.. I am.. I have other repairable medical problems, but this one I cannot. It is going to be very hard for me to change my life eating. Sorry... but this is my feelings. The top graph is creatinine test

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69YOScared profile image
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26 Replies
WinJ3 profile image

Your charts don’t look all that bad. Work with a nutritional to develop a plan with the foods you like eating. You got a lot going for you already by drinking lots of water. The good thing for you is that you can stop the progression of CKD and maybe even gain back some of your kidney function. 😊


69YOScared profile image
69YOScared in reply to WinJ3

That is good news to think of when I go to bed tonight.... I do not want to die yet... I need to get more education on the disease. All I know, is its not good. I worked with a man, young... he had to get dialisis all the time... he finally died... I could not understand why. It did a job on me. And now I see him in my mirror. Thank you for looking at my numbers... .it was the 50 that scared me

Sophiebun11 profile image
Sophiebun11 in reply to 69YOScared

50 means that 50% of your kidneys are working just fine. You should be happy for what you have. You aren't dying. Your friend who had dialysis was in Stage 5 with an eGFR of below 15 he'd have been thrilled to be at 50. You are in Stage 3. It could be years, decades or never that you'd need dialysis. I'd plan on never and stop reading about it and worrying yourself. My eGFR went down to 28 and I never thought I was dying or going to start dialysis. A positive attitude makes ALL the difference with any problem in life.

Best of luck.

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41NKF Ambassador

I am 80 years young and was diagnosed at level 3b, almost 5 years ago. I was prescribed a CKD diet that was appropriate for my blood work results. After a short period I adjusted to the diet. Davita has many recipes also. I also have BPH.

citruskayaker profile image

You are way over the top on this. If life matters, you MUST change your diet. No red meats or processed foods. Avoid fried food, fast food, sausage, deli meats and stop all alcohol. You have the potential to die from something else if you do this right. Death is a natural part of life, so why fear it? Fear, depression and anxiety all undermine our quality of life, inhibit rational decisions and are harmful to our health. Instead, embrace life and the beauty of this world. Decide to do what it takes, get professionals to help and take it step by step. Nobody else can do it for you and there is no magic pill.

nascar4433 profile image
nascar4433 in reply to citruskayaker

Excellent! Well said.

Sophiebun11 profile image
Sophiebun11 in reply to citruskayaker

That was very well said, citruskayaker.

mickeyba1 profile image

69: Many meds especially diabetes meds will make your kidneys fail. So go to and learn who should not take these meds. I have dc'd ozempic and glyxambi and my creatinine returned to normal and my egfr jumped 35 points to 83. Yes that is stage 2 ckd but on those meds I was at egfr of 49. Diabetes and blood pressure uncontrolled are the two major causes of ckd so if you have them, then there is something you can do. If you do not have them, then your nephro needs to explain to you what is the cause of your ckd. Do you know what is the cause of your ckd??

jodaer profile image

69, you need to get a grip on your anxiety. I would recommend you see a counsellor to help you manage it. Your numbers aren't that bad. I expect many people on this list would be over the moon to have numbers like that. News flash: you are going to die. We all are, from one thing or another. I can understand your food dilemma, I'm there too. You don't have to go from eating meat daily to completely vegan overnight. Start small, find a few dishes/meals that are good but doesn't use beef or other meat. Also, cut back on the amount you eat. Strive for around 60 grams of protein daily. Repeat find more meals... etc.

medway-lady profile image

I'm 68 years old been stage 5 in 2018, now stage 4/3b and life is actually normal my GFR is 26 and I eat normally. I'm not saying diet doesn't matter but I eat healthily and had an injury. So all things in moderation works for me and I don't drink alcohol because I don't really like it. I walk, and am not diabetic, I have normal blood pressure and all my other bloods are fine. So my message is that it is totally unnecessary to panic you can live a long time with CKD and you'll probably make yourself ill by being so frightened and stressed out by worrying. Take every day as it comes and also I worked with someone who had a transplant who is still alive and very well some 42 years ago. Dyalasis is a big thing but people die anyway, so please stop dwelling on the what might happen and concentrate on the positive. You're not dead and can live every day making the most of any opportunity offered. I'd also suggest that you talk to a counsellor as your fear of the what might not happen is paralysing you and stopping you from functioning normally.

nascar4433 profile image

I totally agree with what the others have already said. Your numbers are good compared to some. I understand being concerned, but not to the point of shutting yourself down and not wanting to talk to people. They don't have to know your numbers unless you tell them, so steer the conversation away from the topic. Truthfully, unless they're a very close relative or friend, they don't want to hear it anyway. My eGFR just dropped from 34 to 22 in 3 months and yes, I'm concerned, but trying not to freak out until I talk to my nephro tmrw. Do your research, make small adjustments to your diet (as we all have to do), and don't send yourself to an early grave with your anxiety. You CAN handle this if you want to. Sounds like you really need counseling on your anxiety. Please seek help so you can have a better quality of life...with or without CKD.

