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Update on the Urgent and Emergency Care Review published today

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UrgentCareReviewTeamKeogh TeamNHS England
3 Replies

NHS England's Urgent and Emergency Care Review Team have today published an Update on the Review on our NHS Choices pages: nhs.uk/NHSEngland/keogh-rev...

The Update itself is accessible here: nhs.uk/uecreviewupdate

This document sets out what the Review has been doing since we last formally reported in November 2013. It reports on progress with NHS England’s work with local commissioners and the development of their five year strategic and two year operational plans, planning to develop demonstrator sites to trial ideas flowing from the Review, and work that has taken place to deliver a new NHS 111 service specification.

The Review's core aim is to support greater collaboration across the urgent and emergency care system. A new approach to reimbursing providers of health and care services is key to this. Today NHS England and Monitor have therefore also published a discussion document setting out the options for reform to the urgent and emergency care payment system to kick start this debate. You can access more information about this here:


We hope you find the Update on the Review useful, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts.

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3 Replies

Isn't all this lot just jobs for the boys for certain favourable people, and friends of Politicions, to keep on committees in extremly well paid jobs with extra's? Deciding how they can make the NHS worse by thinking they are making it better. Spending millions in reviews, in experimental work areas, and issues.

If the NHS was a Patient, and if these people were treating that Patient. The Patient would be long dead, but they would still be thinking of experimental treatments they might give to revive the long dead patient even though these people would still not realise that the patient is dead.

The NHS is crumbling because too many tiers of management (many on large expense accounts) are costing the taxpayer too much money.

That money should be going into actual care and treatments by staff on the ground.

All preparation in readiness for when the TTIP has been signed on the dotted line I suspect. I reckon Emergency and Urgent care will be about the only thing that will be free at the point of use. Everything else that's lucrative anyway, will be privatised, you'll need insurance from a company probably owned by a US medical insurance company to pay for everything else and if its not a lucrative part of health, well you'll be well and truly on your own, left to suffer, either pay for treatment yourself or put up with it.

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etinkwah in reply to

That's why they gave NHS Data (whatever form) to " EXPERIAN"

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