Was here several months ago with concern re: labs. Expressed my concerns with my GP & despite a downward trend she says no worries probably dehydration from labs being fasting labs. I just turned 60. What would you do?
Gp downplaying my concerns re: lab trends - Kidney Disease
Gp downplaying my concerns re: lab trends
Just looked at my post from when I first joined and time flies because it was two years ago. Lol! My labs from my original post were from a different doctor. The labs I posted today are from my GP, same lab, always fasting but allowed to have water. Conditions are already the same, nothing has changed.
I am a senior also, age 79 and diagnosed 5 years ago at CKD level 3b. I too had declining eGFR over the years. Best to be proactive and get information. Here is a link to information on eGFR that references age. Davita is also a good source of information. How are your blood levels of sodium, potassium, & phosphorus. Perhaps get a second opinion. Keep us posted.
My GP wasn’t really interested either! I’m 58 with an eGFR of 57, but 3 months ago it was 51. Basically I ignored her platitudes and took control! As recommended on here by someone who had done the same, with great results, I bought Lee Hull’s two books “ Stopping Kidney Disease “ and the recipe book that can accompany it, changed my diet to plant based and got my BMI to the normal range and did daily exercise.
Yes, I’d like to see a renal dietician and a nephrologist, but I don’t think that’ll happen any time soon, unless I pay for them. There are only a handful of renal dietician in the U.K.! I’d have quite enjoyed that as a career, I think, but late now though !
So get on Amazon ( I know, I don’t like to support them either, but needs must) but those two books and take control by educating yourself.
Request repeat blood tests in three months time and see what you can change in that time. Good luck and keep us posted !
Thanks so much for your thoughtful reply.I’ll definitely look into your suggestions. I m sorry it too so long for me to reply back. Major life stuff happening with elderly parents and moving. I’m waiting on my next round of blood work and hope to see specialist if any further decline.
If your GP isn't explaining these test results to you, I would be getting a second opinion. If your insurance allows, see a nephrologist. Please remember though that just a blood test showing your eGFR isn't proof of kidney disease. There has to show a trend with your creatinine, BUN, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, eGFR, etc. Dr. also looks at your urine for protein RBC, WBC, etc. A nephrologist will get creatinine ratio with blood and urine results.
I would get an expert, nephrologist, look at your labs. When seeing him, make sure you bring all copies of your labs.
Keep us posted!