69YOScared profile image

Thank you all for your responses... this has been like the death roller coaster for me since last week. Yes I suffer from anxiety and pop xanax like pezz in the last week. Let me tell you how this all started... my endrocronligist first said my PSA went from 1.9 to a 3.1, yes but, he neglected to look at the last 8 years that has been about 2.5 2.8 around that range. He also is incharge of my testosterone shots.. he also pointed out that my testosterone was high... So he did not tell me to lower it... he told me to see my urologist. Well, my urologist has been more working on my enlarged prostate and making sure my kidneys were OK and I pee ok. He let the endocronoligist take care of the testosterone. So, now that these numbers were up along with the egfr and creatine, he passes me off to the urologist who has not kept track of the testosterone. So upon seeing the PCP she sent all records to urologist. Both have told me that all my number in the past have been a little up and a little down. I do not drink enough water. All my bloodtests are fasting. I am not going back to the endocronoligist, I will let the urologist take over the testosterone. I only take 0.03 lines on the needle.. very little.. But that may have enlarged my prostate because my testosterone was at an almost all time high.. My range is 500-680,,, the last test was 780, so I am guessing that increased my PSA. They have me hydrating and my PCP took new blood tests today.. I was drinking so much water, I was peeing every 2 hours.. I almost peed my pants once. Also, I notice that it made made me have more bowl movements. Instead of 1 every day or ever other day... I was moving 2-3 times a day. I have lost 8 pounds between the nerves and cleaning out. I will get the blood tests back either tomorrow or friday. I got a good mind to give my endocronologist a piece of my mind if everything comes back OK. But, I am not raising any victory flags yet...I have some hope from all of you stating my numbers look good and so far two doctors. Thank you all for hanging in with me and bringing me off the cieling. So happy to have people that help people when procieved times get tough.

Sophiebun11 profile image

Your kidney numbers don't look that bad.It is your anxiety that is your worse medical condition. at this point.

You say you have other repairable medical problems, well CKD is manageable and you may keep it from getting worse with a plant based diet, controlling BP, and most of all controlling your stress and anxiety.

Why on earth you'd avoid people because you have Stage 3 CKD is beyond me. Medically you have no valid reason to be this freaked out. There is no reason you would even need to discuss it with people. I've been disabled with an autoimmune disease for the past 40 years and cancer for the past 11 years and was supposed to have died within 36 months. No Dr. told you that you were going to die or anything that validates your reaction to CKD.

Your mental illness is a totally different issue and can affect every part of your life and it can affect the relationships you have with the people in your life. If you aren't seeing a psychiatrist or therapist please do so and get on some medication to control it. You don't want to drive away those around you by your stress due to over-reacting to your CKD. I know that anxiety is a serious and very real condition, but don't be anxious over imagined doom and gloom. It is very hard for your loved ones to constantly be talking you off the proverbial ledge. You really need to get better control of your anxiety. Please speak to your mental health professional about this concern.

Your Dr. will check your eGFR every 3 months and see where it is. See a dietician again to see if there are any dietary improvements for you to make to keep your eGFR as high as it is currently.

Try doing some exercise that you enjoy. Exercise is wonderful for stress, CKD, anxiety, and general physical and mental health. Everyone can do some kind of exercise. When you don't feel like exercising is when you need to do it most.

Try this 10 minute QiGong YouTube. It's mild movement and breathing, and I guarantee it will both destress you and energize you even if momentarily. And that's a start. Good luck : )

jodaer profile image
jodaer in reply to Sophiebun11

I so qigong sometimes but I start every day with yoga and meditation. Works good.

WildIris profile image

I have a couple of thoughts:

Fear of death is way bigger for some than others. There's a book called "Denial of Death" by Ernest Becker that helped me. You're not alone in that awful cold fear. I got through the worst of it by thinking about my death on purpose for a couple of days until the fear hormones or whatever were just used up and after that it was never overwhelming again. I also talked to a counselor a few times.

