Seeing the dietitian this Thursday , any suggestions on questions I need to ask as my CKD stage 3 Journey continues ? I am still overwhelmed about this big change and will probably zone out LOL. Any advice will be appreciated .
Dietitian: Seeing the dietitian this Thursday... - Kidney Disease
Hi Cowboy,
Bring your lab results with you. Is the dietician a renal dietician?
Learn what protein level they recommend for you and then ask what a 3 -4 ounce serving of meat REALLY is. You might be shocked at how much meat you really eat.
Make sure you bring your medication list too. Some drugs really are affected by what we eat and when. For example, grapefruit juice really messes up statins and some cholesterol meds.
Ask what foods they recommend that are kidney friendly and healthy that are premade. Like some Healthy Choice dinners are ok, but ask what else or what she recommends from restaurants.
If you think about it write down how much you move every day. Do you do planned exercises or walk? Are you physical in your job. All make a big difference in how much and what you should eat.
If you have time before you go, for the next few days, write down everything you eat. EVERYTHING. Do you snack on cheese? Do you eat a lot of fruit? Don't cheat and not write down you ate a half bag of tiny Musketeers, (Oh wait, that was me...). All things matter.
Good luck and I hope they help.
Since you mentioned it, bring someone with you to write down what was said. It can be overwhelming and having a scribe will help. Also, ask the RD if you can communicate via e-mail or phone for minor adjustments to your meal plan in the early stages of your plan. Once you learn what foods to cut back on if your potassium and/or phosphorus numbers spike you'll be able to make your own changes.
If you can't get someone to scribe for you and if you have a voice recorder on your phone, get permission to record the meeting so you can play it back at home. It will be a lit of information.
Best of luck.