Hi again. Just found out I am severely dehydrated. My urine was very brown. Called dr never got back to me but after drinking lots of water it helped. Still very weak. Can’t move if still for about an hour. Have to stretch so can get up. Don’t know what cause that cause it has been happening for several years on and off. Has anyone had this problem on stage 3 GFR 31. Don’t know what to do. Changed diet but something always out of wack. Just want to feel like contributing to life and very depressed for no reason. Could this be my thyroid problem or stress or just me? I am thankful to God for everyday but want to do more for others. Feeling bad I can’t. Need help and answers. Can anyone help? Why so tired? I am believing no-one believes me cause it happens so much. I hate it
Please help: Hi again. Just found out I am... - Kidney Disease
Please help

Love and prayers, Cathy. So sorry that you are feeling this way. What is your vitamin D level like? Other than iron and B12 deficiencies, vitamin d deficiency also reduces energy levels. Vitamin d deficiency also increases PTH or parathyroid numbers. If vitamin d is an issue then your nephrologist can prescribe it and these are available over the counter too but should be had only after consultation with your doctor.
Drinking water, walking ( if you can) even small amounts to begin with will help. Diet is a big part of the way forward. You can reduce the load on your kidneys by eating right. Stress of course will not help but I can understand how you feel. Praying for you. Hope you feel better soon. And thank you for all your support and kind words for all of us.
Tell your physician to order a blood and urine workup and do it again in 4-6 weeks and see if any trends or issue are there. Keep hydrated all the time, not just when your output is brown. That could be a result of other issues but that doesn't mean there is not an underlying issue. Develop an exercise routine, even walking and increase it over time until you are feeling better and not cramping. Keep hydrated and active and watch what you eat. It's not a one time only thing. It's all part of a lifestyle change.
Thank u all. Praying for u all🙏🏻 As we all know we have our days. Sorry I am complaining about my issues while some of u r so much in need of more but thank u for this site and ability to “let it out”. No-one understands but u guys and for that I am truly thankful😀🙏🏻🌈
Hey, this is the place if you have something to complain about. Pay it forward and share the good news when you get some and support any others who are having issues you can help with. Glad to have you here.
If your realky dehydrated you need to be on an IV the doctor can order to have a nurse come to your house also drink at least 64oz of pure water a day.IV will help you alot I get dehydrated alot too!!!
When I was CKD4 (GFR 27), my Nephrologist said to restrict my liquids to 2 qts./day, and anything else I eliminated via urine. Do you have High Blood Pressure? Too much liquid can make that worse if your kidneys are not fully functional. Please know that "liquid" would also include jello, fruit juices, etc.. My Nephrologist says that too much liquid will only add more stress on your kidneys. As an example, my Nephrologist said I could drink a swimming pool full of water, but my kidneys are in failure and they cannot regulate the intake or remove the excess from my blood. How is your potassium intake? Protein? These are things lab work will determine. Having said that, too much (or too little) potassium can make you feel tired. Anemia can make you feel tired. Lack of protein intake can make you feel tired. CKD in and of itself can make you feel more tired.
Get a referral from your PCP to a Nephrologist. Look in Yelp and look at ratings. A good Nephrologist can make all the difference in the world when your kidneys are in jeopardy of failing!
Good luck. Doing your own research and following your nephrologist's orders will help you feel better. A lot of us know how, when you feel tired and crappy, exercise is the last thing on your mind!
Itching and cramps can be caused by too much phosphorus intake. Even antibiotics can make your muscles and joints sore. Everything you put in your mouth goes thru your kidneys! I felt a LOT better when I quit smoking too!
Thank u Marcia. Helped a lot. God bless u and pray u r doing good or at least as good as possible and more! Prayers for u🙏🏻🌈
Thanks, Cathy. God bless you too! Keep your chin up and remain positive. Kidney disease is not a death sentence like it was prior to the invention of dialysis equipment and specialists becoming more educated. Like Mr. Kidney said, educate yourself. davita.com has a lot of good information, recipes, food analyzer, etc. "Knowledge is Power" is true!!
I keep questions I want to ask my Nephrologist on my Smartphone so I have them handy at my doctor's appointment!
Hang in there!