I have had seven seizures now and have been told different information about them. All seven I had the following:
1) Increased heart rate
2) twitching lip
3) feeling like I can’t take a deep breath
4) dizziness and muscle weakness
5) shaking and bronchospasm (oxygen levels are fine I have been told)
6) told I have moments of tracking with my eyes but am not able to speak and don’t have complete consciousness.
7) high blood pressure, neutrophils and blood pH- no other bloodwork remarkable.
8)Lasts 3-5 minutes approximately
9) when on Kepra 500mg twice a day was seizure free for six weeks. Dropped to 250 mg twice a day and had my seventh seizure.
Told in México had Focal Tonic Clonic Seizure but in Canada I was told it wasn’t a typical seizure due to unremarkable bloodwork.
I am being treated like I have vasculitis and am on high doses of prednisone. Could that alter bloodwork?
How do I find out more about seizures and management? They suspended my license until I see a neurologist. I saw one in Mexico in February but have yet to see one in Canada. I guess we have a shortage.