I had a routine checkup with my thyroid dr today. She told me to follow the keto diet. Is that good for CkD? What is the best diet to follow? Finding it hard to follow any diet right now while coming off clonipin. That stuff is awful. One mg,! Mg (was2) but hard to come down due to anxiety, etc. Will do it tho and never again. Need to find a stress snack or something while going thru this tho. Few more weeks maybe. Anyway, is Keto diet ok? Which one is the best?
Leto diet: I had a routine checkup with my... - Kidney Disease
Leto diet

Meant keto
A keto or ketogenic diet is a very low-carb diet, which turns the body into a fat-burning machine. It has many proven benefits for weight loss, health and performance, as millions of people have experienced already.
No idea if it's any good for you renal condition you need to speak to your renal dietican or consultant. It's important not to change your diet without consultanting some one
I’d be careful if you have CKD -
"Electrolyte imbalances can also be common if keto followers aren't aware of hydration needs," Turoff says. It's important to stay hydrated on keto, she says, especially in the beginning. "As you limit carbohydrates, your body produces less insulin, and glycogen stores (how carbs are stored) in the muscles and liver are depleted. For every 1 gram of glycogen that's depleted, you lose about 3 grams of water." This causes the kidneys to flush out more water, and along with it, electrolytes your body needs like magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium. "Imbalanced electrolytes can lead to muscle cramps, irregular heartbeat, fatigue, cognitive distortions, and lack of body temperature control," Turoff says. Some people may also be more likely to get kidney stones while on keto due to inadequate hydration, according to Turoff.
I’d talk to your nephrologist. Atkins, every body loved since you lose weight fast, long term loss no different than other diets and the high protein puts pressure on your kidneys. With Keto diet, there is no long term studies on its long term effect. I’d just eat a balanced diet that’s whole food based.

I did ask my renal dietician about a keto diet and he said she would NOT recommend it. It stresses the body and therefore, stresses the kidneys. If you are looking to lose weight, modifying your caloric intake while paying attention to having a well balanced diet is the best way. She also said for me, in stage 3b, that I need to limit my animal protein. So I eat very limited chicken and eggs or cheese. For snack, I found a low carb popcorn chip or sliced fresh peppers work. I have lost weight and have brought my kidney lab values up.
I too am new to this...stage 3/just found out. Trying to find out what to avoid. Bad thing is I can't eat much fiber....and I LOVE my coffee (2-3 mugs AM and 1 cup pm. I'm not overweight and don't have diabetes.
re: clonazepam...don't know how benzos affect this but coming off is a nightmare...I'm not going to go through that. What does it have to do with kidneys?
If you need to avoid dairy and animal meat including chicken then all that's left is fish, right? ugh so tired of old age diseases
Poultry and fish are good for a CKD patient. If you need to check your medications use drugs.com to find out which ones interact with kidney function.
The Davita website has a lot of recipes that are renal friendly. You'll see lots of comments from renal dietitians at the bottom of each recipe. It really helped me to rely on these recipes at first as well as really read through what the dietitians were saying. You'll also need to visit with your nephrologist to see if you have a specific dietary restrictions due to your renal labs. The only thing I was initially told to restrict was potassium. I only ate boneless skinless chicken breasts and fish naturally though