Edema and CKD
My husband is 53 with ESRD due to high bp. ... - Kidney Disease
My husband is 53 with ESRD due to high bp. He has no edema at all and creatinine of ten 10. I thought edema came along with kidney failure?

Hi brynat2🐶
I rarely experience fluid retention or edema. Even when my eGFR was at 8 I still experienced minimal edema. Some people, like me, seem to experience the opposite. I am still eliminating fluid regularly. I have trouble staying hydrated. That will sometimes cause low blood pressure for me and dizziness related to the low blood pressure.

Hi Brynat,
I have a higher GFR. The only time I EVER had edema was caused from blood pressure medications I was put on. I only took them for less than a month and it was so bad I could not breath. Stopped them, and no edema. I like Jayhawker have more issues with being hydrated than edema. All my doctors laugh when they see my ankles because they are the ONLY thing skinny on me..... lololol

I have only occasionally over 18 years had edema. My cause of kidney failure was polycystic kidney disease (PKD) which for many results in little to no need for fluid removal. Blessings
Hello there, Brynat2! Welcome to the forum! I’m somewhat new here. I’ve been reading some of the replies to your post and I have to say, my kidney issues are a result of a combination of diabetes, high BP and advanced sleep apnea (lack of sufficient oxygen for a prolonged period of time). Ever since 2008, my ankles and lower legs have always been swollen, but the edema tends to do an up and down thing with me, depending on the amount of sodium I may take in. I need to always keep a close eye on these things, as most of us on this forum do, I suppose. But before my kidneys began to fail, my ankles and legs were normal, and then suddenly, I looked down at my feet one day and saw my father’s legs! A little scary! And it’s pretty much been “cankles” ever since. Lol! All the best to everyone! 😊