Since my eGFR got into the mid 30s three years ago my pee has been so foul it is nearly nauseating.
I did totally apologize to my kitty because I thought his litter box stank and I kept cleaning it more than once a week and scouring it with vinegar and baking soda. But every time I went in the bathroom and sat down across the room from his litter box on the toilet and pee'd I smelled that horrid smell.
I finally figured out a few days ago that it was me LOL!!! Poor kitty!!! He was totally blameless.
I drink tons of water. I literally finish off a 5 gallon bottle of spring water per week, so my urine is dilute. I don't know if it's simply CKD in general. My eGFR did go down into the high 20s, and now back up again but it didn't seem to help with the odor.
I am the only stinker? I hate to pee in a public restroom for fear I'll nauseate anyone waiting in line. This is embarrassing. I know people have worse problems, but just looking to see if I'm in good standing as a member of the Stinker's Club or if I'm a lone stinker.
Thanks : )