Also, check your protein levels on your labs. Fasting for more than a few days isn't healthy. "Protein wasting" is a predictor of mortality in CKD. for an article with that title. On the other hand, too much protein is also bad, and predicts kidney decline. The ideal form of protein for CKD is a manufactured product that does not contain nitrogen, because nitrogen waste from protein is particularly hard for the kidneys. This is assuming you want to live as long as possible. Keto-acids is what non-nitrogen amino acids are called. Albutrix is the brand that some of us on this site use. Ideally, you get about 40ish (depending on your size) grams of protein from plant sources, and another 20ish from Albutrix. Its expensive though, so getting 60ish from plant protein is fine for your stage of CKD too.

69YOScared profile image
69YOScared in reply to WildIris

I am seeing urologist next week and will ask for a protein test.

69YOScared profile image

I know... It just was a surprise, I would like to make it to 85 as my father did. I lost my mother to a disease at her age of 55 and it shocked me. I love my wife, and know how much it would hurt her to leave early.. I know this sounds stupid... but I have seen friends leave way to early....their wifes devistated. Some get remarried, some lonley

69YOScared profile image

Working on it..... I love life

KidneyCoach profile image
KidneyCoachNKF Ambassador

I agree with all other posters. You say you see your young friends face who died while on dialysis--in the mirror. It seems you lost your rational thinking. If you knew someone who died in a car accident would you see their face in the mirror. Would that cause you to stop driving or going out of the house?? You are creating your own anxiety and without due cause. Go to and get knowledge to replace your fear. It's NOT a death sentence. I was told I had kidney disease over 40 years ago. I went on dialysis 20 years ago.

We are ALL going to die. No one escapes death. Get to a counselor who can help you address your fears and irrational thoughts about death. You are going to be okay today. Conquer tomorrow when tomorrow arrives. Live for today, prepare for tomorrow. Blessings

69YOScared profile image
69YOScared in reply to KidneyCoach

Good point, I drive more carefully.... so arego, I should eat easier

RhenDutchess123 profile image

Fear doesnt stop you from stops you from living....hang in there

69YOScared profile image
69YOScared in reply to RhenDutchess123

Thank you... I am trying to calm down, My PCP told me the numbers are not bad, she did a second set of blood test yesterday and I was hydrated. So they want to see what that shows. I also have a urologist appointment to check the 3.1 PSA which I have been told is within normal limits. its my endocronoligist that panic'ed on that saying it went from 1.9 to 3.1, however it has been around 2.6 for years...he read an old report.

WYOAnne profile image
WYOAnneNKF Ambassador

The NKF's website has a lot of info for you regarding CKD kidney.orgYou can also sign up for a kidney class on line at

You need to calm down and take of yourself. Learn what you can. I believe that knowledge is power.

There are many on this site that have been able to stabilize their CKD by eating a kidney friendly diet. Both the NKF and Davita have diet suggestions. Maybe your nephrologist can refer you to a renal dietician.

You need to start thinking positive and stop thinking that CKD is a death sentence. Live life. Stress is your kidney's enemy. Get out of the house and take a walk. Exercise is important for your health.

HisLittleOne profile image

Have faith in the LORD Jesus, my friend. I too was in shock at first about CKD 3 2 ½ years ago. But I have faith in God and in His power to heal. After much prayer (and doing the things I am able to do to help my health) I just was told by my kidney doctor today that he doesn’t consider me to have CKD and my numbers look good for 72 years old —better than his!! That’s what faith in God and prayer can do! Of course, watch your diet and be responsible with your health…but DO NOT PANIC! That will affect every cell in your body.

I mediate on Scripture and it brings me great peace. If you open your heart to the LORD, He will give you peace.

“You will keep him in perfect peace,

Whose mind is stayed on You,

Because he trusts in You.” (Isaiah 26:3)

“I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.

“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!” (‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34:4,8)

I am just sharing with you from my own life and can totally relate to overwhelming great and anxiety. And if you put your trust in God there is no fear of death either…

Jesus said; “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” ‭‭John‬ ‭11:25-26‬

Be grateful for your life and every blessing, every day is a gift from God and cherish your loved ones and friends.

God bless you, friend!

69YOScared profile image

Well, things have changed a little, I drank water like a normal person and not just coffee in the morning and wine at 5 and water with dinner only and watching TV. I drank water all day. More than one or two cups a day. Probably went up to 4-6 cups a day of water. This is my results after two weeks of new water habits.... have not started the walking yet due to a knee surgery. Am I almost in the clear at 69? double click on picture to open.

Blood tests
pigeonman profile image


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