About 18 months ago, I was in a traffic accident and sustained a fracture in my left maxilla and a small fracture on the left side of my nose. After an X-ray, the doctor decided it wasn’t necessary to operate, as they believed it would heal on its own.
However, I still experience pain when I touch my left cheek, and when my sharp canine tooth makes contact, I feel pain that radiates up to my nose. Over the past 12 months, the pain has worsened.
There are no issues with facial movement, but I sometimes feel pressure in my left cheek. Additionally, I occasionally have tingling sensations in my nose, and at times, my left cheek feels warmer than the right side.
Doctors have told me that I just have to live with this, but it feels unbearable to continue like this. Is there any chance this could still heal, or should I give up hope? 🙁